Paladin Dad Chapter 346

Nourishing ~

Three pieces of pure white as jade were placed on a barbecue tray. They were roasted by the hot charcoal fire to give off white smoke, and the smell of roast meat was suddenly diffused in the air.

This piece of palm-sized meat was cut from the tentacles of the big octopus. It has just been cooked by Zuo Yi's Flame Battle Qi. Now the secondary processing is to add seasoning.

In fact, the tentacle meat just cut out is actually much bigger. He only took the tenderest and whitest part of the inner core as the barbecue ingredients, and the tenacious outer skin was fed with Foodie Ty.

Zuo Yi and Bao'er's lunch was settled in the barbecue area in front of the beach. The barbecue tools, seasonings and ingredients are all provided by the hotel. You can also ask a professional barbecue chef to help you, but you can cook it yourself. It tastes better.

Brush the secret barbecue sauce, turn it over a few times, then sprinkle with spices and paprika, Tyke squatting next to her eyes and drooling into the river.

Zuo Yi saw the fire was almost over, cut the slice of octopus meat that had not been sprinkled with pepper and put it on Bao'er's plate, and then tossed a piece to Foodie Ty.

Take a bite, the fleshy teeth are very chewy, and the taste is extremely sweet. The cumin sauce and the rich seafood flavor blend together perfectly, blooming on the tip of the tongue, and the food can't stop.

Although in terms of the quality of the ingredients, this big octopus with the Extraordinary attribute is completely incomparable to the troll trolls, but has its unique flavor, which makes Zuo Yi satisfied.

It's a pity to let that guy run away, otherwise putting it in the space ring will undoubtedly greatly enrich the ingredients library.


Bao'er's eyes narrowed as he ate: "It's delicious!"

With a smile, Zuo Yi hehe finished his octopus meat with three mouthfuls and made little octopus balls for little girl.

Still take the tenderest part, cut into small pieces with a kitchen knife and put in a bowl, add flour, starch, eggs, green onions, water and salt, and then hold each and everyone small balls with your hands.

The octopus balls on the roadside are grilled by special tools. Not at all is provided here, so he created a homemade magic modified octopus balls, double roasted with Battle Qi and charcoal, and finally made the finished product. The appearance is also very good.

"Come and taste father's craftsmanship …"

Zuo Yi smiled and put a few freshly baked octopus balls on the little girl's plate: "Be careful."


Bao'er muttered his mouth against Wanzi: "hu ha! Huha!"

Wu wu wu ~

Tyke, who had wiped out his share of meat next to him, looked salivating, wagging his tail toward the little girl and begging for food.

Bao'er loved it the most, and immediately gave it to him with a bamboo stick: "A'Ty."


Tyke swallowed, swallowed directly into his stomach, and then stared at Bao'er with a gaze.

Bao'er: "…"

Zuo Yi glanced at Foodie Ty, who was embarrassed, and strung the remaining octopus balls in half.

No, no, Bao'er is so fond of it that he would rather not eat it than let his mouth spit.

"What a lovely puppy!"

At this time, a tender voice came suddenly.

Zuo Yi turned his head and saw, ah, there were actually five or six beautiful girls next door. They were wearing cloth-saving swimwear, they had red faces and long legs, which made people doubt that they had come to the beauty pageant.

And these young and beautiful women are like a star-shaped moon, surrounded by a plain-looking young man, the latter lazily lying on a beach chair, boring green onions in his hands.

People also come to eat barbecue, but there is a chef cooking, one of them crushed Tyke's eyes and put on her arms.

When Zuo Yi looked over, the young man happened to turn his head as well, and the eyes of the two just matched.

Zuo Yi smiled, who was slightly nodded.

The young man turned back and said a few words to the crush sitting next to him.

The latter immediately took a bottle of champagne from the ice bucket next to him, and the models got up and took it to Zuo Yi: "Hello sir, this is the champagne that my young Wang Master gave me to taste."

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi thought about it, took a large plate of cut octopus and returned it: "This is my young master, please try it."

Come without mercy.

"Thank you."

Meimei took it with a smile, and turned her head to curl one's lip.

The bottle of champagne she just sent out is a top brand with a value of more than XNUMX. Although it is a daily ordinary drink for Wang Young Master, the plate of meat returned by Zuo Yi is what the hell?

Excuse me?

I guess it is not known!

Zuo Yi really hasn't done much research on luxury products, and he's even less familiar with the brand of champagne. .

Octopus meat is a big meal, as well as scallops, oysters, prawns and more.

The Wang Young Master also didn't care about Zuo Yi's return. He asked the crush to grill the chef and continue to tear onions.

People hobby is more unique.

After a few minutes, the chef brought back the processed charcoal grilled octopus meat.

"smell good!"

A crush reached out and took a string, and diligently delivered it to Wang Young Master's mouth: "Wang Shao, try it."

Wang Young Master hesitated, but still opened his mouth and took a bite.

The next moment he opened his eyes slyly, reached out and grabbed it, and took a big bite: "Delicious, you guys also try it."

Several crushes each took a string, and soon chirp chirp twitter twitter twitter sounded.

"Wow, it's really delicious!"

"This is octopus meat. It has never been so delicious."

"Yeah yeah!"

"En en en…"

Wang Young Master can be regarded as a barbeque master. He usually takes friends and crushes out to skewer when he is fine, but he has eaten all over Jiangnan North and has never eaten such delicious octopus meat.

After eating a bunch, he wanted to do another, but was surprised to find that the plate was empty.


Wang Young Master couldn't help scratching his head, thinking about asking for another plate from Zuo Yi, and felt that he couldn't afford to lose that person.

He is dignified, young and old, hasn't he eaten delicious or savory?

The second girl finished eating, licked her tongue and said, "It's so delicious, I want it!"

Wang Young Master suddenly eyes shined and said, "Send another bottle of champagne."

After receiving the second bottle of champagne, Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but he also understood the meaning of the other party. Take it home and process it yourself.

This tentacle is two feet long in a sea bowl, which is enough for the other to eat.

After a while, there was a sound of yelling from the eyebrows over there, presumably frightened.

Zuo Yi shook the head.

Beauty and tentacles are easily reminiscent of some discordant pictures.
