Paladin Dad Chapter 381

Zuo Yi couldn't understand what the other party was talking about.

There are thousands of types of goblins, the language of goblins is tens of millions, and different goblin tribes have their own specific language pedigree. Unless you have mastered the spell of language proficiency, don't try to understand the meaning of the other party.

But slaughter's maliciousness and fierce attack, do not need any language to describe!


Detective Zuo Yi grabbed the oncoming stone axe and turned his wrists casually.

A little heavy.

Seeing Zuo Yi snatching his weapon, the goblin first froze, and then jumped and shouted.

poor guy…

Zuo Yi glanced at each other, and Mercy's heart moved.

He knows that this craftsmanship stone axe is likely to be the most precious property of the other party, and maybe he got it by selling his wife child. At this moment, he can imagine his mood.

Give it back to you!

Out of Knight's Mercy, Zuo Yi threw the stone axe back to the other side, "Next!"

Pu chi!

The sharp stone blade penetrated the hard skull and was deeply embedded in Goblin's head.

The goblin's eyes were dull, his open hands scratched twice, and he lay back on his back, no more sound.

I ca n't hold it then it 's not my problem!

Zuo Yi shrugged, expressing some helplessness-good people are difficult to do.

But the goblin's fall, not at all shocked the other goblins, and the companion's dripping blood seemed to inspire the ferocious factors in their Bloodline, howling and beating.

Xiu xiu!

The first thing that attacked Zuo Yi was a wood-bone arrow with a few axes and stones in the middle. Although it seemed messy, the attack range was large.

Zuo Yi not even think, a charge rushed forward, and Scarlet Dragon Sword in his hand made a dazzling flame arc!

Pā pā pā !

The arrows and stones that had fallen on him were all bounced off by rock skin skin.

Rock Dragon is a High Level Magic Beast known for its defensive power. Its outer skin is one of the best materials for making leather armor. This set of rock dragon skin armor from Zuo Yi can be used to resist the shooting of sniper rifles. Not even qualified to tickle.

Facing these green-skinned goblins, Zuo Yi's defensive power level is undoubtedly MAX level!

However, passive beating is not Zuo Yi's style, so while charging, Zuo Yi wields a sword to fight back.

Pu chi! Pu chi! Pu chi!

Five or six goblin heads flew high, and the little Qiangs in the universe blocking Zuo Yi instantly became dead cockroaches.

But Zuo Yi was not satisfied.

This world's suppression of High Level power is too great. Under normal circumstances, this sword can sweep a large area, but now it is not even a quarter of the results!

There is no other way, since one sword cannot solve the problem, then another sword.


This time with the sweeping of the sword edge, seven or eight goblin corpses were spotted on the spot.

"Aya da da!"

The death of a goblin can make its companions fight with their enemies, and the tragedy of a group of goblins can make them think calmly and rationally.

who am I? Where am i What am I doing?

As a result of thinking, he immediately dropped his weapon and screamed and fled, like a wild cat with his tail on his tail.

This is the inferiority of the goblin family. In combat, it can only fight against the wind, and it will collapse in the face of a little setbacks and casualties, regardless of the number of opponents!

Coupled with mental retardation, Goblins are excluded from the intelligent race in most of Plane World.

The goblins who participated in the siege of Zuo Yi had at least four or five hundred people, densely packed, and the water was leaking. Even if Zuo Yi beheaded more than a dozen, the losses to them were small.

But with a few leaders, the other goblins collapsed quickly, like a rapidly spreading virus. Hundreds of goblins cried and leaped, retreating back to the village like a tide.

Make Great Demon King Zuo Yi very didn't know whether to cry or laugh!

Zuo Yi did not play many goblins, because the number of goblins in Sadya World is very small, and some are hiding in remote and uninhabited forgotten places, discovered by accidental adventurer.

However, he knew quite well the characteristics of goblins.

It's just that the more you know, the more ridiculous you feel.

Holding Scarlet Dragon Sword, Zuo Yi strode forward to the village.

Hu! hu!

Two hundred-pound heavy stones were thrown high, and two arc-shaped trajectories were drawn in the air, one after the other moved towards Zuo Yi where they fell.

But Zuo Yi is not a fool, how can it stand still and let the goblin strikers!

It was accurate …

When Zuo Yi launched the charge again, he silently gave a compliment to the goblin thrower.


He even slammed the gate of the village with a sword, and the village gate made of more than a dozen rough wooden pieces was suddenly torn apart.

Unable to use Battle Qi and the power of light, Zuo Yi's battle strength is still strong.

The goblins who hid in the village this time seemed like the end of the day, they frantically frantically, screamed with a hissing noise, and threw all kinds of weapons all over the ground.

And a dozen meters away from Zuo Yi, several goblins in rough black linen were lying on the ground, expressing their surrender to Zuo Yi in earnest.

Worship of the powerhouse is also a common feature of the goblin family.

But these green skins are obviously different from those who just held weapons, whether they are dressed or look.

Zuo Yi didn't care about them, he looked around holding sword, looking for a suitable target to start with.

hu! hu! Huh!

At this time, a series of small Fireballs shot from above the altar towards Zuo Yi.

insect carving small technique!

Zuo Yi waved Scarlet Dragon Sword a few times, and all the incoming small Fireballs were crushed and destroyed.

In the direction of the Fireball, he saw an old goblin wearing a gray robe standing above the altar!

Goblin Priest!

The well-informed Zuo Yi knew exactly what the other party was doing.

Goblin priests belong to the legal system and are the only existence of the Goblin tribe. They spread Faith and knowledge, and transmit the concept of fighting.

The goblin priest still held a bone stick in his hand, and saw Zuo Yi's destruction of the Fireball.

Zuo Yi stood in front of the altar and tickled his fingers at the goblin priest.

Indicate what tricks the other party can use as soon as possible!

The Goblin priest hesitated, he walked down the altar with a bone stick, and kneeled down at the five-body Zuo Yi.

This is a gesture of surrender!

The old goblin priest realized the power of Zuo Yi, and realized that if Zuo Yi was allowed to continue the slaughter, his tribe would be completely razed to the ground.

So he can only stand up and surrender to Zuo Yi in order to keep the last Bloodline of the tribe!
