Paladin Dad Chapter 297

boom! boom! boom!

As if confirming Chen's conclusion, this mutant white rat with Extraordinary fluctuations hit the experiment box again and again, and it was more violent than ever, making people look trembling in fear.

But the material of the experiment box was obviously extremely strong, and no cracks appeared even if it hit.

After hitting dozens of times in a row, after hitting his head to break the blood flow, the mutant mouse finally gave up the futile attempt and retracted to the corner panting.

It's just that it still has a strong expression of unwillingness in its eyes, and obviously it won't let it go.

"This is the third mouse that has been successfully Extraordinary …"

"Our next goal is to conduct experiments on monkeys, and the ultimate goal is human trials," Chen said.

"If human trials are successful, then our Extraordinary Condensate is likely to replace the genetic awakening medicine!

Earth's research on Transcendent and Extraordinary strength has begun many years ago and has achieved considerable success.

For the moment, there are two main sources of the birth of Transcendent. One is Nature or accidental awakening. There is no rule to follow. It is like a God-given opportunity, purely luck.

The other is to reach the peak of ordinary humans through Martial Arts cultivation, and then realize the breakthrough limit.

The former number is more than the latter, but the latter has the possibility of mass production, so the countries of the World have vigorously promoted and supported the Martial Arts movement. The real purpose is to increase the number of Transcendent.

Now that Transcendent has become an important part of national power, the Alpha powerhouse is like a nuclear weapon and can play the role of a Suppression national transport.

Beyond the first time, many Transcendent forces and organizations are studying genes that promote and stimulate Extraordinary Awakening.

But so far no one has declared a real success.

Moreover, there is huge controversy in gene awakening medicine. Many people think that the emergence of gene awakening medicine is likely to change human destiny, bring human beings into an unpredictable future, and even cause death.

The Tarot Society was the strongest opponent, for which they spared no effort to destroy multiple genetic laboratories.

The current genetic awakening medicine does have major problems.

If Chen Yi's experiment is successful, then Extraordinary condensate extracted from Extraordinary creatures could really change the World!

Because ordinary people cannot enter the Wild Desolate World through the World Stone, and the flesh and blood of the wild beasts cannot be used. Now Extraordinary creatures similar to the wild beasts appear in the main world in large numbers, which means that Transcendent may be truly manufactured in batches.

"I need more samples!"

Chen Yan's expression became fanatical, like a crazy scientist in the movie, his eyes were shining: "More categories, more advanced varieties, preferably living samples!"

"We have reported the preliminary experimental results to headquarters …"

Wu Yongjian told Zuo Yi: "Headquarters is very supportive of us and we hope we can make more achievements."

Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office has only carried out an inventory in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou, killing four Extraordinary creatures, and possessing a role similar to that of the Wild Desolate Wild Savage, which has never happened before.

Everyone has every reason to believe that the mutation and outbreak of Earth 's Extraordinary creatures are inseparable from the phenomenon of emperor's flow that has recently appeared worldwide.

In fact, according to the situation of the Extraordinary Management Office in various places, there are hundreds of Extraordinary creatures that have been found and killed. This is obviously just the tip of the iceberg. When it is placed in the entire world, the number may increase ten times or even dozens. Times!

Extraordinary research institutions in various countries are not dry food. They will definitely carry out corresponding research. In order to seize the opportunity to launch results as soon as possible, Chen Ye needs the strong support of Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office.

The outbreak of the Extraordinary creature is undoubtedly a crisis, but the huge danger also contains huge opportunities. de

That's why Wu Yongjian invited Zuo Yi to the biological laboratory today!

"I'm OK…"

Understanding the cause and effect, Zuo Yi said without hesitation: "I will participate in any action."

In fact, there are several thousand thousand pounds of Extraordinary material stored in his space ring, but the troll troll is not Magic Beast. It is no problem to take out the barbecue shabu-shabu. It will be extremely misleading when the biological sample is tested.

So Zuo Yi promised to help, as long as he found the right target, the capture is really a trivial matter.

As a member of the Extraordinary Management Office system, he also has a responsibility to contribute.

"That's great."

Wu Yongjian said with a smile: "Today our people have begun a comprehensive inventory of Xizi Lake and hope to find out."

After years of reconstruction and dredging, Xizi Lake has a catchment area of ​​nearly XNUMX square kilometers, with an average depth of more than ten meters, and the deepest reaches more than XNUMX meters, which is far beyond the urban river channels of the ancient canal.

Four mutant Extraordinary creatures can be found in narrow river channels, so it is unlikely that the large Xizi Lake does not have a similar existence, and it is normal for larger and higher-level Extraordinary creatures to appear.

Of course, if nothing is found, that is also a good thing. At that time, the Extraordinary Management Office will conduct a search on the upstream and downstream of the Qian River to find more Extraordinary creatures.

And the Extraordinary Management Office's Xizi Lake Pull Network operation made a major discovery the next day!

At ten o'clock the next day, Zuo Yi came to the West Bank of the Lake District, near Western Mountain.

It has been blocked here, all tourists and idlers, including the staff in the scenic area, have been cleared out, all roads are guarded by police officers, and a dozen patrol speedboats have gathered on the lake.

From time to time, the beams of searchlights swept across the lake.

Zuo Yi first merged with Wu Yongjian, who pointed to a place not far away and said, "Our people found a large creature like a python there, more than XNUMX meters long, and hid deep in the water. There may be a cave below. "

"Extraordinary's fluctuations are very strong, reaching the level of B-Rank!"


It was a little bit stronger than the giant black fish killed by Zuo Yi.

He nodded asked, "What are the plans now?"

Wu Yongjian replied: "The results of the current sonar investigation show that it should have been retracted into the cave. Let's see if we can lure it out. If not, we will force it out with a sonic weapon.

"As long as it comes out, we both catch it together!"

Under normal circumstances to deal with an Extraordinary creature of B-Rank, Wu Yongjian of A-Rank is more than enough. In addition, with the elites of that many Extraordinary Management Office, the grasp of survival is still very great.

But in order to be sure, he asked Zuo Yi to help.

Zuo Yi promised very simply: "OK."
