Paladin Dad Chapter 294

It was just abandoned a few days after it was born and left in a garbage dump outside Linjiang City.

Also discarded were its three brothers.

It is the only one that survives.

It was lucky, but also unfortunate. In the process of growing up, it was bullied by similar animals, chased by wild dogs, and almost stoned to death by Brat in the town.

It accidentally fell into a sewage ditch, was burned by fire, and was hit by a car.

It was like a weed on the roadside, trampled on by merciless brutality, bruised and scratched one leg, struggling to survive.

One night.

It just caught a vole in the deserted field, and suddenly a lot of streamers landed in the night sky, many of which fell on it and integrated into its within the body.

It suddenly became healthy, smart, and agile, and even lame legs returned to normal.

It never suffered from hunger again, and even the strongest wild dog was not its opponent, but it did not feel happy and happy, and often hesitated against the lonely starry sky.

It doesn't know what it wants.

Then it noticed the villa outside the town.

There is always a scent here, a strange and unique meaty aroma, which can easily wake up its thirst for food.

It wanted to know what it was.

But it didn't dare to get too close to the house, because intuition told it that it was dangerous, very, very dangerous.

But that peculiar flavour has been tempting it.

It cautiously approached, probed a little bit, trying to find out the truth.

Until a moment ago, a dark red jerky fell into the air just a few meters away from it, exuding its most familiar and extremely rich flavour.

It can't help it!

Now it waits silently for death.

"poor thing…"

Bao'er's eyes, which were looking at the black cat, turned red, and she said to Gargoyle, "A'Guai, can you let go of it?"

Gargoyle tilted her head in doubt, puzzled by the instructions from the little girl.

Why let go of a thief?

It was only the will imprinted in the core of its life that prevented it from defying Little Master, so he raised his claws and took two steps back.

But Gargoyle always watched the black cat lying on the ground with vigilance.

Protecting Bao'er is the highest sequence of codes sealed in the core of its life.

And the black cat who got rid of the suppression not at all escaped because it knew it was totally futile.

Not to mention the Gargoyle who can easily put it to death in the back, the stupid dog glare like a tiger watching his prey next to it is not a mess.

But what scared the black cat most was the man standing behind the little girl!


The little girl didn't know the psychological activity of this black cat. She just saw the blood stains on the other side, and was surprised and distressed: "You are hurt!"

Talking, Bao'er walked forward without thinking, squatted down in front of the black cat, and stretched out a small hand to the latter.

Meow ~

The black cat suddenly showed an expression of fear, all the hair on the back of the neck was raised, sharp claws popped out of the cat's palm, and the little girl's outstretched hand issued a warning.

"Do not be afraid."

Bao'er said softly, "I won't hurt you, I want to help you."

With the hostile gaze of the black cat, her little hand gently touched the former's head.

The black cat was stunned.

It has never felt so momentous, as if a small boat drifting in the storm came to a calm and beautiful harbor, with an indescribable safety and attachment.

It seemed like a warm ray of sunlight, shining into its dark and cold heart.

Meow ~

The black cat screamed lowly, the popped paws quietly retracted, and the hostility in his eyes disappeared a little, without resisting the goodwill from Bao'er.

But its body was still shaking slightly.


Bao'er comforted while raising his small hand.

Her hands began to glow, a very soft white light, which first fell on the black cat's head, and soon covered its entire body.

The scars on the black cat that were just caught by Gargoyle recovered at the speed seen by naked eye, and the dust and dirt on the hair were quickly purified in white light.

Its fur color has become black and black. It looks like satin and is very beautiful!


Little girl grinned, lowered her hand and touched her head, saying, "It's all right!"

Meow ~

The black cat's eyes lost her previous vigilance and alertness, and she calmly accepted her closeness.

It's just that it glanced at Tyke next to the contorts one's face in agony, and his eyes immediately returned to coldness and indifference.

Stupid dog!

Bao'er asked a few times, "Are you hungry?"

The black cat's eyes could not help glancing at the jerky that had fallen to the ground.


Tyke yelled immediately, leaping violently and grabbing his own jerky.

Killed and let go!


Bao'er gave Foodie Ty a weird look to make her realize, and then turned to Zuo Yi and said, "Father."

Zuo Yi certainly understood the meaning of little girl, but instead of immediately taking out the cat food, he squatted down with a smile and touched the little girl's head and asked, "Baby, do you want to adopt this wild cat?" "

Bao'er blinked: "father, can you?"

Last time big sister Qin Qin adopted two kittens here, she was very envious.

Although the black cat in front of her was a big cat, she liked it at a glance.


Zuo Yi looked at the black cat nodded,

Vivian once had a black cat. She liked it very much, but because the cat was an ordinary domestic cat, she couldn't take the risk, and finally fostered it in someone's home.

The black cat Bao'er just treated is very unusual. Its Extraordinary fluctuations are quite strong, almost reaching the level of E-Rank Transcendent!

It should have a high stealth concealed innate talent, otherwise it is impossible to hide from Gargoyle.

The black cat shivered involuntarily under Zuo Yi's gaze.

Although Zuo Yi's eyes did not carry any malicious intent, it instinctively produced awe, great awe!


Bao'er took a happy sip on Zuo Yi's face and said excitedly: "Father, let's give it a name!"

Zuo Yi asked with a smile: "Are you taking it, or is it father?"

Bao'er: "Father!"


Zuo Yi said, "Just call it Memphis."

Then, he grabbed Bao'er's little hand and wrote the words "Mephis" in her palm.

"it is good!"

Bao'er frowned, and touched the black cat again: "In the future, your name will be Memphis, Meme, will you?"

Black cat: Meow ~

Zuo Yi looked at this scene with a smile.

Vivian's black cat is called Memphis, a beautiful little female cat.
