Paladin Dad Chapter 285

Back home, Zuo Yi entrusted Bao'er to Fang Yonghe's care and came to the study room by himself.

Log in to the Liwang forum.

Sure enough, as he thought, the Liwang forum is already boiling!

In the main World section, there are at least hundreds of videos of Di Liuyu, and the top posts are all related to the phenomenon of Di Liuyu. The number of Transcendents flowing into the forum broke through.

Because the emergence of the emperor's pulp phenomenon is global, these videos include both night and day. In addition, Eastern countries call it "Emperor's pulp", and Western countries call it "Light of God."

Although the descriptions are different, it is generally believed that the emergence of Emperor Russ / God's Light will bring great changes to the entire world.

The last Emperor Russ / God's Light appeared in 1375. According to historical records, in the following years, many major events affecting history occurred in the World, and Extraordinary events occurred frequently, and a lot of them were born. Spooky legendary.

At this time, the scale of Emperor Russ / God's Light is much larger than the historical records of hundreds of years ago. From Antarctica to the Arctic, the desert to the ocean, people from all countries in East, West, North, and South have their own eyes. Witnessed this spectacle.

Back in the Xiadu Forum, the discussion about Emperor Liujiang is also in a frenzy.

"Cheers, cheer, Spiritual Qi has come back!"

"What is Spiritual Qi Recovery? Can it be eaten?"

"Spiritual Qi doesn't know the recovery?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I feel like a rare atmospheric phenomenon, useless eggs."

"Hehehe, ignorance is really terrifying."

"You know what you say, is it interesting to pretend here?"

"You said Emperor Liujiang is here, will there be more Transcendents?"

"very likely to be!"

"Then we are going to depreciate?"

"Maybe all people in the World have become Transcendent, there is no need for World to exist."

"You say, could it be a precursor to the end of the day?"

"Doomsday? Emperor's slurry phenomenon has been recorded three times.

"Salty eat radish and worry about it. What should you do? Wash and sleep."

"I can't sleep at night …"

Zuo Yi took a moment to read a lot of comments and comments. Most people have not soberly realized the impact of this outbreak of Emperor's slurry phenomenon, and speculation about the recovery of Spiritual Qi, the advent of doomsday, etc., basically It's hilarious.

However, there are also a few people who perform analysis based on historical records, and have rational and well-informed insights, showing concern and alertness for the future.

Zuo Yi not at all, who knows the insider most, participates in such discussions, because there are too many people in the forums, whether they believe it or not, everything is useless.

He could not shake out the real secret.

Just when Zuo Yi was about to quit Liwang, a forum post suddenly appeared that had nothing to do with Emperor Liujiang / Light of God, and it had a certain relationship with him.

Someone even announced all the information about the "Different World creature summon" array, and attached a live video shot by Zuo Yi when he broke into the Witch Temple!

One stone provoked thousands of waves, this anonymous post got a lot of attention in a short time, was quickly pushed to the top of the forum home page, and then suddenly disappeared.

Although the post has been around for a short time, the blood sacrifice incident at the Witch Temple in Tyson City, Lenny County, Llandau, was completely exposed a few days ago, and many people downloaded the attached post Materials and videos!

This surprised Zuo Yi.

It was normal for the video he shot to be leaked because it was a multi-national joint operation at the time. The video he passed to Wu Yongjian was reposted as evidence many times, and the level of confidentiality was very low.

But the "Different World creature summon" array data was blatantly posted on the Liwang forum for people to download at will. This was something Zuo Yi had never thought of, and he instinctively felt a strong malice.

The most common way to inspire the "Different World creature summon" array is blood sacrifice. For the sake of summon, Ayuro produced a powerful Different World creature. Not only did it spend countless manpower and material resources to build a giant array, it was also frustratingly plundering a large number of foreign tourists to conduct the blood. Sacrifice, in the end, he pushed nearly a hundred head-falling divisions into the blood pool to complete the final ceremony.

Although his madness has brought himself a terrible disaster, as far as ceremony itself is undoubtedly successful.

Ayuro summon out of the Legendary-level troll!

If it weren't for Zuo Yi as it happened, even with the suppression of the World Law, the damage that this tauren troll can do is extremely terrifying. I don't know how many lives will be sacrificed to destroy it or expel it back to the Abyss plane.

Similar examples, how many times have happened in different Worlds!

In any World, there will never be fewer people who like to die, and Ayuro is the most typical example.

The exposure of the "Different World biological summon" array data will inevitably attract the attention of some people, and then perform experiments based on the data.

No one knows how much confusion and trouble they will summon into this world!

Fortunately, the "Different World creature summon" array will not expose the plane space coordinates, otherwise the consequences will be ten times more serious.

But Zuo Yi also has the urge to strangle the exposed person-isn't it enough?

A new question is coming, who is playing such a dangerous game behind the scenes? What is his purpose?

With various questions, Zuo Yi withdrew from the Liwang forum.

dīng líng líng ~

He just put down the intranet registrar, and the phone on the desk immediately rang.

It was Wu Yongjian who called.

The chief executive of the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office asked bluntly, "Zuo Yi, do you know the Liwang forum just came out, about the blood sacrifice summon array?"

Wu Yongjian didn't talk about Emperor Rushed, but instead asked the "Different World creature summon" array, apparently in his opinion the latter is more important than the former.

"I was in the forum just now."

Zuo Yi replied, "I have seen that post, and it has been deleted."

"The post was deleted by the creator."

Wu Yongjian said: "But in addition to the intranet, the same posts have appeared on the Internet. We, China Extraordinary Management Office and Chaolian Federation, have jointly applied to the creator to trace the source of the identity of the poster."

"If the blood sacrifice summon array is allowed to flood, the consequences will be too serious!"

There was anger in his voice.

In the eyes of the large-scale outbreak of Emperor's slurry phenomenon, some people have come up with such a thing, which is a great provocation for any Order Guardian.

Zuo Yi said without hesitation: "If there is anything I can help, just say."

Zuo Yi is also the Guardian of Order, the strongest!
