Paladin Dad Chapter 305

"Gu Shao!"

In the heartbreaking shout of the hunter, Gu Shaoyang was shot in the chest by the huge bear's paw.

A strong adult black bear can strike more than a thousand pounds. It is normal to kill people. This mutant giant bear has more than twice the size of the ordinary black bear. How powerful is its slapping? It is completely imaginable.

No one ever imagined that this giant bear was so cunning that he knew how to pretend to die, making Gu Shaoyang a victim.

All the hunters are in the ice cave!

This hunting team is like a gold group in an online game, and Gu Shaoyang is the gold master. He paid a large price to hire everyone to kill the giant bear. As a result, everyone was fine, and he lost his life alone.

How to explain?

If Gu Shaoyang is the prime owner of the ordinary, they lose nothing more than credibility, but Gu Shaoyang is the direct descendant of the Beijing Gu family. With such a big deal, can the Gu family remain indifferent?

The Gu family can move their fingers casually, which can make them a life and death dilemma!

Gui Ge, who is also a Transcendent, is ashamed.

And everyone didn't notice that in the moment when Gu Shaoyang was photographed by the bear, his body suddenly flashed a golden glow.


Gu Shaoyang stepped back with two steps, his mind was blank.

When the giant bear got up and attacked him, the shadow of death shrouded in his heart instantly. The huge fear prevented him from breathing, and he could only watch the bear's paw with terrible power slap on himself.

Gu Shaoyang closed his eyes, thinking that he would die!

All his pride and ambition were disappeared and disappeared.

Then the Gu's direct descendant was stunned.

He opened his eyes a little blankly, and found that he was safe and sound, and the fierce giant bear in front of him shook a few times, and suddenly fell to the ground again.

This time is really dead.

The giant bear is dead, Gu Shaoyang is alive and well without any damage!

Unbelievably, he raised his hand and touched his chest, determined that he was really okay, and laughed.

"Hahaha, I'm fine, I'm alive, I'm alive!"

It's really good to live.

"Gu Shao!"

Kuige, who had just reacted, pulled Gu Shaoyang back, and distanced himself from the giant bear to avoid the same situation happening again-not every time he was so lucky!

"I am fine."

After all, Gu Shaoyang was not an ordinary person, and soon calmed down and said, "Look if this bear is dead!"

"I went to see."

Kui Ge releases him and goes to check the situation of giant bear in person.

"It's really dead this time."

The Transcendent looked towards Gu Shaoyang's eyes were very different: "Gu Shao, are you also a Transcendent?"

The giant bear's counterattack just before he died just now saw him clearly. In his case, he could bear the blow, which was also unstoppable.

Now Gu Shaoyang has lost half of his hair.

It's incredible!

"Transcendent ?"

Gu Shaoyang subconsciously shook the head: "I'm not Transcendent."

If he were Transcendent, his status in the family would be completely different.

Kuei could not help frowning. "How could that be …"


Gu Shaoyang expressed an expression and suddenly remembered something.

He immediately pulled open his collar and pulled out a yellow gold medal from his clothes.

The two big characters of "Don't Die" engraved on the gold medal are very eye-catching, but the surface is covered with tiny cracks, and the color is a bit dull, as if it had suffered a calamity.

"Escaping Death Golden Medal!"

Gu Shaoyang said excitedly: "It really saved me from death. It saved me!"

This Escaping Death Golden Medal is a twenty-fifth birthday gift given to him by his mother's Cymbidium. It is said to be worth 100 ~ 200 million. Wearing it can withstand a fatal injury, which is equivalent to a life.

Gu Shaoyang didn't quite believe this. He couldn't figure out how a gold medal could play such a magical role, but he didn't violate Mother's intentions, so he always carried it.

Never dreamed that this Escaping Death Golden Medal really saved his life!

Kui Ge's expression is a bit weird.

He also really knows Escaping Death Golden Medal, and he knows more than Gu Shaoyang. The Rare Item such as legendary can withstand the full blow of A-Rank Extraordinary powerhouse, so the price is extremely amazing.

But Kui Ge only saw relevant news in the Liwang Forum before, and he saw it for the first time in kind.

He felt extremely fortunate. If Gu Shaoyang did not have Escaping Death Golden Medal, then he would have to die.

"Gu Shao, I'm sorry!"

Kuei sincerely apologized to Gu Shaoyang: "I didn't pay attention to safety just now, and you lost a lot."


Gu Shaoyang waved his hand a lot and said, "I don't blame you, I'm too careless."

To say that he didn't complain at all about Kui, it must be false, but if Gu Shaoyang doesn't even have this point of mind, then he might as well be a young master who is waiting for death. Do n't think about Gu Clan 's huge family business. Already.

Otherwise, I do n't know how to die!

He said to the hunters: "Everyone rest assured that the rewards and rewards given to you will not be less!"

Cheers sounded again!

More than an hour later, a transport helicopter arrived over the hunting team's location.

With the concerted efforts of the team members, the giant bear weighing more than 1,000 jin was lifted away by helicopter.

Gu Shaoyang not at all chose to leave by helicopter, but set out on the return journey with the hunting team.

The bear hunting experience at this time is destined to become one of the deepest memories in his life!


Two days later.

Zuo Yi, at Linjiang Old Residence, received a call from Yan Dong.

That night, Zuo Yi went to the West Market third floor to meet the Jiangnan Yan Family Patriarch.

"Your Escaping Death Golden Medal is on fire!"

Just now, Yan Dong came to him and said, "Now many people come to buy!"

In order to raise funds for the purchase of Linjiang City land, Zuo Yi personally produced a hundred pieces of Escaping Death Golden Medal. In addition to the first piece for testing, the remaining 99 pieces were entrusted to Garbo for auction.

Gerber's promotion of Escaping Death Golden Medal has been quite successful. The average price of Escaping Death Golden Medal sold in previous auctions is close to 200 million, which has caused some repercussions in the World.

However, the situation of the recent batch is not very good, and the transaction price has dropped a lot. If it weren't for Yan Family who took a few pieces to carry out the market, the situation would be even worse.

The reason is that there are some rumors that the effect of Escaping Death Golden Medal is not as well publicized at all, and it is the Yan Family that is hyping.

Yan Donglai is not afraid of shadow obliques, but these rumors inevitably have a considerable impact on potential buyers.

And now Yan Dong is exulting: "One of my nephews, saved your life by your Escaping Death Golden Medal!"
