Paladin Dad Chapter 293


Accompanied by the sloppy footsteps, Bao'er ran down the stairs with bare feet and complained to Zuo Yi in the living room: "Why not wake me up, I'm late!"

What a grievance, but she was never late for a good child, and was praised by Teacher. As a result, I woke up today and looked at the time on my phone watch, and found that it was 9 o'clock!

It's over, Teacher must be criticizing this time.

"Who made you sleep so late last night …"

Zuo Yi walked over and picked her up, said with a smile: "Then sleep in the morning, father?"

"But but …"

The little girl guilty "but" for a long time, she did not argue arguably or arrogantly coquettishly vented her anger, and lowered her head and whispered, "Well, then I will sleep earlier."

"Well, that's right!"

Zuo Yi kissed her and said, "Tell you, today, Sunday, Academy is on vacation, and go back to school next Monday, so you are not late."


Bao'er opened his eyes in surprise: "Really?"

"of course it's true."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "But you have to review your homework at home. You can't just play and watch TV less."

He was informed in the morning by a message from Tianqi School.

Last night, during a search operation by the Extraordinary Management Office in conjunction with the Hangzhou Police Station on riverways in the urban area, a patrol speedboat equipped with a new sonar found a catfish larger than a giant blackfish!

Although terrifying in shape, under the attack of the Extraordinary team with high technology weapons, this big catfish not at all caused a lot of waves, and the result was dragged to the laboratory like the black fish shot by Zuo Yi.

It is not known whether the final slicing was made into pickled vegetables and fish or braised fish.

But the pressure of the Extraordinary Management Office is even greater. Now that the second mutant fish is found, it is likely that there are third and fourth …

In addition to the rivers in the urban area, there is also a very important place that must be checked.

That is Xizi Lake.

Xizi Lake is a symbol of Hangzhou and a famous tourist destination in the world. The number of domestic and foreign tourists who visit Xizi Lake every year reaches six-seven thousand. If the Extraordinary incident that caused casualties occurs, the influence will be too great. .

Therefore, in this case, Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office issued a mobilization order this morning to relocate most Teachers of Tianqi School to assist in a comprehensive inventory of the entire Xizi Lake Scenic Area.

There are giant monsters in the river, and the mountains may not be safe. You must know that the wild boars in the scenic area have been flooded in recent years. In case of running down a guy like the polar bear at the Capital Zoo of the Federal Republic of Iran, the consequences are unthinkable!

Under such circumstances, Tianqi School is temporarily in a semi-closed state, and all the students are on vacation.

"Know it."

I heard Zuo Yi said that she was not late and that she didn't have to go to school this week. Little girl was still very happy.

Zuo Yi put her down and asked, "Have you washed your teeth?"


Bao'er put out his tongue and ran back upstairs to wash his face and brush his teeth.

little girl returned with Tyke soon.

"Eat breakfast."

Zuo Yi took out the milk, fried eggs and sandwiches in the incubator, which were specially prepared for her by Fang Yonghe.

"Thank you father."

Bao'er eats sweetly.

Crouching on her side, Foodie Ty's eyes narrowed, she raised her head and flung her little tail back and forth, drooling.

All dripped onto the floor!

"go with!"

Zuo Yi was so familiar with its tactics that he didn't need to speak with little girl. He took out a dozen pounds of Demon Ox jerky directly from the space ring and threw it into the yard outside.

For this guy, Zuo Yi baked thousands of pounds of jerky with Battle Qi!


Tyke yelled, and immediately spread his four short legs away towards the yard and ran to his favorite sun towards the morning sun.

No no no, the favorite is Bao'er, Demon Ox jerky is just the favorite!

Zuo Yi threw it a little harder, and the jerky was thrown to the door. Tyke opened his mouth and shook his tongue, spitting all the way, his eyes sparkling.

However, what Foodie Ty absolutely didn't expect was that just as it was one step away from the beef jerky, a dark shadow rushed in through the gaping door in front of it, holding it in a thunderstorm. Jerky!

The next moment, this dark shadow leaped up with Demon Ox's jerky, and actually jumped over the wall. It looked back at Tyke, and a flash of ridicule flashed in the blue eyes.

O (? Д?) What! !!

The super super super delicious beef jerky that came to my mouth was actually snatched away!

Tyke's mindset for emergency braking burst instantly.

It suddenly lifted its head, his gaze just right at the predator jumping on the fence.


Tyke roared angrily, his nose and nose burst into a fiery flame, and his muscles suddenly swelled.

It was an adult black cat, carrying a dozen pounds of beef jerky without any effort, and after giving Silke a mockery of silence, he was ready to jump off the wall and leave.

At this time, a sharp sound wave instantly hit the black cat who ate.

His eyes suddenly straightened, and Demon Ox's jerky in his mouth fell back into the yard, his body crumbling, he had lost the ability to control himself.

It was A'Guai who intercepted it. This Gargoyle rushed out of the canopy of the Camphor Tree. The wings spread out instantly and swiftly fanned again, and then closed again, like a dart arrow.

Hold the black cat firmly with both claws!

As the Guardian of Linjiang Old Residence, A'Guai, who is more intelligent than A'Gu, is also angry at the moment, because he didn't actually detect the invasion of this black cat in advance, and strictly speaking of which was wrong.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that it was in the "standby" state just now, otherwise it would be impossible for this guy to come face-to-face if the investigation capability is fully stimulated.

On a turn, A'Guai jumped from the courtyard wall to the ground, crushing the black cat under his sharp claw.

The black cat was strangled and deformed, with painful expression in its eyes, but without screaming or struggling.

Like a desperate death row, waiting for the final decision of fate!


Bao'er ran over from the living room-just now she heard Tyke's roar.

Hearing the little girl's voice, Tyke's anger instantly subsided, and the muscles that had just begun to swell quickly returned to their original shape, and came over to "wu wu wu" and confessed their grievances to the little girl-how sorry!

"Your flesh was robbed?"

Bao'er was very surprised, her eyes fell on the robber under A'Guai's claws, and her eyes suddenly expressed a curious expression: "Is this big black cat?"

The black cat twisted his head hard, its blue eyes and little girl's dark eyes met for the first time.
