Paladin Dad Chapter 361

Although it's only been three years since he left this world, Zuo Yi has been wandering in Sadya for XNUMX years. If you count the time of fighting different planes, it will add up to more than XNUMX years.

Despite his powerful strength, he was thinking about his hometown all the time, eager to return to Earth one day.

Now that the dream has come true, and there is one more bond that can't be separated, let alone Beijing, and even if Zuo Yi becomes Prime Minister of Imperial Capital, he has no interest!

After Wu Yongjian led the team, Zuo Yi returned home.


Just stepping through the door, Bao'er came over and asked, "Did you just go to Baoshu?"


Zuo Yi nodded said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Bao'er murmured: "Why don't you take me with you? Do you have any secrets with Baoshu and don't tell me?"

She felt something about father and Baoshu hiding from herself.

Well, jealous.

Zuo Yi hehe smiled, leaned over and hugged her, sighed and said, "Father and Baoshu are a little secret, I have to wait until you grow up to tell you."

The treasure tree is a sub-tree of the World Tree and has an independent consciousness. Although it is Bao'er's tree of life, it obeys Zuo Yi's instructions in many ways.

After all, there are things that are not suitable for little girl to know.

Bao'er thought about it and decided to forgive father and Baoshu: "All right."

There is a little grievance.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Really clever, kiss again."


After having dinner in the evening, Zuo Yi received a call from Lu Han.

The Extraordinary Management Office's internal investigation and interrogation of the two Intruders captured by Zuo Yi had preliminary results.

First of all, these two people are not real members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Super League. Their identities are undoubtedly counterfeit, and they also carry extremely lethal poisons, which are sealed in clothes pockets and within the body!

In other words, if Zuo Yi had previously taken the documents from the opponent's pocket, it would be very likely to be attacked by toxins!

Perishing together, plus the means of preserving the poison within the body, is completely in line with the style of the members of the True Knowledge Council.

Of course, now that they are in the hands of the Extraordinary Management Office, suicide is a luxury.

It sounds like good news. At least the Interior Department of the Super League is not penetrated so well by the True Knowledge Council. In fact, if you think about it, if these two guys really broke into the Internal Affairs Department, I believe that the True Knowledge Council would not let them Do dirty work.

However, the biggest problem is that the certificates held by the two are actually true!

This is very incredible. Wu Yongjian and Lu Han, who personally participated in the interrogation, couldn't believe it, but they used the credentials held by the other party to conduct online verification. All the information returned in the database was correct!

Some data of the Extraordinary Management Office and Superlink will be shared. Checking and verifying the information belongs to the category of data sharing.

However, the confession obtained through mentally induced hypnosis, the two belonged to the peripheral members of the True Knowledge Council. They were originally active in the Shanghai Sea and were temporarily dispatched to investigate Zuo Yi's information. Their IDs were all given by their superiors.

So it is not that there is no problem in the Super League, but there are bigger problems!

Imagine that there are many people holding Super League documents doing bad things outside. What are the consequences?

Due to the power section of Xia Chaolian, Wu Yongjian considered again and again and decided to hand over the information he currently has together with the two to his superiors to deal with it-things were too serious to carry.

Zuo Yi certainly has no comment on this.

Zuo Yi just told Wu Yongjian that if there is any major action by the Extraordinary Management Office against the Governing Council, then inform yourself.

This matter has come to an end.

Zuo Yi is mentally prepared for the assault from the True Knowledge Council. He believes that he must have been stabbed in the eyes of the other party. Now and in the future, many actions directed at him will appear.

Zuo Yi must be fearless. For the enemy of the faction and the destroyer of Order, he can punish, slaughter, and exterminate regardless of the actual rules. If the council dares to find him, then he must bear the awareness of his thunderbolt counterattack.

But Zuo Yi also has to consider the safety of the people around him, Bao'er, Fang Yonghe, and Shang Yulin.

Although he equipped Fang Yonghe and Shang Yulin with protective rune equipment, he could not guarantee 100% safety.

So Zuo Yi still thinks more about it.

In fact, this is just a cure for the symptoms. If you want to cure the root cause, the only way is to uproot the True Knowledge Council and eliminate it completely, so that you can sit back and relax.

However, Zuo Yi is not the god of omnipotent, after all, powerful force also needs to find the target in order to play it out, so cooperation with the Extraordinary Management Office and the Super League is very important.

At night, when the little girl fell asleep, Zuo Yi came to the study and landed on Liwang.

He used his permissions to find some information.

As a result, I didn't soak in Linet for a long time, and Zuo Yi felt strange, so he retreated.

He took off the registrar and saw Bao'er standing in front of himself with a bewildered expression, his eyes full of uneasy expression.

Suddenly heart startled, Zuo Yi quickly asked: "Baby, what's wrong? Is it a nightmare?"


Bao'er shook the head, she anxiously pulled Zuo Yi and said, "Father, come and see A'Ty!"

Zuo Yi wondered: "A'Ty has something wrong?"

If nothing happens, little girl will not look like this. The question is what can happen to Tyke?

"A'Ty, A'Ty …"

Tears ran into Bao'er's eyes: "It, it turned into an egg!"


The face of Zuo Yi hurriedly followed the little girl to her boudoir, and found that Foodie Ty really turned into an egg!

On Bao'er's bed, there was a giant egg about one meter long. The eggshell was reddish brown, and it seemed to be breathing when it was bright and dark.

No wonder Bao'er was frightened. When she fell asleep, she hugged Tyke. She woke up and found that Tyke was like this!

It's already Staunchness without crying.

Zuo Yi walked over and reached out and gently pressed on the giant egg.

After a while, he retracted his hand and said to the little girl with a smile, "It's okay, Tyke is in the advanced stage."

Hell Cerberus is the top-level Legendary Magic Beast, but it does not have such a high level in its lifetime, and it needs to be gradually improved in the process of growth.

Cerberus in Hell is growing slowly. Under normal circumstances, Tyke should not start his first promotion so soon.

Zuo Yi concludes that it has eaten too much Demon Ox meat recently and has accumulated enough Energy, so it has to advance.

In the final analysis, it's little girl's own sake that gave it too much Demon Ox flesh-too much tonic!

That's the ingredients from a Legendary Demon!
