Paladin Dad Chapter 379

People who feel weird are because of "boast shamelessly" by Zuo Yi-with so many big men present, where can I get an inexplicable guy to give orders?

The surprised person was because he recognized Zuo Yi!

The majestic man who asked Zuo Yi was also surprised: "Left Chief? The General Administration sent you to lead the team?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "Yes."

The august man immediately extended his hand to him: "Hello, I'm Shen Deping from Extraordinary Management Office in Hubei Province."

"Hello, Chief Shen."

Zuo Yi shook hands with him, knowing that the other party was the chief executive of the Extraordinary Management Office in Hubei.

A-Rank Extraordinary powerhouse.

"Mr. Shen …"

Zuo Yi didn't have much nonsense, and said straightforwardly: "Saving people is like fighting a fire. Since the team is not organized yet, let me go ahead and take a look and wait until I come back to make a decision!"

The missing tourists do not know about Life and Death. Although they did die by themselves, they still have to save.

Rescue also has a golden time principle. The longer Shen Deping and the others discuss, the more hopeless the tourists are to survive.


With Shen Deping's city hall, the old man blushed.

The others were either embarrassed or very unconvinced, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Zuo Yi's words are a little embarrassing!


A dissatisfied person just spoke and wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Shen Deping: "Okay, then we are waiting for good news, Chief Zuo, everything is careful."

No one knows Zuo Yi, how could he not know?

China's third-ranked Alpha, but this fact has been recognized by the Extraordinary Management Office and the upper level of the Super League. Although Shen Deping and Zuo Yi are equal in their titles, their identity undoubtedly falls behind Zuo Yi.

The most important thing is, if anyone can rescue the missing tourists at the scene, it must be Zuo Yi!


Zuo Yi rushed into Lu Guang nodded, stepped forward and stepped up, and rushed into the aperture in an instant.

"and many more!"

The messy middle-aged man had just raised his hand to call Zuo Yi, but Zuo Yi's silhouette had disappeared!


The middle-aged man stomped angrily: "He hasn't changed his clothes yet, he's carrying weapons and supplies!"

Everyone can see clearly that Zuo Yi went in with empty hands, and he didn't have any items on his backpack.

Even if his battle strength is strong, the opposite of the aperture is most likely another World. After entering, maybe the clothes on his body will be destroyed and disappear, which is very troublesome.

Earlier, Earth Transcendent's pioneering Early-Stage of Desolate World encountered such a problem and caused a great headache.

Nowadays, the countermeasures have been researched, such as carrying weapons made of meteorite, handmade clothes made of pure linen, and special dry food as equipment and supplies.

These things were prepared, and Zuo Yi went too fast!


Shen Deping knew how powerful an alpha was, and said, "Let's just sit here and wait."

Everyone looked at each other in shock and completely lost their interest in continuing the argument.

Lu Guang hehe smiled, found a place to sit down, and sat down comfortably with a cigarette.

He has great confidence in Zuo Yi.

At this moment, Zuo Yi has passed through the aperture and entered another World.

As soon as Zuo Yi entered the aperture, he felt the oppression of the surrounding strength of space. He did not resist the pull of this force, and was instantly transmitted by the strong strength of space.

When the rays of light in front of me disappeared, what appeared in front of Zuo Yi was a beautiful landscape!

On his left is the rippling blue sea, the azure blue water is so clear that it is fascinating, like a huge unmatched emerald paving under the clear sky, the sea breeze is coming fresh, and the oxygen content absolutely exceeds Earth.

To the right of Zuo Yi is a rolling mountain range. Four or five soaring mountain peaks stand among them, surrounded by a large area of ​​virgin forest. The top of the mountain is covered with snow, and the clouds are magnificent.

Between the two peaks not far from Zuo Yi, a waterfall like a jade belt plummets down, and the sound of hong long long water is clear and audible.

Under his feet, there are white and fine sandy beaches, spreading for several kilometers.

Shells and coral remnants can be seen everywhere on the beach, but no trash can be found!

If such a place rests on Earth, it will definitely be crowded out by tourists.

But behind such a spectacular scene, there is a huge crisis.

This world is constantly putting pressure on Zuo Yi, an infiltrator, to suppress the Battle Qi and the power of light within the body, and even limit the amount of Mental Power.

It feels like it has fallen into the mud, and one's power cannot be exerted at all!

Zuo Yi tried it, and found that his strength was actually suppressed to the level of Trainee Knight. Neither Battle Qi nor the power of light could stimulate the show, and the range of spiritual coverage was also reduced to a few meters.

This feels like a full-size large trumpet was suddenly whitewashed into a trumpet, and there was still no trumpet in Xinshoucun!


Zuo Yi touched his chin and smiled.

Change to someone else, it is estimated that the panic has been impossible at this time.

But Zuo Yi has participated in countless plane battles at Sadya, and he has not seen many strange Worlds.

Some worlds, men can enter women can not, some worlds only allow magic magic power, and some worlds do not have magic, Wizard 's nightmare land, and other worlds only have the sea and islands, and some are all flames Covered …

Different rules, different worlds!

In a world that limits power like this, Zuo Yi has also experienced a few and already knows how to survive.

The most important thing is that there are a lot of powerful rules items in his space ring. Even if his own power cannot be exerted, he is not afraid to encounter danger.

In addition, Zuo Yi also noticed that the level of world suppression is not very high, and it is probably a Small World.

Small World is not terrifying. If he encounters an unsolvable crisis, he only needs to burn Faith Mark, which can definitely inspire all the power.

By doing so, he will break the balance of Small World with unpredictable consequences.

World destruction is possible!

Once this world is destroyed, then Zuo Yi may not have luck to return to Earth.

So at that time cutting off one's means of retreat was the last choice, Zuo Yi was more willing to study this world by obeying the rules, and then get a huge reward.

Just like some of the powerful Plane World conquerors of Sadya World did.

Maybe he might have a World of his own!

Zuo Yi was a little excited to think about it.

But first he has to explore this world, familiarize himself with the rules here, otherwise conquest is impossible.

Of course, the most important task at hand is to save people.

But where are those missing tourists?

Zuo Yi looked around and found no trace of anyone and no light gate to go back!
