Paladin Dad Chapter 292

Wu wu wu ~

The lights flashed and the alarm sounded. Police cars parked on the banks of the river and ambulances.

All the startled tourists were taken away, and the police officers set up a cordon on both sides of the river in which the incident occurred, and kindly persuaded those citizens who stayed to continue watching the lively.

Soon, several river cruise speedboats rushed to the place where the boat had previously capsized, and two divers carrying oxygen cylinders quickly launched.

The ancient canal in the urban area was not very deep, so they quickly found the target, then fixed the target with a rope under the water, and let the speedboat tow away.

A portion of the giant black fish, more than six meters long, was dragged out of the water, and the black spine pulled out a long waterline.

Lu Han looked at the speeding boat and murmured, "How many bowls of pickled vegetables and fish can be cooked with such a big black fish!"

Zuo Yi was laughed at, and I didn't expect Comrade Lao to have funny moments.

"Don't forget pickled vegetables and fish."

Wu Yongjian pats said on his shoulder, "It's time to go back to work overtime."

In the event of such an incident, in order to prevent the accident from happening again, it is imperative to check the urban rivers. Now there are speedboats carrying sonars to inspect the canals. Lu Han, the Director of the Investigation Department, should not rest at night.

Urban rivers are actually okay, because as long as there are enough staff and equipment, it is not difficult to check them. Strict control of river gates can basically solve the problem.

The mighty Qian River outside is really troublesome, and no one knows whether there are similar river monsters hidden in this river, maybe there is a longer and more terrifying existence!

The pressure on Extraordinary Management Office is much greater.

Wu Yongjian said to Zuo Yi again, "Let's go first and talk later."

He also had to go back to the bureau and take command.


Zuo Yi nodded said, "If you need my support, just call me."

Wu Yongjian said with a smile: "That's for sure, you must be your Chief Advisor."


Zuo Yi pulled out two plastic boxes from his pocket and handed them to Wu Yongjian and Lu Han: "Gifts for you."


Wu Yongjian took it curiously.

Plastic boxes are about half the size of a slap, and the transparent cover of the red shell comes and goes with a cheap taste. It is often used on stalls to hold things such as silver dollars or badges. They are basically flickering rookies.

This box contains a disc, which is about the same thickness as a dollar coin and looks like six or seven centimeters in diameter.

The discs are reddish gelatinous, without any gloss, and look a bit like hard plastic.

"This is a treasure for middle-aged and elderly people."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I ca n't use it. I gave it to two people to drink. The effect is very good. Remember to drink it now and drink it often, otherwise problems will occur."

"Well, it's better to drink at home at night."

Middle-aged and elderly treasure …

Wu Yongjian's face was a little weird. He probably guessed what it was, but he wasn't sure.

He turned to look at Lu Han. Lu Han was a little shy and said, "Thank you."

Zuo Yi asked, "Is Jingyuan's aunt in Hangzhou?"


Lu Han replied subconsciously: "She accompanied Jing Yuan in Beijing to prepare for Jing Yuan's tour."

"Then wait until you meet her before using it."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It won't break anyway, it can be bubbled many times."

Lu Han continued: "What?"

As the Director of the Investigation Department of the Extraordinary Management Office, Lu Han's IQ and EQ are certainly not bad, but Zuo Yi's words in the mist of the cloud made his mind all muddy and rarely dropped.


Zuo Yi waved goodbye to Wu Yongjian and Lu Han and left the food street to take a taxi back to Linjiang Old Residence.

When he got home, Bao'er hadn't slept yet, and had fun with Tyke in the room.

When she saw Zuo Yi, she flew over at once: "father!"


Zuo Yi picked her up and asked with a smile: "Baby, what did you eat at night?"

"Aunt made me chestnut pork rice, green vegetable tofu soup, and potato flour paste balls …"

Bao'er scratched his fingers and said, "I'm full!"

She asked, "Father, what did you eat tonight?"

Zuo Yi replied, "Father ate hairy crabs at night."

"Hair crab?"

Bao'er's eyes shined suddenly, saying: "Father, I want to eat hairy crabs too!"

"it is good."

Zuo Yi nodded her little nose: "Let your aunt buy it for you tomorrow."

Bao'er: (^ - ^) V

Zuo Yi took out the animal skin pocket that Lu Han gave, poured the moonlight clam beads, and shoved it into her little hand: "This is a gift from Uncle Lu Han."


Bao'er's eyes were shining: "So beautiful!"

Like the giant dragon, women's love for jewellery is inscribed in genes. Although the little girl is only four years old, she has also shown this potential.

Zuo Yi put her down and turned off the lights in the room.

Just now under the light, this moonlight mussel bead just looks round and beautiful, but when the light goes out, it suddenly emits soft pearly light, evenly illuminating the entire room.

The smoky surface of the pearls is a bit mysterious!


Bao'er mouth opened wide in wonder.

Mengmeng's look made Zuo Yi unable to help but send a note to kill: "You play, go to bed early."

After throwing the moonlight clam beads to the little girl for fun, Zuo Yi came to the study.

He took out the Dragon League badge sent by Qin Wuyang and installed it on the external card slot of the Intranet register.

The Dragon League badge has a built-in high-level anti-counterfeit chip. After the intranet registrar successfully reads it, Zuo Yi can automatically have the highest permissions in the virtual summer capital and the summer capital forum.

He wasn't worried that Qin Wuyang would fiddle with the badge. First of all, the power of this Alpha powerhouse is very comparable. A hand-written letter clearly shows the attitude and it is impossible to play such a mean way.

Secondly, Zuo Yi is not afraid of any secret calculation.

He landed on the Intranet Forum, and he saw that his authority was elevated to A-Rank.

Although A-Rank permissions are not administrators, they also have a lot of privileges. For example, deep searches in forums can dig out many posts deleted by the creator!

Zuo Yi did not spend time on understanding the A-Rank permissions. He searched the forum for Extraordinary events in recent days and found that the giant black fish he encountered tonight is by no means an isolated event!

Just the day before yesterday, hundreds of zombies appeared in the cemetery area of ​​America's Raccoon City. They ran to the road to attack passersby and vehicles. The camp in Yellowstone Park was attacked by wolves, causing heavy casualties.

Yesterday, a polar bear from the Capital Zoo of the Iranian Federation broke out of its cage to escape and wreak havoc in the urban area. The special forces of the Federal Republic of Iran used a gunship to kill it.

And continental Europe and China …

All kinds of events are summed up, making people look shocking!
