Paladin Dad Chapter 376

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, Yanwu Hall.

More than two hundred students wearing the new Martial Arts uniforms were sitting all around the fighting ring. All eyes were fixed on Zuo Yi standing on the ring, for fear of missing even a second.

Because today, the teacher Zuo Yi of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall will personally practice Hongwu boxing for everyone!

Although Tianhong today is not comparable to the large Martial Arts Halls in Hangzhou, its reputation in the industry is first-rate. At this moment, the students sitting on the floor are all admired.

And also got a place for admission after some competition!

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall's fame is at least nine. Chengdu is on Zuo Yi's body. In addition to his genius Martial Arts, his self-made Hongwu boxing skills are even more amazing, and are respected by many colleagues in the circle.

It is regrettable that just teaching Hongwu Quanshu to new students is Instructor Zhang Dahai.

Learn martial arts Righteous Sect, everyone hopes to get the personal guidance of Zuo Yi.

Because of this, everyone is extra excited and excited.

In the all around of the ring, four weird cameras were set up, and two were hung from the ceiling. All the lenses were aimed at Zuo Yi, and all his actions were recorded from different angles. .

The person in charge of controlling the six cameras is Lu Guang, a mechanic at the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, with two assistants staring at the combined monitor in front of him without blinking.

After a while, Lu Guang made an "OK" gesture to Zuo Yi, indicating that he was all ready to go.

Zuo Yi nodded.

He took a deep breath and opened the posture. The muscles on his body suddenly swelled, and a sharp momentum came out, making the students watching all hold their breath!


Zuo Yi waved his fist in a deep voice, his fist screamed and the action was fierce and powerful.

Although Zuo Yi performed only basic moves of Hongwu Boxing, the students present, including new students and elite students, all blew Bloodline!

Several students who have considerable accomplishments in Hongwu Boxing are even more envious and can't wait to practice on the spot.

Zuo Yi quickly completed the basic nine types of Hongwu Boxing, and he repeated the exercise a second time.

But the second time the boxing speed became slower, Zuo Yi increased the description of the matching strength and effort and the breath, and made it clear and clear. As long as the IQ is normal, I can definitely learn to follow.

Then the third, fourth, and fifth passes!

After a total of five exercises, Zuo Yi beckoned to Zhang Dahai on the ring.

Zhang Dahai yelled, jumped up suddenly, jumped over the high rope fence in an exclamation, and landed steadily on the opposite side of Zuo Yi.

"Teacher Zuo, please advise!"

The Tianhong Martial Arts Hall's Instructor bowed to Zuo Yi cup one fist in the other hand.

Zuo Yi bowed his head: "Come."

His tone barely fell, Zhang Dahai took a big stride forward, his fists banged heavily at Zuo Yi.

Zhang Dahai's attack was fierce and fierce. He took on an air of battle. Although he used only the basic moves of Hongwu Boxing, it seemed that under his fist, even the mountains could explode into pieces!

Zuo Yi couldn't avoid but couldn't avoid flashing, and also fists to meet each other, the fists of both sides hit each other directly.


The fist strength was so loud that the whole fighting ring was trembling slightly!

Zuo Yi and Zhang Dahai took a step back at the same time, turned out to be equally divided.

This is because Zuo Yi suppresses his power to the same level as Zhang Dahai. He and Zhang Dahai are not trying to compete, but they are practicing the skill of Hongwu Boxing.

Hongwu Boxing is born out of Sadya World's Warrior Fixation and Combat Boxing. It incorporates Zuo Yi's Martial Arts concept. It is not just a body refinement method, it can also be used in actual combat.

And great!

boom! boom! boom!

Zuo Yi and Zhang Dahai started a head-to-head confrontation on the fighting ring. The sound of punches and thunders sounded thrilling.

The two sides played equally.

For the effect of the exercise, Zuo Yi completely controlled the rhythm of the exercise.

Zhang Dahai's cooperation was very good. He did not make himself a Zuo Yi's line-up puppet. During the collision between the two sides, he fully expressed his understanding of Hongwu Boxing.

So make this discussion very exciting!

After a five-minute confrontation, the exercises of Zuo Yi and Zhang Dahai came to an end.

When the two backed apart, thunderous applause and applause rang out in Yanwu Hall!

Zuo Yi smiled, facing Zhang Dahai nodded.

He leapt off the ring and landed next to Lu Guang: "Did you record everything?"

"It's all recorded, not a lot of frames!"

Lu Guang gave Thumbs Up to Zuo Yi: "It's amazing."

He is a dual-ability Transcendent of the Science Type and Strongthening Type. It is a very hobby martial skill fighting. Of course, we can see the strength of Hongwu Boxing out of the ordinary. "

Zuo Yi laughed: "If you want to learn, I'll teach you, a full set of free teaching packages!"


Lu Guang was a little unbelievable–and such good things?

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Of course it is true!"

He specially invited Lu Guang to come today. He used the Extraordinary Technology equipment of the Extraordinary Management Office to shoot the high-fidelity virtual video of the basics of Hongwu Quanshu, ready to be posted on the intranet and the Internet!

At present, people who have learned the basic nine types of Hongwu Boxing have at least four or five hundred. In the present era, there is no possibility of confidentiality. Instead of letting the dominant Martial Arts Hall take advantage, Zuo Yi might as well promote it himself.

Martial arts world, at the same time for the new Tianhong Martial Arts Hall under construction!

And Lu Guang has helped Zuo Yi a lot in the Extraordinary Management Office. If he wants to learn Hongwu Boxing, Zuo Yi is of course taught.

No dilemma.

"That's it!"

Lu Guang is not the kind of arrogant person, said with a smile: "Left Chief, thank you!"

"you are welcome."

Zuo Yi waved his hand and asked, "When will the video be produced?"

"This simple job can be done at night!"

Lu Guang patted his thick chest and said, "Relax, you can hang it before seven."

The video just taken cannot be used directly, it needs to be synthesized and edited to show the best results.

Lu Guang's team is very skilled in this area, it is a piece of cake.

Zuo Yi nodded: "OK."

Before seven o'clock in the evening, two video posts appeared on the homepage of Liwang Xiadu Forum and were marked in red.

The titles of these two posts are "Zuo Yi-Hongwu Boxing Basics Instructor" and "Hongwu Boxing Basics Battle".

Then on the Internet, the same post appeared on the Extraordinary website, the largest website related to Extraordinary!

Liwang Forum is a sensation first!
