Paladin Dad Chapter 296

"Zuo Yi, come here, let me introduce you."

Wu Yongjian laughed and appreciated Lu Han's embarrassment for a moment, and then helped his old friend to break the topic.

In fact, Wu Yongjian is the same as Lu Han. After returning home late last night, out of a strong curiosity, he put the piece of stuff from Zuo Yi into the wine and tried it. The result …

His wife got up early in the morning with gentleness and virtuousness, which actually made him relive the feeling when he was 20 years ago on his wedding honeymoon!

Really a treasure for middle-aged and elderly people!

Regarding Lu Han's situation, Wu Yongjian knew very well that he almost broke his belly when he saw the acne on his face in the morning.

Own evil!

"This is Professor Chen Chen, the principal research institute of our Extraordinary Management Office biological laboratory."

Wu Yongjian introduced for Zuo Yi: "Professor Chen is responsible for the research of Extraordinary biology and has made great achievements in related fields!"

"Hello Professor Chen."

Zuo Yi shook hands with the opponent.

The professor Chen Yan is sixty-seven years old, with white hair and wrinkled face, wearing a white coat ******, his appearance fully meets the general public's perception of scientists, which is common in movies and television That image.

"This is our advisor Zuo Yi, our Extraordinary Management Office."

"Hello Chief Zuo!"

Chen Yan's voice was hoarse: "I've heard of you a long time ago. It's better to meet each other!"

Zuo Yi slightly smiled.

This professor is also a Transcendent, he should have some kind of detective perceptibility, and Extraordinary waves scan back and forth like radar waves.

Interestingly, this Extraordinary ability seemed to become Chen Zhi's instinct, like breathing, Nature, making everyone who appeared in front of him passively become the object of his investigation.

But even if his ability is ten times and one hundred times stronger, don't even think about Zuo Yi's reality.

This apparently surprised Chen Yan, looking towards Zuo Yi with a strong curiosity and doubt.

But nothing malicious.

Wu Yongjian said, "Let's talk inside."

The biological laboratory of Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office is located at the bottom floor of the General Police Station building. It has a very high level of protection. Zuo Yi and the others put on protective clothing and isolation masks, and passed strict disinfection procedures to gain access to the core area.

In one of these rooms, Zuo Yi saw the giant black fish he had shot himself last night.

It was placed on a metal table and firmly fixed with a bracket. The drying rod originally inserted in the forehead had been removed, and the appearance of teeth was still full of crickets and viciousness.

There are five or six instruments around this blackfish, and dozens of staff members are busy doing experiments.

"Operation last night …"

When entering the experimental area, Wu Yongjian told Zuo Yi: "To date, including this black fish, we have killed a total of four mutant organisms. Professor Chen conducted a research experiment on black fish last night and has made preliminary discoveries. "

Zuo Yi also admired this efficiency: "Professor Chen has worked hard."

"It's nothing…"

Chen shook the head, with excited expression in his eyes, saying, "My discovery is very likely to change the World. First of all, I would like to thank Chief Zuo for the sample you provided!"

Change World?

Zuo Yi slightly smiled-is that exaggerated?

Chen Ye noticed Zuo Yi's expression, and he asked, "Lead Chief, do you know the wild beasts in the Desolate World?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "I know."

The so-called wild beast is actually Magic Beast, but it's called differently. It is essentially an Extraordinary creature.

The Magic Beast in the Desolate World is divided into wild beasts and wild beasts. The wild beasts are carnivorous beasts such as lion, tiger, leopard, wolf, and eagle. There are differences.

But whether it is a wild or a wild animal, it has the Extraordinary ability, otherwise it is just the wild beast of the ordinary.

Chen Wei said, "We have been studying the wild beasts …"

Earth's Transcendents are extremely interested in wild animals, because this "special product" belonging to the wild Desolate World is a treasure, which is an extremely important source of manufacturing materials.

The skins, bones, tendons, blood, and sources of Extraordinary like wild animals have their own roles.

The most important thing is that by eating the flesh and blood of wild animals, Transcendents can gain strength and even excite the ability!

It's no secret that any indigenous people in the Desolate World know the role of the wild beast, but for the Earth Transcendents who entered the Different World and opened up, its significance is extraordinary.

There are also Extraordinary creatures in Earth, but they are scarce. Not to mention, the materials on them are rarely useful except for the source of Extraordinary. Flesh and blood are basically inedible, let alone the strength of Transcendent.

And this is exactly an important reason why countless Transcendents risked continuously entering the Wild Desolate World for decades, because the flesh and blood of the wild beasts will be lost when brought back to the main world, and the corruption will soon disappear.

If you want to eat, you can only eat there.

However, now Chen Yun has found through experiments that the fish of this black fish is edible and has the same function as a wild animal!

"Let's take a look …"

The chief researcher of the biological laboratory took everyone to a testbed with great interest. He received a syringe from a staff member, and the barrel was filled with light yellow liquid.

"This is a substance extracted from fish."

As Chen explained, he injected it into a transparent experiment box on the test bench: "We call it Extraordinary Condensate. What was previously extracted from Extraordinary creatures within the body cannot be used, but now …"

The so-called Extraordinary condensate dripped into a round cup through a pipe, and immediately attracted the attention of a white mouse that was shrinking around the corner of the experiment box.

It had a twitched nose, the front paws waved twice, then ran to the front of the round cup, licked it greedily, and licked it in a blink of an eye.

"Attention everyone."

Chen Yan's voice became excited.

After only ten seconds, the little mouse suddenly revealed the painful expression. It fell to the ground, struggling, and its muscles swelled, highlighting the twisted blood vessels.

Two sharp teeth protruded from the mouth, the claws became longer and sharper, and their body size doubled in a short time.

With the scarlet rat's eyes open, it slammed forward and banged heavily against the box board.


A nearby instrument beeps and the number on the LCD screen jumps from "0" to "12".

"This is an Extraordinary fluctuation value."

Chen Yi proudly said, "Now, it is an Extraordinary creature!"
