Paladin Dad Chapter 367

The next morning, Zuo Yi drove Bao'er and Fang Yonghe to the largest mall in Hangzhou.

Today's weather is colder than yesterday, and the weather forecast indicates that it will snow, but the morning is fine.

It's another two weeks before the Spring Festival, and the ingredients in the house are almost consumed, so even if Bao'er didn't make a request, he would have to make a big purchase, and go back and buy some new products.

Because it is Saturday, the vast crowd inside the mall is very lively. The little girl is holding Zuo Yi's hand to look around.

She brought Tyke too, as pets were not allowed in the mall, so Foodie Ty was packed in a capsule backpack as usual.

After the first metamorphosis, Tyke grew up and weighed a lot, but Bao'er insisted on carrying it on his own.

Regardless of her small strength, after six months of training and the ability of Transcendent, the physical fitness of the little girl is already Da Qiang, a child of the same age, carrying Tyke on her is not a heavy burden.

It's just that she is carrying the cute scene of Tyke to attract the attention of many passersby, and many little elder sisters in the mall take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

There are also chasing shots!


Suddenly Bao'er seemed to find a new continent. She let go of Zuo Yi's hand, and begged Fang Yonghe, who was on the other side, begging: "I want to catch the baby, aunt, will you take me to catch it?"

Fang Yonghe favored her more than Zuo Yi, not even think agreed: "Okay."

one big and one small Two beautiful women run hand in hand to the doll machine in front.

There are dozens of doll machines on the first floor of this mall. Customers can scan the code to buy coins and catch dolls. Because the puppets inside the machine are beautiful and cute, the business is very popular.

When Zuo Yi brought Bao'er to this mall to buy things, he also caught the doll, but now he wants to catch it again.

Fang Yonghe helped Bao'er buy game coins. The little girl held the box in front of a doll machine and poked a doll inside and asked, "Aunt, can this doll be caught?"

Fang Yonghe subconsciously shook the head: "Can't catch it."

As soon as the words came out, she froze.


The answering Bao'er immediately moved his finger and pointed at the other one: "What about this one?"

Fang Yonghe still shook his head: "I can't catch it."

Two consecutive negatives did not disappoint Bao'er, and she pointed to the third puppet: "What about it?"

This time Zuo Yi and Fang Yonghe fully understand!

Dare to love little girl and let Fang Yonghe take her to the mall, the purpose is to use the aunt's predictive ability to catch the baby! !!

Zuo Yi really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He remembered that he had brought Bao'er here to catch a doll last time, but he bought a doll of fifty coins before catching a doll, and it was not the one that little girl liked.

This is actually normal, because the program of the doll machine is adjusted. Most of the time, its claws are adjusted to be very loose. How to catch it can not be grasped. The player can only have a sense of the rule or luck reward.

In fact, with Zuo Yi's ability, it's easy for Bao'er to catch the doll. It doesn't matter if the claws are loose enough to catch a bunch of cotton, but based on Knight's Virtue Faith, he will not do the main thing.

I did not expect that little girl called Fang Yonghe to hang up!

Probably the last time I caught it unhappy, this is "revenge"!

But understand clearly, Zuo Yi will not discourage and give the little girl a chance to "revenge".

Strictly speaking of which, first of all, the business cheated, and then she relied on Fang Yonghe's predictability, rather than illegal tools such as high magnets or jammers.

After Fang Yonghe understood Bao'er's intentions, he changed the way of predicting: "We change one."

It is too much trouble to try them one by one. It is efficient to test one by one.

"Catch this!"

Fang Yonghe quickly locked the target and showed it to the little girl.

The little girl immediately inserted three game coins into the doll machine and skillfully pushed the waist lever to control the claws to grab the puppet toy.

Ding Dang Dang!

After a while, the doll machine's marquee turned, a pleasant music sounded, and a Q Meng cat puppet fell down.


Bao'er immediately burst into joy, proudly making scissors for Fang Yonghe: "Aunt, we caught it!"

Raising your arms!

She was happy, Fang Yonghe was happier, and continued to point out, "You can grab it again, grab this."

Six game coins, two ragdoll dolls succeeded, XNUMX hits!


Zuo Yi touched her head and said, "You play for yourself."

The business is not a philanthropist, they also have to cook meals, the investment in machinery and equipment is high, and the rent for the land is not cheap.

Furthermore, Fang Yonghe's predictive ability cannot be abused, too much use may lead to unpredictable consequences.


Bao'er was not a greedy child. He obediently obeyed Zuo Yi's words, and did not let Fang Yonghe give directions.

However, she was very lucky today. After a box of game coins was cast, she actually caught seven dolls, plus the first two, and there were nine in total, basically not losing money.

The point is to be happy.

Zuo Yi took the opportunity to put these dolls into the space ring, and then took the satisfied Bao'er to the big purchase.

Buy and buy!

At noon, the three had lunch at a restaurant in the mall. After shopping for two hours, I bought enough winter clothes and new clothes for the little girl, plus a lot of other miscellaneous things to go home.

As soon as he drove out of the mall's underground garage, Bao'er called out, "Father, it's snowing!"

It's snowing.

The shattered snowflakes fell from the air one after another, and many passersby opened their hands to greet them.

This is the first snow in Hangzhou since winter!

On the way home, the snow was getting deeper and heavier, and the light snow turned into heavy snow.


Tyke curled up in Bao'er's arms, looking curiously through the glass window.

This is the first time it has seen snow in its life.

In fact, for Abyss Cerberus, there is no "snow" memory in their life inheritance, because it is impossible to snow in the environment in which they live.

Braving the heavy snow, Daqie returned to Linjiang Old Residence.

When seeing the villa, Zuo Yi also saw two silhouettes standing in front of the courtyard!

This surprised Zuo Yi.

Who chose to visit at this time?

Who are these two uninvited guests?

Zuo Yi stopped the car, opened the door and jumped down.

The other person was a man and a woman. The man's white hair was burly, and the woman's figure was slender and slender, and her appearance was somewhat familiar.

Zuo Yi recognized the other party, remembering that her name should be Ye Yingxue.

The name is quite appropriate.

But his gaze didn't stay on Ye Yingxue's face for more than 1 second, instead he looked towards the strange white clothed old man.

Although the other side's breath converges very well, Zuo Yi can be sure that this is an alpha!
