Paladin Dad Chapter 388

The magic crystal is equivalent to the source of Extraordinary. It contains the purest power and is the most valuable material of Magic Beast.

Not all Magic Beasts can condense magic crystals, and when Magic Beasts with magic crystals face the difficulties of Life and Death Tribulation, they often try to inspire the energy of magic crystals, and even self-destruction to perish together with the enemy .

So if you want to get a complete and high-quality magic crystal, you need to quickly resolve the battle and not give Magic Beast a chance to break out.

These rock armored mountain apes were chopped and killed by Zuo Yi's chop melon, so their magic crystal within the body is basically intact, and Energy is also very abundant, especially this magic crystal foot dug from the giant mountain ape within the body. It is the size of an egg and emits soft rays of light. It looks very beautiful.

For such gains, Zuo Yi is still very satisfied.

After digging out the magic crystal, he continued to collect the remnants, followed the trail left by the Juli Mountain Ape's retreat, and moved towards the top of the mountain.

In addition to the mountain ape king, who has not yet appeared, Zuo Yi has a basic understanding of the ape group that is panning on this mountain.

Then there is no need to waste any more time!

The mountain peaks are soaring into the clouds, and the locations below the mountainside are all covered with dense virgin forests, and after half a mountainside, the vegetation gradually becomes sparse, exposing a large amount of rock.

Zuo Yi rushed straight up without encountering any obstacles, and the mountain apes seemed to disappear.

But soon, he found the nest of the other party.

In the middle of a large piece of blue-black rock, densely packed caves appeared. Hundreds of ordinary mountain apes, as well as several rock mountain apes and Juli mountain apes gathered in front of the cave. They held stones, stone rods, stone axes and other weapons. All are close to the enemy.

One of the most striking is a white mountain ape guarded by a rock mountain ape and a giant mountain ape.

No matter its height or physique, it is far weaker than the rock armored ape and Juli mountain ape, and it is inferior to the ordinary mountain ape.

But this White Ape was wearing a robe, holding a white bone stick in his hand, and long hair fell to the ground. A pair of jewel-like eyes stared at Zuo Yi, with deep and sharp eyes as if To penetrate the latter!

Roar! roar!

Seeing Zuo Yi coming from the sword, the mountain apes were so angry that they were jumping, hoping to rush down immediately to tear Zuo Yi into pieces, in order to revenge the companion who had just died tragically.

Zuo Yi was not afraid, and stretched his fingers at the opponent.

Although the language was incomprehensible, the meaning of his provocative action was too obvious, and the mountain apes were all thundering!

Especially the giant mountain ape standing beside White Ape was roaring and roaring.

White Ape suddenly raised his staff.

All the mountain apes quieted down immediately, and despite their spitting eyes, they did not continue to roar.

King Ape!

Zuo Yi did not expect that the BOSS in the mountain ape was like this. It seems that it should also be a priest role in the French system, but he was not surprised when he thought of the old priest.

King Ape jumped from a high rock, stopped at a position more than XNUMX meters away from Zuo Yi, and said, "Kagasanisuka?"

Its voice is extremely hoarse, as if it has not spoken for a long time, and it is very harsh.

But even if it was sharp and clear, Zuo Yi couldn't understand it.

Zuo Yi said, "Speak people."

Zuo Yi is not a bloodthirsty man. He only came here to explore the surrounding terrain environment. If the mountain ape is willing to communicate, he is also willing to get along with each other peacefully.

But count on Zuo Yi to be patient, that's a joke!

Since this is not the main world, anything he does here will not get a little Power of Faith.

But the same, even if he slaughters all the creatures of this world, he will not lose a little Power of Faith!

The king ape was silent for a moment, and took a piece of plant rhizome from his pocket and broke it into two pieces.

It threw away half of it to Zuo Yi.

Because of his previous exchange experience with the old goblin priest, Zuo Yi didn't want to catch the konjac thrown by the other side this time and stuffed it into his mouth.

Well, it tastes better.

At the same time swallowing konjac, there is no obstacle to communication between the two parties.

"The outsider …"

The Monkey King hissed and said, "Why are you going to our Shiga tribe and slaughter my people?"

"I just want to look at the summit."

Zuo Yi pointed to the snow-capped peak and said, "I have no intention of being against you. You chose to treat me as your enemy."

"That's Holy Land of our tribe!"

The king ape's pupils shrank, and shouted, "The remains of our ancestors are buried, and no outsider is allowed to offend!"

"Isn't it time to talk?"

Zuo Yi smiled and raised the long sword in his hand and said, "Then I give you two choices, or surrender …"

"Or die!"

In fact, Zuo Yi does not have to be on the top of the mountain, because for his purpose, as long as he climbs to a sufficient height, it is all right.

But he killed a lot of mountain apes, and already had a great hatred with the so-called Shijia tribe, and the other party's attitude was so strong, then basically there was no talk.

In addition, Zuo Yi also wants to learn more about this world from the mouth of this mountain ape king.

"Apes are never slaves!"

Zuo Yi's words obviously stimulated the sensitive nerves of the mountain ape this Wang, and his eyes suddenly became blood red, howling!

The next moment, the White Ape lifted the bone stick in his hand.

Dozens of rocks scattered on the mountains around it were instantly dragged into the air by an invisible force, and then moved towards Zuo Yi like unloaded shells!

At the same time, the mountain apes who were entangled in all around strove to throw their weapons, and various stones and axes fell down like raindrops, forming cover attacks.

Two Juli Mountain Apes lifted two heavy stones at the same time and smashed into Zuo Yi!

However, Zuo Yi rushed at the moment when the attack of the mountain ape king. He waved Scarlet Dragon Sword, twisted all the stone bullets that might hit him into fragments, and rushed towards the mountain ape like an arrow off the string.

to catch brigands, first catch their king, the value of this mountain ape king is much higher than all other mountain apes combined!

The king ape saw coldly snorted, and the bone stick held in his hand fell heavily to the ground.

Dozens of sharp rock spurs broke through in an instant, forming a dense death trap in front of it.

However, this pair of Zuo Yi is useless at all, because the rock dragon skin armor he wears is a complete set, including the combat boots. The spurs released by the mountain monkey cast cannot be penetrated at all. Did not hurt Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi like a hot knife through butter approached to the front of the mountain monkey, freeing his left hand to move towards the other to grab it!
