Paladin Dad Chapter 396

"Our priority is to immediately organize an elite force to enter the new world."

In the Shennongshan temporary headquarters, Chen Qi said aloud, "Establishing a base base around the portal, and then surveying and cleaning up the surrounding area at the fastest speed!"

"Dear colleagues, now America, Continental, Elo, Tislan, and even Indy and East have launched large-scale operations. We can't just sit here …"

This special representative of the Ministry of the Interior was very excited, dancing saliva splash across, and looked like a hungred thousand eager.

Most of the people present expressed their intentions.

A new World means huge and unmatched resource benefits. Who doesn't want to get a share of it?

In particular, Earth's native resources are dwindling, the cost and difficulty of development are getting higher and higher, and many important resources are facing depletion, which is a major issue related to the survival and future of human life and death.

Why China, America, Europe, and other big countries have opened their territories in the Desolate World at any cost in order to obtain new resources.

And now the new World suddenly appears, the threshold of entry is ten times lower than the pretty Desolate World. In everyone's eyes, it is a fat cake!

The trouble is that there are so many countries that can participate in sharing this big cake. Unlike World Stone, which has only seven pieces, it really needs to race against time. One step at a time, one step at a time, and one step may be lost. Interests.

The people who participated in the meeting represented both the country and their respective forces and even their families. Chen Qi's eloquence was not very powerful, but what he said really hit everyone's pain points.

"Director Chen is right, we need to speed it up."

"I agree."

"Everyone talks, how many people do we send in first?"

"The more the better, the more people are powerful."

"This opportunity really cannot be missed!"

Many people spoke in succession, basically all in favor of Chen Qi.

Chen Qi, who confessed to have the right to speak, smiled proudly, and asked Zuo Yi: "Zuo Yi, what's your opinion, please tell everyone, after all, now you know the situation of the New World best. "

Although it was said to listen to Zuo Yi, he did not think that Zuo Yi could fight the trend.

Even Zuo Yi is a suspected Alpha!

Zuo Yi glanced at Chen Qi and asked, "How many people do you plan to get in?"

Chen Qi thought that Zuo Yi had resigned and was more proud of himself: "I agree with everyone. Of course, the more people in the new World, the better, but in the first batch, considering the issue of material allocation, XNUMX people should almost."

In his opinion, people are not a problem. The key lies in equipment and supplies, because the applicable issues must be considered. For example, the weapon is preferably Meteor Iron Sword. Even in emergency, ancient swords must be used, and clothing and food. .

Previously, the seven tourists ran in, and lost all the items they carried with them within two days. If such a situation were placed on thousands of people, it would be a major event!

Zuo Yi asked again, "So who are you going to send in? Ordinary or Transcendent?"

"Of course an elite soldier of the National Defense Forces!"

Chen Qi is confident: "First of all, their battle strength and discipline are trustworthy, and they can guarantee loyalty!"

Now everyone knows that the new World is extremely unfriendly to Transcendent, and the super-ability will be completely invalid after entering.

This cognition is not only derived from Zuo Yi's preliminary investigation report on the new World, but several countries have found the same problem. The relevant news has been circulating in the World, causing a lot of shock, it is no secret at all. .

Transcendent has lost its super-ability. Except for some Strongthening Departments, its battle strength and organization are really not as good as those of elite soldiers.

So there was no question in Chen Qi's answer. He also asked Zuo Yi: "Chief Zuo, do you have a better suggestion?"

The special representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has always seen Zuo Yi unpleasant, and doubted whether this alpha of Zuo Yi was genuine.

It is just that he is only a low-level Transcendent, plus Shen Deping supports Zuo Yi, so he is very afraid of Zuo Yi, and dare not directly show his dislike or hostility.

But if there is a chance to suppress Zuo Yi, Chen Qi is very happy.

Everyone looked at Zuo Yi.

There are all old foxes here. Who can't see Chen Qi and Zuo Yi's thoughts of fighting for the right to speak?

But no one would rush into the dispute between the two, even Shen Deping, and wanted to see how Zuo Yi responded.

"Defensive fighters are indeed a good choice …"

Zuo Yi nodded, unexpectedly agreed with Chen Qi's opinion, but he suddenly turned away: "But I think that high-level professional martial artist is a better choice!"

"High-level professional martial artist?"

Chen Qi shook the head with disapproval: "Left Chief, IMHO, maybe the personal battle strength of the high-level professional martial artist is stronger than that of the National Defense Forces soldiers, but their organizational discipline and loyalty are completely incomparable!"

"In addition, how can we quickly organize three to five thousand reliable professional martial artists in a short period of time?"

Many people are nodded. What Chen Qi said is indeed a problem, not an objection.

"Three or five thousand?"

Zuo Yi said, "I think the first three or five hundred people were too many, and the three or fifty were about the same!"

"Left Chief!"

Chen Qi finally couldn't bear it: "If you have any opinions about me, please say straight, don't raise me up on such an important matter? We are all for China's benefit!"

He thought that his decision was the most correct, but Zuo Yi was against it everywhere, and his heart was really upset.

"For China's benefit?"

Zuo Yi smiled and said, "If it is really for China's benefit, we must be cautious."

paused, he continued: "If my judgment is correct, this new World should be a trial space. It has its own rules. Without clarifying the rules, it rushed to send a large number of people in. Irresponsible life is a big problem! "

But Chen Qi couldn't listen at all: "You are …"

"Left Chief."

At this time, a thick voice suddenly interrupted Chen Qi's rebuttal, and forcibly intervened in the conversation between the two: "What is your basis of judgment?"

Everyone looked towards the direction where the sound came from. I saw at the command section that I didn't know when there was a group of people, and he was talking about a very burly man.

Seeing this uninvited guest, many people's faces suddenly changed!
