Paladin Dad Chapter 291

Blackfish is a ferocious Little Overlord in the river. It has a hard skull, strong muscles and sharp teeth. As an efficient predator, it attacks quickly and severely.

The same is true of this giant black fish. It sprints very fast in the water, and with the cover of muddy water, no one notices its deadly attack underwater.

The target it is targeting is no exception!

This tourist was very bad luck. He didn't wear a life jacket, he didn't know how to swim. He was completely panicked in the falling water, relying on his instinct to desperately toss, and he had taken several sips of river water.

In fact, when tourists board the boat, the crew will remind them to wear a life jacket, but many people think that wearing a life jacket is cumbersome and stuffy, often put on and off, or simply do not wear it.

The crew usually turned a blind eye for this, and the river was safe anyway.

It turned out now!

Almost in a blink of an eye, the giant black fish rushed under the tourists and fiercely moved towards his lower body to bite.

If this bite is solid, he will definitely tear his legs off!

Pu chi !

Just at the crucial moment, a silver-gray metal drying rod suddenly dropped from the sky, pierced into the water with lightning, and hit the skull of a giant black fish with extreme precision.

The blunt mouth pipe penetrated its tenacious skin and hard skull without stagnation, taking away its life in an instant.

In the next second, the body of the giant black fish was carried by the metal drying rod, and slammed into the silt at the bottom of the river, immediately turbulent turbulence and countless blisters!

The final fate of the monster in the river was announced.

Zuo Yi, who had just tossed the drying rod, landed on the river bank steadily.

The drying rod was grabbed by him from under the roof of the restaurant. It is estimated that the shop usually used it for drying bacon and bacon. The quality is quite good. After infusing Battle Qi, it is a no stronghold one cannot overcome spear.

As a powerful Knight, Zuo Yi's weapon-throwing technique has already reached Master Level. His most brilliant record is using a rifle made of Mithril to shoot down a dragon flying at a height of 100 meters.

Dealing with black fish in the water is really not too simple.

But there are dozens of tourists in the canal.

Zuo Yi rushed forward, and a bunch of long ropes came out of his hand.

This is the advantage of having a large-capacity space ring, being able to carry a variety of items with you, and it can be handy anytime.


At this time, the boat capsized in the river seemed to be grasped by a pair of invisible hands, and slowly turned over, allowing some of the tourists climbing on it to escape from the water and return to the cabin.

It wasn't Zuo Yi that flipped the boat, but Wu Yongjian.

The chief executive of Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, A-Rank Extraordinary powerhouse, obviously has a strong mind.

In fact, Wu Yongjian could totally rescue the tourists who fell into the water one by one, but at this moment at least hundreds of people were gathered on both sides of the canal. Some people were calling the police and some people were shooting with their mobile phones.

It would be too shocking to do so, so he can avoid the presence of Extraordinary strength as much as possible under the condition that everyone can be safe.

In fact, at this time, many people were helping the drowning people, and a cruise ship accelerated to catch up.

Zuo Yi shot again.

Out of the rope.

He suddenly threw away the long rope in his hand, and the rope flew across the river about ten meters wide, entangled a tourist falling into the water with great flexibility.

Zuo Yi pulled back again, and immediately pulled it back to the river bank and landed safely.

There was an exclamation sound all around!

Buddy too awesome! !!

Although it seems incredible, because of this rope, everyone only thinks that the saving Zuo Yi technology is very difficult to deal with, and does not treat him as Immortal or Monster.

In the eyes of the public, the long rope broke through the air again and again, and took each and everyone into the water and returned to the shore.

Zuo Yi rescued the elderly and children first, and then rescued those who did not wear life jackets, and saved a dozen people in just one or two minutes.

While others fell into the boat, some returned to the shore on their own, and some were rescued by the crew of another cruise ship who was subsequently rushed to the boat. No one drowned.

At most, I drank a few sips of water.

The applause suddenly sounded!

Zuo Yi retracted the long rope and nodded to Wu Yongjian in front of him.

Don't look at Wu Yongjian who seems to be sitting idly after turning over the cruise ship. In fact, he used his consciousness to ensure that all those falling into the water will not be in danger of life.

Works well with Zuo Yi.

Lu Han really didn't help, there were two big men, Zuo Yi and Wu Yongjian, he didn't even have a chance to perform!

The three returned to the elegant rooms of Fengbozhuang Restaurant.

When I entered the door, I saw an aggressive waiter.

Fengbozhuang's elegant room is not completely closed. The waiter just saw three people jumping out of the window in the outer corridor.

Also scared.

Lu Han said with a smile: "We haven't run away. Buy it."

I'm full.

The waiter woke up like a dream at first, he was quite clever, and immediately cup one fist in the other hand saluted, "Please wait for the three heroes, and immediately go back to Boss and give a discount to the three heroes!"

He just saw Zuo Yi's salvation process, watching Zuo Yi's eyes admired.

Wu Yongjian and Lu Han couldn't help laughing heartily-this guy is quite interesting.

After the waiter left, Wu Yongjian asked, "What's in the river?"

Zuo Yi threw black fish extremely fast. Even if someone saw it, they would only mistake it for dazzle, but they could not hide Wu Yongjian, an A-Rank Extraordinary powerhouse.

"A big black fish."

Zuo Yi said: "At least six meters long, it should be that it attacked the cruise ship and also tried to attack tourists."

Six meters long!

Wu Yongjian and Lu Han were suddenly sucked in a cold breath.

It's not that how terrifying the black fish that is more than six meters long is, but the appearance of such a monster in the river is extremely abnormal.

This giant black fish not only appeared in the urban canals, but also attacked cruise ships. If it is not the only one, the ships that usually go to and from the canals are in great danger.

This time they just happened to solve it. If it happened elsewhere, it would definitely cause casualties at this moment!

"Lao Lu, you should immediately contact the police station and arrange for a manual inspection of the river in the urban area."

Wu Yongjian immediately said to Lu Han, "Ensure the safety of the river area!"

Lu Han nodded: "I'll contact them now."

"and also…"

Wu Yongjian added: "People take the black fish from the river and send them to the laboratory."

After that, he glanced at Zuo Yi.

Both felt that this was just the beginning, the real trouble is still behind!
