Paladin Dad Chapter 377

"Dragon King of Linjiang Zuo Yi?"

"OMG! This is a real gangster!"

"Hongwu Boxing? Why not call it Dragon King?"

"I just experienced it. It's just amazing. I feel like I have learned this set of boxing."


"If you don't believe it, you can experience it by yourself. Click the video to choose a virtual reality demonstration. Just be there!"

"I'm thinking, should I be a boxer of Mental Type Transcendent?"


"This is a secret martial skill. Boss Zuo even showed it for free for everyone to learn. You have to like it!"

"Go study now, maybe I can wake up Strongthening superability."


In just a few hours, the top two posts on the Xiadu Forum both had 5 hits. You need to know that only a part of Transcendent can be accessed on the Internet. Such data is very terrifying.

A large number of clicks came from the contributions of foreign Transcendent, they quietly sneaked into the Xiadu forum, opened the post and downloaded the video and then quietly left, only a few people participated in the discussion.

The speed of building is startling!

The fundamental reason why these two posts "Zuo Yi-Hongwu Boxing Basics Instructor" and "Hongwu Boxing Basics Battle" have such high popularity is Zuo Yi itself.

The name of the Dragon King of Linjiang Zuo Yi, in today's world, is a famous gold-colored signboard.

It is widely acknowledged that he is an A + -level Extraordinary powerhouse, but recently it has been reported that Zuo Yi is China's third-rank alpha, and its true strength far exceeds the scope of A-Rank.

Whether it's Alpha or not, Zuo Yi's strength is beyond doubt, it must be the top person in the World!

Such a big guy recorded two martial skill videos for public disclosure. How many people are not interested?

So causing a sensation is inevitable!

If Weibo is also on Weibo, he made the headline properly.

In contrast, the videos on the Extraordinary website do not have such high popularity. After all, in the world of ordinary people, the popularity of third- and fourth-rate star artists is much higher than Zuo Yi.

In addition, the videos on the Extraordinary network support VR devices at most, and cannot be used for immersive viewing like the Internet. The effect is much worse.

Nevertheless, the downloads of the two videos are also very good, and the reposts are considerable.

Then there was news quickly over the martial arts hall.

For those who have been eliminated by Tianhong, such as Yin Ye, it feels like a heavy stick on their heads!

They have just joined the hegemonic Martial Arts Hall and am ambitious to prepare for a career and even think that they will be strong enough to hit the faces of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall and Zuo Yi.

As a result, Zuo Yi released Hongwu Boxing, and their cost of being favored by the dominant Martial Arts Hall was immediately reduced by half!

The trainees are not fools. Since there are such detailed video demonstrations on the Internet, why should everyone spend a lot of money studying at the male Martial Arts Hall?

Of course, video teaching and real Instructor are two different things. Those who are not bad at money are definitely willing to pay for it, and those students from ordinary families must consider the issue of cost-effectiveness.

You need to know that the male Martial Arts Hall lists the Hongwu boxing separately to charge the Instructor. Yin Ye and others have the status of assistant Instructor and can be divided!

Such a good thing was obviously disturbed by Zuo Yi, but they had no choice but to swallow the bitter water silently.

It's just that Zuo Yi didn't take these people at heart. Making Hongwu Quanshu teaching videos is not to hit each other's face. The fundamental purpose is to spread their Martial Arts and accumulate more Power of Faith.

After setting off two fires, he didn't focus on Tianhong any more and went to Tianqi School more often.

Zuo Yi, the Chief Teacher, is not dry!

As the weather gradually warmed and the earth returned to spring, the life of Zuo Yi became calm and peaceful.

The lag of the New Year, the frequency of Extraordinary incidents in Hangzhou area has greatly decreased, especially the few disasters involving Extraordinary. Basically, it is not necessary to take Zuo Yi's shots. The Extraordinary Management Office can clean itself up.

So Zuo Yi stayed at home more often.

However, the so-called tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, such a peaceful and peaceful day, Zuo Yi not at all how long.

"problem occurs."

At noon that day in mid-February, Wu Yongjian called him: "major event!"

The chief executive of Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, A-Rank Extraordinary powerhouse, said major event, it must be something extraordinary!

Just this morning, a mirage appeared in Shennong Mountain, Hubei Province, which shares many similarities with the mirage phenomenon that broke out globally at the same time.

But the difference is that the mirage of Shennong Mountain lasted for more than two hours. Then, under the crowd of many tourists, it collapsed into a circle of about five meters in diameter and erected on a mountain road in the scenic area!

A few guys with a strong curiosity and fear of death walked into the aperture.

And it hasn't come out yet!

"At present, the scenic area has been blocked by the Extraordinary Management Office of Hubei Province, and the people from the General Administration have also passed by …"

Wu Yongjian said: "We have just received news that the same situation is happening in many countries, America, Continental, Elo, Indy, Fesen, etc., has become a global phenomenon!"

There was a hint of anxiety in his voice: "First of all, the trouble is big. There is a Mystery Type Transcendent from the General Administration. They think these are the gateways to Different World. Our World is likely to be affected by Different World. Invasion! "

The communication between Earth and the Desolate World has been going on for decades, and because of World Stone, the control of this communication is on the Earth side, in the hands of the seven Extraordinary Federations.

The World Stone is only seven blocks, connecting the seven strongholds of the Desolate World. The Earth Transcendents have made countless efforts and built a stronghold.

Now dozens or even hundreds of portals to Different World suddenly pop up. That's really a mess in the world!

Wu Yongjian's mood is completely understandable.

Zuo Yi digested the news he just got, and then asked, "What can I do?"

"There was an emergency consultation between the General Administration and the Super League …"

Wu Yongjian said: "We plan to organize a team to explore inside, understand the situation, and if possible, rescue those missing tourists."

"President Qin needs to sit in Beijing and not leave, so …"

"I understand."

Before Wu Yongjian finished speaking, Zuo Yi flatly said, "I'll rush over now to save people."

Wu Yongjian immediately put out a long breath: "That's great, but you have to be extremely careful, be careful about safety!"
