Paladin Dad Chapter 366

After entering the new year, the cold air from the north kept going south, making the temperature in Hangzhou area getting lower and lower, and those beautiful little elder sisters on the street had to wear thick winter clothes.

But as the Chinese New Year approaches, the atmosphere in the city becomes more lively and festive.

Linjiang Old Residence, Fang Yonghe came out of the living room and shouted to Bao'er, who was playing with Tyke in the yard: "Bao'er come in soon, it's going to rain!"


Bao'er just handed the ball to Foodie Ty, and she curiously looked up at the sky: "No."

There were many overcast clouds in the sky, but there was no sign of rain.

"Aunt feels like it's going to rain."

Fang Yonghe pointed to the dragonfly that was flying in the yard, said with a smile: "And you look at the dragonflies, they are flying very low, it is going to rain, come back soon."


Bao'er tilted his head, and nodded said, "Okay."

She waved at Tyke: "A'Ty, let's play inside."


Foodie Ty yelled, dropped the ball and followed the little girl eagerly back to the living room.


Two Little Brats had just come in, and a little raindrops of beans dropped from the sky, falling heavily on the slate floor in the yard, and they were suddenly torn apart.

The next moment, more raindrops fell and hit the canopy tree's crown and ground, making a dense noise.


Bao'er opened his mouth in surprise, and Wu Yu's big eyes stared roundly: "It really rained!"

She felt that her aunt was really amazing, and she also learned new knowledge.


Fang Yonghe, admired by the little girl, looked at the rain screen outside the door, but there was no dessert god.

She remained so until dinner.


Zuo Yi put the freshly peeled prawns in a Bao'er bowl and asked with concern: "Is something wrong?"

When he came back just now, he found that Fang Yonghe was not thinking. He almost smashed the bowl when he was serving rice.


Fang Yonghe hesitated. She looked at Bao'er and said with courage, "I seem to have something wrong."

Fang Yonghe only recently noticed the abnormal situation on her body. She found that she seemed to have a certain predictive ability, and was able to anticipate what happened in a few seconds or minutes.

For example, when she goes to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and holds the selected ingredients in her hands, she knows how much she will pay the stall owner.

She watched TV shows, new shows that she had never seen before, and she could always guess exactly the plot after a few minutes, or even what the actors in the show wanted to say.

And Bao'er teleported home from Tianqi School, Fang Yonghe often knew two or three minutes in advance, and never made a mistake!

Even watching the trainees in Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, she did not understand martial arts and she could judge the victory and defeat of both sides.

She felt like it was going to rain just now, so she ran out and called Bao'er back to the house, and it really rained.

The most amazing thing is that when she crossed the road a few days ago, she felt that she was going to be hit by an electric bicycle, so she accelerated her pace.

As a result, an electric bicycle that did not follow the traffic rules rushed over and almost hit her!

One or two times, Fang Yonghe only thought it was her own whim or pure coincidence, not at all how she cares, but she appeared wrong many times, she felt wrong!

After thinking about it, Fang Yonghe decided to tell Zuo Yi.

She already knew that Zuo Yi and Bao'er were not ordinary people, and she also knew something about Extraordinary.

Think Zuo Yi should know the truth.

"Foresee …"

Zuo Yi was surprised that Fang Yonghe's situation was clearly awakened by some Extraordinary ability!

In fact, Zuo Yi didn't feel strange about the awakening of Fang Yonghe, because in order to treat aunt, Zuo Yi gave her a drop of Fountain of Life water and a drop of Fountain of Soul water.

Even if there is no ordinary person who has extraordinary innate talent, after getting these two drops of invaluable fountain water, there is a great possibility to awaken the ability to become a Transcendent!

What Zuo Yi did not expect was that Fang Yonghe's awakening was actually predictability!

Even in Sadya World, prediction is also a very rare Extraordinary ability. There are very few Wizards who master the prophecy. They are as rare as national treasures. They also exist as as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns in the tower organization.

Although the battle strength of the prediction Wizard is low, it is very powerful. If a Legion with a prediction Wizard and a Legion without a Wizard start a showdown, as long as the strengths are not very different, the probability of the former victory is much greater than the latter.

Just according to Fang Yonghe's description, she now has a weak predictive ability and very short time.

You should know that the big wizard in Sadya World can make predictions for hundreds or even thousands of years!

But this ability is still powerful.

After thinking about it, Zuo Yi shook his fist and reached Fang Yonghe, and asked, "aunt, guess, how many Gold Coins do I have?"

Fang Yonghe replied immediately: "Three."

Zuo Yi opened his hand, and there were three Huang Chengcheng Gold Coins of Law on his palm.


Bao'er clapped his hands and shouted, "Aunt is so good!"

Fang Yonghe was a little embarrassed: "I don't know, it feels like three."

Zuo Yi put away the Gold Coin, said with a smile: "aunt, you can be a god of gambling."

Fang Yonghe really awakened.

It's just that her awakening is different from the ordinary Transcendent. Only in the test just showed the Extraordinary fluctuations. After the end, there is no difference with the ordinary people.

This should be one of her Extraordinary features.

As Zuo Yi said, if Fang Yonghe goes to the casinos in Tai O, they can completely bankrupt those casinos-roulette is a guess and you will be asked!

Of course, whether it is Zuo Yi or Fang Yonghe, will not use super-ability to gamble, and large casinos have corresponding solutions for some special groups, it is impossible to be bankrupt.

Fang Yonghe hesitated and asked, "Is that right?"

Although Zuo Yi has just made her decision, she still wants to confirm it again.

Zuo Yi smiled nodded.

Fang Yonghe must be Transcendent. According to the classification of World in Earth, she should belong to Mystery Type Transcendent.

After getting a definite response from Zuo Yi, Fang Yonghe didn't know how to cry.

The feeling in her heart at this moment was really difficult to describe in words.

Not real, can't believe it!

"Aunt …"

Bao'er's eyes were bright and he asked, "I want to go to the mall tomorrow. Can you take me to the acridine?"

She just had a winter vacation yesterday.


Fang Yonghe came back to his senses, said with a smile: "Aunt tomorrow will take you to the mall and buy you some new clothes."

"Thank you aunt."

little girl sweetly smiled, Tyke squatting next to him made a victory sign: (^ - ^) V

Zuo Yi touched his chin and felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.
