Paladin Dad Chapter 345

A mirage, also known as a mirage, is a nature phenomenon formed by the refraction and total reflection of light. In simple terms, it is a virtual image formed by the light reflected by an object on a planet and refracted by the atmosphere. It is an optical phenomenon.

Therefore, the mirage presented by the mirage has a real existence, not a product of imagination and bizarre.

But the landscape that appears on the sea at this moment is definitely not the Nature landscape on Earth!

Moreover, Zuo Yi keenly felt that there were two different breaths of World Law in the landscape. They collided and merged with each other, constantly changing the scene, like a movie being played.

Zuo Yi is very clear that these pictures are 100% from pretty Desolate World!

The blood moon, the emperor sheds blood, the awakening and Extraordinary incidents constantly appear, and the mirage in front of you. All kinds of different phases are showing that the fusion of the two worlds is getting deeper and deeper.

It was just the speed of fusion that surprised Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi studied in the Imperial Family Knight Academy at Sadya World Sulo Empire for two years, during which he read a lot of books in the Imperial Family large library, and learned a lot about the plane and the world.

Under normal circumstances, the integration process of the two Worlds is very long, often taking hundreds of years or even thousands of years, and the speed at which the Earth and the pretty Desolate World meet and merge is obviously extraordinary.

too fast!

This abnormal situation will inevitably bring a lot of problems and troubles, and produce unexpected results.

Zuo Yi's current strength actually has the ability to stop it, but he needs to pay a very high price for it.

And once the process of world fusion is interrupted, Zuo Yi should not expect to gain the power to promote himself.

So unless his head is kicked by the donkey, he will definitely not interfere.

Of course, if Earth is facing destruction, Zuo Yi will surely take a shot, but now he is standing on the beach and admiring the wonders of the sea with the surrounding tourists.


Bao'er blinked his eyes and asked, "Is that a mirage?"

Zuo Yi touched her head and replied, "That's right."

Bao'er admired: "So beautiful."


Zuo Yi nodded, some memories from the past came to his mind.

It is not the first time Zuo Yi has seen a similar scene.


At this time, the cry for help came from far away and came back to his senses.

I saw a white yacht thrown high by the waves on the distant sea, and immediately dropped off, the people on the boat issued a terrifying shout, as if the end of the world was coming.

Such a scene is very weird, because the surrounding sky is ten thousand li. The sea is calm and calm. Only the area where this yacht is located has a dark tide surging waves, making it impossible for nearby ships to approach.

The white yacht is like a toy that is tampered with by the tide. The danger of high throws and low drops is alive, there is the possibility of overturning at any time, and several crew members lost control and fell into the sea.

Seeing such a scene, a stall owner on the beach shouted in horror: "Sea Dragon King is angry!"

The tourists were all stunned, and some even wept with fear.


Zuo Yi couldn't sit still, he immediately said to the little girl, "Don't run around here, father to save people!"


Bao'er held the small bucket and nodded hard: "I'm waiting for Father to come back here."

"be good."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled, his body swept forward suddenly, rushed across the beach into the sea in a blink, and plunged into the blue water.

Like a torpedo launching an attack, he broke through the seawater barrier at an amazingly high speed, swam straight towards the area where the yacht was, and made a long foam track underwater!

In less than ten seconds, Zuo Yi was close to the yacht in question.

At the same time I saw the culprit that caused it to fall!

It was a huge octopus octopus lurking in the water, and its two tentacles firmly held the yacht, dragging it underwater.

Courting death !

Zuo Yi speeded up moving towards the big octopus without thinking.

The perception of this big octopus was extremely acute, and he immediately noticed the approach of Zuo Yi. It suddenly turned around, and the eyes of two lanterns stared at Zuo Yi, flashing the bloodthirsty brutal rays of light.

call out!

At the moment it locked Zuo Yi, a long dark red tentacle shot at Zuo Yi like an off-string arrow.

Facing the attack from the big octopus, Zuo Yi couldn't help but punch out.

The next moment, his fist slammed into the tentacle tip of the octopus, and the Battle Qi burst into flames.


With a muffled sound, a large amount of seawater was instantly evaporated, forming countless bubbles and rushing to the surface. This tentacle of the octopus octopus was directly cooked by Battle Qi of Zuo Yi, and burning aura rushed to its head along the long wrist. Huh!

The octopus octopus trembled suddenly. It apparently realized that it was facing the calamity of death. The root of the tentacle broke by itself in an instant, and then moved towards the deep sea to escape at the fastest speed.


Zuo Yi was somewhat surprised.

He originally intended to bake this octopus octopus with Battle Qi. I didn't expect this guy to be so cunning. He actually broke his wrist at a critical moment to survive, and his IQ was not generally high.

Although Zuo Yi wanted to hunt, the big octopus would definitely not escape, but after the capsize, many people were struggling in the water. Considering that saving people is more important, he did not pursue.

Think this guy is lucky!

Leaning up, Zuo Yi quickly came under the capsize boat, raised his hands to support it.

Oh la la !

The cruise ship lying on the side of the sea immediately turned over and returned to normal navigation.

Immediately after, the crew and tourists who fell into the water were pushed by an invisible force, and each and everyone "flies" back and forth to the ship.

They landed on the deck, all wet and stunned.

At this time, the sea was calm and several ships cruising in the vicinity quickly rushed to the rescue.

After the accident, Zuo Yi, who had saved his strength and name, rescued all those who fell into the water, quietly returned, and soon returned to the beach.

Only two or three minutes before and after!

"I'm back."

He said to Bao'er waiting there: "It's all right."

little girl crooked her head, nodded: "Um."

Father said it's okay, then it must be okay.

Zuo Yi smiled and touched her head, saying, "At noon we make barbecued octopus legs."


Bao'er hasn't answered yet, Tyke next to her can't help but yell: Wang wants to eat too!

Barbecue octopus legs, it sounds delicious!
