Paladin Dad Chapter 380

According to the previous situation, Zuo Yi easily inferred that the space gate he just traversed had the characteristic of random teleportation, and anyone who entered it would be teleported to a certain coordinate point without any direction.

Zuo Yi is no stranger to this situation, so not at all is a little worried.

Because the distance of such random transmission is often not too long, as long as you search patiently, you will definitely find the channel back.

There are also tourists who are trapped inside, maybe just a mile or two away from Zuo Yi.

The problem is that it's okay to teleport to the seaside. If it is teleported to a mountain covered with dense forest, then the problem is big!

Zuo Yi looked at the rolling mountain range in the distance and felt a little worried about those guys who liked to die.

Thinking in his heart, he took off his clothes and put them into the space ring, and then took out a leather armor and put it on.

If you don't change it, these clothes will quickly decay and be eroded and assimilated by the laws of this world.

This rock dragon skin armor was worn by Zuo Yi when he returned from Sadya World. It was made from the Dragon Skin of the High Level Magic Beast rock dragon, with more than five solidified Spell effects. It belongs to the top standing equipment and is close to legendary. Law of Creation!

Zuo Yi's original main equipment was the Light Sacred Dress consisting of the Light Sacred Sword, the Light Shield, and the Light Sacred Armor. The three top-level legendary equipments are extremely powerful, both in power and attributes.

However, in the decisive battle with Lord of 9th Abyss and Demon Legion commander Saul, the Sanctuary of Light was severely damaged, and he is still sealed by himself in the deepest part of the space ring for self-repair.

Therefore, this rock dragon skin armor is just a spare for Zuo Yi, but because it is a High Level Law of Creation, it can counteract the influence of the laws of this world and improve the strength of Zuo Yi.

As for the attributes and power of the rock dragon skin armor, it depends on the degree of influence of the World Law.

Changed the rock dragon skin armor, Zuo Yi strode away towards the forest in front of him,

Under the suppression of the World Law, his flightability was completely lost, and he could only climb to the top of the mountain to observe the surrounding environment.

By the way, search for tourists who don't know if it is life or death.

There is a cold lunar day over Earth. The temperature here is 30-40 degrees, which is like the climatic characteristics of tropical islands. The hot sun shines on the endless rain forest, making people inside it feel hot and humid.

There is no road at all in the forest. A large tree with thick trees and endless vines together weaves a huge net, blocking the pace of Explorer.

The plants here are weird, and there are various Insects and beasts with very different styles. As Zuo Yi moves forward, they fly out from time to time to brush out the existence.

Some also tried to attack Zuo Yi. A three-eyed toad, as big as a water tank, suddenly spit out a stinky venom when Zuo Yi passed by it.

In the end, this ugly toad was cut in half by Zuo Yi's Scarlet Dragon Sword!

His Battle Qi, Bright Power, and Mental Power were suppressed even more by the World Law. The powerful physique of Sacred Domain Knight is still there, and the experience accumulated during the centuries of battle is still there, plus Scarlet Dragon Sword and Rock dragon skin armor. This kind of goods is light and easy.

To Zuo Yi's surprise, he actually found a pigeon-sized earth attribute magic crystal in the head of this toad, and the grade was not very low!

This discovery made Zuo Yi "comfortable", because the High Level magic crystals he brought from Sadya World have already used XNUMX% of them, and they lack a source of supplementary channels.

Although the quality of this magic crystal is not high, it is not comparable to the worst in Zuo Yi space ring, but the use of magic crystals in the low and middle grades is much broader than that of High Level magic crystals. Many rune equipment do not need it at all. Use High Level Magic Crystal.

So Zuo Yi was very happy to put this magic crystal into the space ring. What he was satisfied with was not to get the magic crystal itself, but to find a treasure house!

Moving forward, after trekking in the rain forest for almost half an hour, the front suddenly opened up.

Appearing in front of Zuo Yi was a camp at the foot of the mountain. Hundreds of earthen houses made of trees and leaves were surrounded by a simple fence into an original village. There was also a large area of ​​cultivated land around the village.

Hundreds of green skins are busy in the village and in the fields. Their division of labor is very clear. There are soldiers in leather armor holding lance bows and arrows, forcemen who pull carts to carry goods, and land replanting. Farmer.

At the center of the village stands a pyramid-shaped altar with a height of two meters. The top of the altar is a small stone-like building similar to a temple, which is quite beautiful.


A patrol squad first spotted Zuo Yi, and the leader's green skin immediately made a sharp cry.

The whole village immediately became a sensation, as if it had blasted an ant's nest, countless green skins swarmed out, waving their messy weapons, jumping and screaming with excitement, a pair of scarlet eyes were bloodthirsty and sick rays of light!

The encircled Zuo Yi was speechless.

He immediately recognized these goblins with dark green rough skin, short limbs, large heads, pointed ears, and ugly looks. They were the goblins known as "cosmic cockroaches"!

In the numerous Plane Worlds of the Big Multiverse, there are goblins. There are many types of cattle goblins, forest goblins, big goblins, bear goblins, cave goblins, claw goblins, stone skin goblins …

No matter what kind of goblin, they have the common characteristics of low intelligence and brutal primitive, bold and extremely timid, and super reproduction ability, eating mud and soil can survive.

In many Worlds, the first battles of professionals or adventurers are goblins. They are like mobs in the novice village.

However, the goblins are so desperately poor that the probability of playing monster equipment is extremely low. Unless the goblin priest is forced to ask the tribe's secret storeroom, he will not make much money by killing.

Zuo Yi did not expect that he had run into a group of goblins here. Looking at each other's posture, it was clearly the scale of a small tribe!

Goblins are extremely debilitating masters. If a "giant" like Zuo Yi appears three or five at the same time, they are most likely to be afraid of attacking.

But now Zuo Yi singlehanded was helpless, and these goblins gathered around as if they were smelling bloody flies.

A pair of triangle eyes stared greedily at Zuo Yi's leather armor, long sword, and muscles …

Gu lu !

A goblin swallowed saliva and said that he suddenly threw away the stone axe from Zuo Yi threw away over a distance of ten meters!

