Paladin Dad Chapter 304

The Beijing family has double valves and five people, and the Gu family is one of them.

The real Upright Sect hope family, inheritance For hundreds of years or even thousands of years, the Aristocratic Family has rarely failed, and most of them are also abandoned. Those who take up the family business are all elites.

The fierce competition within the tyrants is unimaginable by ordinary people. Although Gu Shaoyang is the direct descendant of the Gu family, he is not the most outstanding figure among many brothers and sisters.

But he has ambitions.

In another month, it will be the old grandmother of Gu family, and the XNUMXth birthday of Gu Shaoyang's ancestor, Grandma. At that time, the family will host an unprecedented birthday party. Representatives of Gu Clan clansman from China and overseas will gather in Beijing.

The Beijing Gu family already has rising winds, scudding clouds, because it is rumored that Tai Gu Old Jun will appoint three heirs at the birthday party to manage the three corporations that she originally owned.

Leaving aside the interests represented by these three corporations, it is said that Mrs. Old Gu intends to choose the next Patriarch from the three to replace the old and weak Patrarch.

For Beijing Gu family, this is really the major event of Earthshaking!

Mrs. Old Gu married Gu family in 18 years old, gave birth to five sons and three daughters for Gu family. She became a widow when she was 40 years old, and then took over the power of her deceased husband in the family. as long as.

Her life is Legendary. Her story can compose a long TV series with hundreds of episodes. The Gu family can stand up in the era of global technology and the era of change that Extraordinary shows. Old Gu Taijun takes the lead!

However, the Legendary is finally going to retreat, no matter how powerful the strategy, noble means, noble prestige, but also the ruthlessness of the enemy.

Countless people have followed her "heritage".

Although Gu Shaoyang had ambitions, he also had a sense of self-knowledge. He had two brothers above him, hundreds of cousins, countless elders, and some junior heroes. He could not even turn him to the throne of his heirs.

But this does not prevent Gu Shaoyang from conscientiously showing filial piety to his ancestor Grandma and racking his brains in preparing for the birthday gift.

In fact, this is also the number one major event for most Gu families at present. Everyone wants to send a birthday gift that pleases Old Gu, and her elderly person just leaks out scum, which is enough for younger generations like Gu Shaoyang to eat. To full.

Seven days ago, Gu Shaoyang overheard the news of a giant bear in Daxing Mountain at a friend's party.

He immediately moved his mind.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, Gu Shaoyang obtained a hunting license through his personal connections, and organized an elite hunting team to Daxingshan. He wanted to take this giant bear as a gift to his ancestors. Grandma.

After two days of searching, he and his team finally found the target!

"Footprints here are fresh …"

The local hunter acting as a guide leaned over and looked at the footprints left by the giant bear, and found a cluster of half-foot-long black hairs from a large tree next to it: "It should be right in front!"


As if confirming the hunter's judgment, the roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry suddenly came from the dense forest in front.

Startled countless forest birds!

The members of the hunting team all showed excited expressions. Gu Shaoyang immediately said to one of the men with a thin body and a scar on his face: "Ke brother, it's up to you!"

Kui Ge, a scarfaced man, is not astonishing in appearance. He is the only player who does not carry a firearm and only carries a travel bag. It looks more like a tourist.

And he was still playing with two iron bullets on his right hand.

But Gu Shaoyang was very polite to him.

"Gu Shao please rest assured …"

Kui Ge smiled indifferently and said, "Since it's found, it can't run."

Gu Shaoyang said with a smile: "Of course I believe in you!"

This queen is the real main force of the hunting team. He paid a very high price before he invited the other party in order to ensure that he could get a good bear corpse.

The hunting team immediately speeded up and the atmosphere became tense and tense.

Because they are not facing ordinary bears!

After a few minutes of trek, the target appeared in everyone's sight.

This is a giant bear that is not just in name only, but also in reality. It has a length of at least four meters, more than twice the length of the ordinary black bear, and looks like a hill, full of deterrence.

When the hunting team came over, it was tearing at an adult moose, also known as the Muntha, the largest and tallest deer species on the world.

The head of this Da has been smashed, the scene looks terrible, there is a strong bloody smell in the air.

But when Gu Shaoyang and the others came over, the giant bear immediately noticed that it left the Tattarium and stood up, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and made a deafening roar!

This is a warning.

"Good guy!"

Kui Ge's eyes flashed a sharp expression, shouted in a deep voice: "Start!"

Tone barely fell, and he swept forward like an off-string arrow, and the right hand threw away an iron pellet.


This egg-sized metal projectile burst suddenly after flying a few meter away, and suddenly exploded numerous wires, forming a dense net in the air, just covering the giant bear.

boom! boom! boom!

The moment the metal net covered the giant bear, the other hunters opened fire.

The bullet covered the giant bear like a violent storm, and burst of blue light on the latter!

The shotguns used by the hunters are not filled with ordinary bullets, but are specially made electromagnetic bombs. When these electric bombs hit the metal net wrapped with a giant bear and exploded, a high-voltage current was instantly released.

Although this giant bear was extremely powerful, his eyes turned white and his body twitched, and his resistance ability was lost for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Kui Ge approached the giant bear, and the right hand suddenly clenched another iron projectile still in his hand.

This iron bullet seems to be like plasticine, and is instantly pinched into a cold light sparkling triangular thorn!

The next moment, Kui Geteng leaped tall, and the triangular thorns in his hand penetrated the left eye of the giant bear with lightning, piercing the latter's eyeballs and deep into the skull.


The deadly and severely-giant giant bear made a terrible howl, and under severe pain it broke free from the shackles of the metal net and waved a large fan-shaped paw to the enemy.

But Kui Ge was extremely slippery, and immediately released the three-pronged spine. He struck his right foot forward on the giant bear's body, and turned backwards to pull it out, and he avoided the latter's counterattack.

Call ~

The bear's paw, which contained terrifying power, vainly emptied the air. This giant bear made an unwilling low whistle, its eyes and nose overflowed with a large amount of blood, and it staggered and fell to the ground, and there was no sound in a blink of an eye.


The hunters burst into surprise and cheers.

Too smooth!

It only took less than a minute and they completely won this terrible giant bear. The high bounty and the three-day welfare of the prosperous dynasty were just in hand. It was simply not too cool.

"Ke brother is amazing!"

Gu Shaoyang rejoiced at Kui Ge, who rolled a few laps on the ground and re-jumped, giving his thumbs up.

He hurried to the bear corpse in front and shouted, "Come and take a picture!"

Hunting such a big black bear, without taking a few photos and going back to show off in the circle of friends, is absolutely recless waste of natural resources!

Just standing, Kui Ge turned his head and looked towards Gu Shaoyang, his face suddenly changed greatly.

"Gu Shao be careful!"

Drinking loudly, but it was a step too late. The giant bear, who looked dead, suddenly stood up and waved the bear's paw fiercely on Gu Shaoyang.

