Paladin Dad Chapter 303

When I met a few months ago, Zuo Yi didn't have a good impression of Zhang Dahai.

But in the face of the deceased Master Shang He, he did not care about the other party.

Zhang Dahai's character is actually okay. When Tianhong Martial Arts Hall was the most difficult, he remained the same. Although there are factors of Shang Yulin, it is also valuable.

After recognizing the huge gap between him and Zuo Yi, he was able to settle down to fulfill his duties, and at the same time seriously learned Hongwu Quanshu with Zuo Yi.

In this set of boxing techniques, Zhang Dahai has learned the most solid and deep, and has reached a considerable realm.

He has also made countless efforts for this.

It is for this reason that Zuo Yi is willing to give him this choice.

If the character is really bad, then Zuo Yi would rather waste all his medicines than give them away casually.

Facing the choice, Zhang Dahai revealed a struggling expression.

Unlike Wang Jiaojiao and Sun Qiang, he only recently learned about Transcendent's existence. Although he knows very little about Transcendent, he also knows how precious this opportunity is!

After thinking and thinking, he finally made the final decision: "I choose medicine!"

Zhang Dahai's idea is more pragmatic. He knows that innate talent is limited, and it is too illusory to realize autonomous awakening by his own ability. He also does not have any confidence. It is better to use medicine to give it a try.

And Zhang Dahai didn't have much ambition. His biggest dream was to become a professional artist of Jiuduan. Now he has a shortcut to become a Transcendent stronger than a martial artist. Of course, he is willing to take a walk.

Failure is no big deal.

"it is good."

Zuo Yi said: "Then you have adjusted your condition to the best in the past two days, take one to try first."

Zhang Dahai said sincerely, "Thank you!"

He really appreciates Zuo Yi.

Although he doesn't know the price of life awakening medicine, he can't afford it if he wants to come.

"you are welcome."

Zuo Yi waved his hand and said, "It depends on your luck to succeed."

Zhang Dahai nodded and clenched his fists.


Zuo Yi remembered what happened just now and asked Shang Yulin: "When I came here, I met a man who dominated the Martial Arts Hall and was doing business. Do you know where to go?"

He felt that this matter was strange.

"Dominate the Martial Arts Hall?"

Shang Yulin startled: "They pull down business in our building?"

She also really knew this dominated Martial Arts Hall.

Dominating the Martial Arts Hall is a new Martial Arts Hall just opened a month ago, and it acquired the Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall!

Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall After being struck by Zuo Yi kicking hall at the beginning, his reputation and popularity have fallen to thousand zhang. After months of struggling, he finally gave up.

The Martial Arts Hall replaced by it is quite strong. The Hall Master Xiong Kuohai is a nine-level martial artist. There are two Rank 8 fighting and sword technique teachers in the martial arts hall.

Before the opening of the domineering Martial Arts Hall, Tianhong sent a tribute and invitation letter according to the rules. Although Shang Yulin did not participate in the opening ceremony of the other party, he also sent a pair of flower baskets to celebrate.

This social entertainment is a trivial matter, and Shang Yulin didn't tell Zuo Yi.

The friendship between the two sides is nothing more. I did not expect that the male dominating Martial Arts Hall would make such a provocative move. It is impossible for the male and female to know that the Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall was brutally hit by Zuo Yi kicking hall.

Zhang Dahai said solemnly: "I take someone downstairs and stare."

"No need to bother …"

Zuo Yi said: "Yulin, you warn the male Martial Arts Hall first, and let them pay attention to the appropriateness."

Shang Yulin nodded: "OK."

She has become Extraordinary and has far more power than ever before, so she has enough self-confidence.

So I don't care much about dominating Martial Arts Hall.

"You go out first."

Zuo Yi told Zhang Dahai and the others: "I have something to talk about with Yulin."

After they left, Zuo Yi told Shang Yulin: "I intend to continue expanding the size of Martial Arts Hall."


Shang Yulin was startled: "But our students are full, we can't accommodate any more."

At present, Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, which has recruited over XNUMX students, is already operating at full capacity. Even if new Instructors and Teachers are recruited, the venue restrictions cannot be resolved.

The place is so big.

Zuo Yi slightly smiled: "Have you ever thought about moving out?"

"move out?"

Shang Yulin said suddenly: "Where to move?"

Linjiang City, of course!

Zuo Yi and Wang Yongqiang discussed the reconstruction plan of the ancient town of Linjiang, which includes a project plan to build a large Martial Arts venue.

The current Zuo Yi is no longer satisfied with the current small-scale tricks of the existing Tianhong Martial Arts Hall. He intends to use Hongwu Boxing, Knight Body Refining Method, Giant Dragon Breathing Method and other skills from Sadya World. people.

When the new Tianhong Martial Arts Hall is established, it will become the first-rate martial artist and Transcendent training institution in China and even in the World. The impact on Earth will undoubtedly be much greater.

Of course, this plan needs Shang Yulin's support, and Zuo Yi also wants to use it to completely fulfill Shang He's promise.

When he discussed with Shang Yulin, a well-armed hunting and hunting team was trekking in the virgin forest, more than XNUMX kilometers away in the Nature Reserve of Daxing Mountain.

Daxing Mountain is an important part of the Daxing mountain range, with a total length of over 300,000 kilometers and a total area of ​​more than XNUMX square kilometers. It is the largest and best-preserved virgin forest in China. It was established as a Nature Reserve XNUMX years ago. .

Daxingshan has extremely rich Nature resources, countless exotic animals, and is rich in various precious medicine ingredients. Only hunters with special permits can enter the mountain to hunt or collect medicine every year.

This hunting squad has a total of twelve members. They are wearing autumn and winter camouflage hunting suits, carrying assault rifles and large-caliber shotguns, and are led by a local hunter, following the trail left by a giant bear.

The reason why it is called a giant bear is that the footprint of this prey is more than twice that of an adult black bear, so it can be deduced how huge it is.

In Daxing Mountain, there has always been a saying of "one pig, two bears and three tigers". It is also very dangerous for experienced hunters to encounter black bears in the forest, not to mention this obviously mutated giant bear.

But the members of the hunting team did not have the slightest fear, and one of the handsome youngsters looked very excited and said, "Everyone works hard to hit this big bear back. I invite you to play in the prosperous dynasty for three days!"

"Thank Gu Shao!"

The hunter hehe haha ​​is very happy.

The prosperous dynasty is one of Beijing's most luxurious entertainment clubs. The consumption inside is extremely high. The cost of so many people to play for three days is not small.

But no one would doubt the words of this youngster.

Because he is Gu Shaoyang of Beijing Gu Family!
