Paladin Dad Chapter 362

Abyss Cerberus has a long life.

Under normal circumstances, they can live for 1500 to XNUMX years, and some can live up to XNUMX years.

Correspondingly, Abyss Cerberus' growth period is also very long, and it will take hundreds of years to become a powerful Magic Beast who is promoted to the Legendary Peak level.

Zuo Yi has given Tyke to Bao'er for half a year, replaced with that kind of ordinary puppy, half a year is enough to grow into a big dog, but Tyke needs at least ten years to grow up.

The larger its size, the stronger its strength, and the second and third skulls are derived to a certain extent.

And its growth process can be accelerated.

The easiest way is to use High Level magic crystals to ripen. Zuo Yi feeds Tyke back and forth with five or six High Level magic crystals.

Among the wealth Zuo Yi brought back from Sadya World, the number of magic crystals was the most, but most of them were used to exchange treasure trees with World Tree, and then fed some treasure trees. Now they are still stored in the space ring. There is little left.

In addition, the flesh and blood essence of High Level Magic Beast can also partially replace the magic crystal, especially for the carnivorous Magic Beast, which is an essential source of nutrition during the growth process.

Zuo Yi had beheaded and killed the troll trolls who had been summoned to Earth, and collected and cut more than XNUMX kg of Demon Ox meat, most of which were made into jerky, which was specially used as Tyke dog food.

In the past period of time, Foodie Ty everyday all had to kill dozens of pounds of beef jerky, and Bao'er spoiled it, adding meals to it from time to time, and the total amount was very considerable.

So Tyke's breakthrough promotion in such a short time is completely normal!


After listening to Zuo Yi's explanation, Bao'er asked pitifully: "When will A'Ty come out?"

She was afraid that Tyke was always sleeping in the eggshell and could no longer accompany herself.

A'Ty is her best friend!

"It should be fast."

Zuo Yi can't be sure, because he doesn't know much about the growth characteristics of Abyss Cerberus, and can only infer based on his previous knowledge of Magic Beast: "You can rest assured that it will be fine."


Bao'er nodded.

She looked at the dog eggs on the bed, and there was still a hint of worry in her eyes.

"It's late."

Zuo Yi rubbed her head and said, "Baby, go to sleep."

With that said, Zuo Yi was preparing to move the giant egg.


Bao'er begged: "I want to be with A'Ty."


Zuo Yi hesitated, but still couldn't beat the little girl's pitiful eyes: "All right."

Bao'er immediately crawled back to bed and lay down beside the giant egg.

She measured herself and looked at the egg, cautiously extended the hand and touched the eggshell.

Warm and warm, she could feel the pulse from the eggshell, echoing her heartbeat.

Bao'er smiled with joy, and closed his eyes safely.

Then fell asleep.

Zuo Yi took a long breath and sat down along the bed, reaching out to lower the brightness of the desk lamp.

He watched the little girl in sleep quietly and sat up for a long time before quietly getting up and leaving.

The moment the door was pulled up, the giant egg suddenly transmitted bright rays of light, and immediately returned to normal.

Bao'er pursed his lips in his sleep, and whispered, "A'Ty."

Her dreams were all about playing with Tyke.

Time flies so fast that it is three days later.


Bao'er muttered, "A'Ty is not awake yet."

For three days, except for the regular light-dark alternation of this giant egg, there was no movement.

Bao'er, besides going to Tianqi School, is always by his side and talking to him quietly.

Because she watched TV, the vegetatives lying on the bed had relatives and friends talking next to each other, and then woke up.

Zuo Yi and Fang Yonghe exchanged a helpless look.

These days, little girl thinks of Tyke a little bit, and has said the same thing more than ten times.

Zuo Yi didn't know how to answer well-he couldn't lie!

"A'Ty is fine."

The tired dad can only say, "Don't worry, you can go to Baoshu to find Pippi."

In fact, there is Memphis at home, but this black cat is too cold. Although it is ordered by little girl, it is not a close relative. There is no way to compare with Tyke.


Bao'er grievously answered complied.

"Let's eat."

Fang Yonghe put a poached egg in her bowl and said, "Maybe you'll wake up after you eat."


This time the little girl promised to be much crisper, raised the chopsticks and chopped rice in her mouth.

Hurry up and Tyke will be back sooner!

"Be careful to be restrained."

Fang Yonghe looked at the distress and quickly sipped half a bowl of soup for her: "Drink some tofu soup."


Bao'er was obediently nodded, picked up the spoon and scooped the soup.

As a result, Tang hadn't drank her mouth yet, and she suddenly noticed something, and her eyes were stunned: "A'Ty!"

Startled Zuo Yi and Fang Yonghe.

"Father, aunt, A'Ty is awake!"

The little girl jumped up in excitement, and spread her legs and ran upstairs: "I'll go and see it!"


Zuo Yi quickly followed along.

Follow Bao'er to her bedroom, and heard a crisp crackle as soon as she entered the door.

At this moment, a few prominent cracks appeared on the surface of the giant egg on the bed. Scarlet-red rays of light were transmitted through the gap, and the egg body was constantly vibrating, apparently undergoing drastic transformation.


Bao'er happily ran over.

Ka-cha !

As if in response to her call, a large piece of eggshell fell off the body of the egg, a furry dog's head protruded out of it, and opened his obsidian-like dark eyes to look at the little girl.

Compared with before the egg, its body size has grown a lot, it has been out of the category of small milk dogs and has reached …

The level of the puppy.


The newborn Tyke barked, broke free from the eggshell, and suddenly leapt to the little girl.

Just into Bao'er's arms.

little girl was almost knocked to the ground by this guy. Fortunately, Zuo Yi's eyes were stubborn and she helped her in time.

But Bao'er didn't care at all, she hugged Tyke in her arms tightly, and said with a smile: "A'Ty, A'Ty, A'Ty!"

If you do n't see one day, you 'll see Sanqiu, if you do n't see three days, you 'll see a lifetime!

The bond between the two Little Brats has never been so deep.

Tyke shakes his long tail desperately, sticks out his tongue and licks Bao'er's face desperately. There is also a coquettish sound of "wu wu wu" in his throat, as if they really separated for a long time.

Bao'er Bao'er, Wang misses you so much!

"I miss you too."

Bao'er pressed his face against the dog's head, his eyes dimpled and his dimples shallow.
