Paladin Dad Chapter 284


Bao'er opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, with thousands of rays of light reflecting in his looming eyes, as if the galaxy was shining!

The first emperor Liujiang landed on the ground.

Little girl opened her hands curiously, hoping to hold a falling streamer.

But Di Liuyu passed through her body silently and disappeared into the ground.

Bao'er grunted his mouth, a little bit off guard.

Zuo Yi touched her head in comfort.

Emperor Liujiang is a gift from World's source to all things in the world, but humans cannot directly use it, and Transcendent is no exception.

However, the emergence of Emperor Liujiang's impact on the Nature environment is huge and far-reaching, especially in the process of Earth's upgrading.

This drastic impact will affect everyone. In the foreseeable future, the number of Transcendent and Extraordinary things will inevitably increase, and World will certainly face unprecedented changes.

Zuo Yi has foreseen that it is not just the World, the chaos of the entire main world is about to begin!


Bao'er suddenly said: "Baoshu!"

Although the little girl said a few words, Zuo Yi instantly understood her meaning, and immediately leaned down and hugged her: "Hold father, father now takes you there."

Bao'er wrapped around Zuo Yi's neck and nodded hard: "en!"

Zuo Yi turned his head and said to Fang Yonghe, who was admiring the wonders of Emperor Liu's pulp, "aunt, I'll take Bao'er out."

Fang Yonghe didn't wait for him to answer. He suddenly rose to height and leaped across the courtyard wall and disappeared.


Tyke barked anxiously, spreading his short legs and rushing forward, skipping the fence with a brief acceleration.

Bao'er wait for woof!

While shouting, chasing Zuo Yi and Bao'er away.

"Don't leave the bird!"

Immediately following Foodie Ty, Pippi, who was lying on a swing chair just now, flew out like an off-string arrow.

On Camphor Tree, Gargoyle A'Guai opened his eyes quietly.

It looked up at the night sky and spread its wings, silently taking the falling Emperor's Slurry into its arms.

At this moment, Zuo Yi had just brought Bao'er to the front of Baoshu.

This World subtree, which has grown into a towering tree, is undergoing a fierce transformation process. Its trunk is constantly expanding and elevating, and it makes a sound similar to steel bar breaks. The surface of the originally smooth bark cracked countlessly. Road gap.

A large number of new sprouts are derived from the trunk at an alarming rate, and branches and leaves are drawn in the blink of an eye, allowing the entire crown to expand rapidly.

Thousands of leaves opened up to the sky, following the emperor's falling pulp in the sky, and a few emperor's flowing pulp passed through the gap between the branches and leaves, but was surrounded by densely packed small trees below.

Not only that, the distant emperor Liujiang was attracted by an invisible force and changed its direction. It condensed into a trickle of light in the air and merged into the dense crown of the precious tree.

Like a hungry baby, greedily sucking sweet milk from mother!

Zuo Yi put Bao'er down, holding her little hand, and watching the scene quietly.


Little girl looked up at her head and said, "Treasure tree grows tall and fast."

In just a few seconds, Baoshu has grown two or three meters tall, and now it is over 50 meters in height!

And it continues to grow.

Zuo Yi nodded with a smile: "Yeah."

Zuo Yi can feel that as more and more emperors are being swallowed by this World sub-tree, its life sequence is accelerating, and the breath of Nature is stronger and stronger.

This is of course a good thing, because the better the Baoshu grows, the more help Bao'er can bring.

The treasure tree is Bao'er's Tree of Life!

Unfortunately, only less than half a minute later, Emperor Liujiang, who fell from the night sky, became scarce and scarcely disappeared.

The whole process lasted about a minute.

Without Emperor Liushui, Baoshu stopped its almost crazy growth and stopped growing.

But this World sub-tree, whether it is the diameter of the trunk, the height of the growth, or the area covered by the canopy, far exceeds the previous, like a child growing up as a teenager!

The cracks on the surface of the trunk disappeared silently, all the leaves slowly fell, and the sound of rustle was blown by the night wind, bringing the fragrance of the field.

Thousands of roots fluttered in the wind, passing by Zuo Yi and Bao'er, it was a soft whisper.

Hi guys.

"Treasure tree."

Bao'er poked out her little hand, her delicate fingers brushed the roots, and her face showed an innocent sweet smile.

A little person, a towering tree, different lives, incomparable harmony!

Tyke, who had just run after him, squatted quietly beside the little girl.

Pippi landed on her shoulder without saying a word.

I don't know when there are countless firefighting Fire Insects around. In the season when they should have disappeared, flying around the treasure tree, a little fluorescence and the bright moon in the sky complement each other, lighting up the huge tree crown.

Then the birds appeared, the sparrow, the yellow cormorant, the lark, the magpie …

They chirp chirp twitter twitter flew into the canopy, leaping and cheering on the branches, as if it were their new home.

Nature Elf's Paradise.

Pippi flew around and fell back to Bao'er's shoulder again. He rubbed his head against little girl's face and said, "Bao'er Bao'er, I want to live here."


Bao'er asked in surprise: "Pippi, don't you like to be with me anymore?"

"No, no!"

Pippi swung his head from side to side, explaining, "I like to be with you, but I also like it here. I want to live here, and then come to play with you when you get home, tell stories to you, OK ?"

It certainly enjoys being with Bao'er, but there is a breath of Nature and a breath of freedom.

Its life belongs to Nature and freedom.


Although a little bit unhappy, little girl is not the kind of selfish child. Since Pippi likes it here, then please fulfill its wish!

"Thank you Bao'er!"

Pippi immediately flew up and proudly showed all little birds in the air, "Here is the bird!"

Tyke glanced at the item dismissively: Silly bird!

It's so nice to be with Bao'er's side. I have something to eat and have fun. I wake up and eat, as long as I know how to sell cute.

How simple and comfortable life is!

Bao'er walked over and hugged ten treasure trees that she could not hold together, and said seriously: "Treasure tree, please help me take care of Pippi, please don't let other birds bully it?"

The branches shaking and the leaves trembling were the response of the treasure tree.

The little girl smiled sweetly: "Treasure tree, thank you."
