Paladin Dad Chapter 389

The living mountain ape king is the most valuable to Zuo Yi, otherwise he only needs one sword to kill the other's life.

Of course the king of the monkeys would not sit still, it immediately flew backwards, opened its mouth and made a shrill trembling!

If it is an ordinary person, the eardrum will definitely be broken on the spot, but this trick has no effect on Zuo Yi.

His shooting speed suddenly increased by three points, using the power of Battle Qi, he suddenly squeezed the neck of the mountain monkey!

The prince of the ape just raised his bone stick to prepare to cast another spell, but was interrupted forcibly, a monkey face rose to purple, and his breathing stopped.

At this time, the two giant mountain apes just rushed down, but they were one step behind and couldn't complete the rescue.

Under the refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, their tomahawks stiffened in midair, stopping at the foot and making an unwilling growl.

In addition to Juli Mountain Apes, other mountain apes are also afraid to continue to attack, for fear of accidentally hurting their king.

The air seemed to freeze.

Zuo Yi right hand holding Scarlet Dragon Sword, pinching the mountain monkey with his left hand, said with a smile: "Now we can talk about it?"

The king of monkeys twisted his head hard, staring at Zuo Yi's eyes full of violent and crazy expression.

It dropped the bone stick in its hand, and its body swelled up like a balloon!


Zuo Yi inwardly shouted. Not good, not even think.


The mountain ape's BOSS suddenly exploded, and it turned into a flurry of flesh-and-bloom fragments, even Zuo Yi could not be spared.

It turned out to be the Self-destruction magic crystal, which blew itself up into powder.

So stiff!

Zuo Yi couldn't help shook the head.

To be honest, Zuo Yi didn't really want to kill the king of the apes. As long as the other party was willing to cooperate, he would not treat the Shijia tribe as a slave-the goblin tribe is the best proof.

The spleen nature of the King Ape King is too violent.

This time can't be better.

Sure enough, when other mountain apes came to their senses, they wiped the blood on their faces and screamed angrily.

Then he launched a crazy attack on Zuo Yi, smashing with a weapon with a weapon, and tearing his mouth with his claw without a weapon.

But they can't resist the Scarlet Dragon Sword in Zuo Yi's hands.

As the flaming long sword slashed out, a row of mountain apes fell to the ground, and red blood sprayed on the rocks.

Zuo Yi is not a kind-hearted man. He has experienced countless Plane World wars. His heart has been sharpened into a stone. Once he has made up his mind, no matter how much blood and life can not be softened.

A head of mountain ape snarled and rushed over, and the stubble was cut in batches. Even the most powerful Juli mountain ape was no exception. Before it had time to fully exert its own strength, it was killed by Zuo Yi!

The mountain apes are indeed brave, and under extreme despair and anger, despite the heavy losses, they have not fled in fear and perseverance as before.

Zuo Yi couldn't help but move them and sent them all to hell.

In just a few minutes, there was no mountain ape standing in the surrounding mountainous area. Hundreds of corpses were standing horizontally, and countless blood gathered into a stream, flowing down the stone gap.

When Zuo Yi beheaded the last mountain ape, his Battle Qi power was unblocked by almost 1%!

Such a discovery made Zuo Yi suddenly have an impulse, that is, to give up the search for a way home, first find more Magic Beasts on this land, kill them, kill Battle Qi and the power of light, and then dig. World's source.

Take this rather strange Small World into your own hands!

With the perseverance of Zuo Yi's heart, I also find it difficult to reject such temptations @uge.

But after all, he is not an ordinary person, but he just suppressed this strong idea-it is not the time yet.

After collecting a few magic crystals, Zuo Yi proceeded to the top of the mountain.

As he passed by the caves above, he found that there were many old and weak mountain apes hiding in several caves.

The mountain apes were frightened by the bloody slaughter outside, and shivered in hiding.

Zuo Yi did not embarrass these mountain apes, letting them survive on their own.

After ten minutes of trek, he climbed to the top of the mountain.

The last section of the road is not easy to climb, because the mountain rocks are covered with thick snow and ice, and the cold wind is whistling and the temperature is very low.

But for Zuo Yi, this is not too much trouble.

Standing at the highest point of the mountain peak, he looked around and saw that there was a vast expanse of ocean on one side, and a rolling mountain range on the other.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery, Zuo Yi did not forget his goal.

Zuo Yi took out a Telescope from the space ring.

This is not the ordinary Telescope of the ordinary, but one of the high-technological equipment that the Extraordinary Management Office distributes to his chief Advisor, which is very powerful and even surpasses the highest level military products.

With Zuo Yi's vast majority suppressed, this Telescope has undoubtedly become a weapon for him to search for a return channel.

This is the benefit of having a space ring, otherwise it is brought in by someone else, and by this time it has been eroded to the point of complete damage by the World Law.

Zuo Yi's luck was pretty good, after a few minutes of searching, he found an aperture door!

In the high-power Telescope lens, this aperture door is still very eye-catching, mainly because it is not hidden in the dense forest, but on the shore of a small lake, so it was easily discovered by Zuo Yi.

It's just a bit troublesome to record the azimuth coordinates, because Compass is not available here, and of course it is impossible to have satellite positioning, but as long as the accurate azimuth is locked, then the terrain is photographed with a mobile phone, and it is not difficult to find it.

Putting the phone and Telescope back into the space ring, Zuo Yi embarked on a return journey.

However, on the way down the mountain, Zuo Yi unexpectedly found that he followed a small "tail" behind him.

It was a Little Monkey. It was less than one meter tall, with a yellow and thin coat. It looked like a cub of a mountain ape, but I don't know what caused it to keep up with Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi thought about it and took a tree fruit from the space ring and lost it.


Little Monkey was startled by the falling tree fruit and hid behind a rock in horror.

Immediately another half of his head was found secretly holding Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi smiled, ignored the other side, and speeded up and continued down the mountain.

Little Monkey slowly crawled out from behind the rock. It climbed to the side of the tree fruit, picked up the broken fruit, and took a bite. A pair of agate-like eyes blinked at Zuo Yi without blinking. Silhouette disappeared into the mountains and forests.
