Paladin Dad Chapter 397

Zuo Yi doesn't know each other.

But from the expressions of others, it can be seen that the identity of this rude man is extraordinary, otherwise a group of big brothers will not be mistaken and shocked, or even show awe.

"Hello there."

The rude man didn't squint, came straight to Zuo Yi, and extended his hand to him: "Left Chief, I'm Fan Haichao."

Fan Haichao!

Zuo Yi stunned-no wonder others will be such expressions.

Fan Haichao is the Sect Master of Imperial Capital Fan Family, China Fan Valve, and is also the younger brother of Fan Hailiu.

Fan Hailiu, China's first Alpha-level powerhouse, created one of the seven heroes of Liwang. Currently sitting in the Dragon City fortress of Desolate World, the mainstay of LiWorld!

Although Fan Haichao is far less famous than his big brother, no one can belittle him. Not only does he control Fan, known as the "China's first family", he is also an A-Rank Extraordinary powerhouse.

"Hello there."

Zuo Yi got up and shook hands.

He can clearly feel the strong Extraordinary fluctuations emanating from Fan Haichao. The main strength of this Fan Valve has not only reached A-Rank, but also A-Rank Peak!

"Left Chief …"

Fan Haichao introduced Zuo Yi to a youngster who was behind him: "This is my nephew Fan Shaoyu."

Fan Shaoyu looks about 16-17 years, looks handsome and arrogant.

He aimed at Zuo Yi nodded and didn't speak.

And this is also one of the focuses of everyone's attention, because he is the son of Fan Hailiu, known as the Extraordinary character of Tianjiaozi, the younger generation leader of China Transcendent!

Unlike Qin Wuyang, the son of Qin Wuyang who is also Alpha, Fan Shaoyu not only reached the level of A-Rank, he also entered the reckless Desolate World and led the Dragon City fortress guards to fight with the orcs and achieved a good record.

In addition to Fan Shaoyu, Fan Haichao also brought a dozen Transcendents, two A-Ranks, and the rest were B-Ranks!

Such strength has been able to crush most provinces' Extraordinary Management Office and Super League.

The depth of the fan valve is evident!

So there were a few more participants in this meeting. Fan Haichao, Fan Shaoyu and the other two Fan Family's A-Rank were seated, plus more than a dozen B-Rank Transcendents who were watching. The position was enough. Noisy guests take the lead.

"Left Chief …"

Fan Haichao asked after sitting down, "Excuse me, you just said that New World is a trial space. What does that mean?"

"literal meaning."

Zuo Yi replied calmly: "Transcendent will be suppressed after entering, and ordinary people enter, as long as you kill the monster Magic Beast inside to gain strength and promote the power of Extraordinary!"

Everyone was stunned.

Kill Monster Magic Beast to get the power of Extraordinary promotion?

Fan Haichao said solemnly: "Left Chief, are you kidding me?"

If this is true, then the value of this new World is inestimable!

The Fan Valve Sect Master personally led the team, and also brought Fan Shaoyu, who was originally for the new world.

Such a big piece of cake, Fan Family must be divided into one!

Fan Haichao absolutely did not expect that Zuo Yi even had such a statement.

He suddenly had a strong urge to take someone into the new World immediately to see if Zuo Yi was true.

But after all, Fan Haichao is unusual, and the portal will not fly away from it, so he held it down.

"I don't lie."

Zuo Yi said faintly, while feeling the feedback from Honesty Power of Faith, he continued: "You experiment and you know, but in order to avoid accidents, it is best to take your time."

"Everyone can make a rule together, the first batch goes to twenty or thirty people, and then …"

"We are not afraid of accidents!"

Sitting next to Fan Shaoyu, he suddenly interjected, "We Fan Family has the ability to cope with any accident, and we don't have much time to waste. I think Director Chen's suggestion is correct."

Talking, he was nodded at Chen Qi.

Chen Qi quickly smiled, very flattered.

He has been in Beijing all year round, and he knows how much the Fan Family First Young Master has in the Imperial Capital circle!

In terms of identity, Chen Qi is incomparably inferior, not to mention that Fan Shaoyu also represents a behemoth-like fan valve.

But Chen Qi quickly realized that although he was recognized and supported by Fan Shaoyu, the control of exploring the new world might fall into the hands of the Fan Family!

"We brought enough manpower and supplies …"

Fan Shaoyu raised his chin and continued: "And there is the latest weapon of our Hanhai Technology, the super artillery!"

Shen Deping suddenly startedled: "Has the super gun been successfully developed?"

The Super Artillery is a super weapon developed by Hanhai Technology and Xia Chaolian in cooperation with the tower mage of the Kingdom of Desolate World Celes. The original drawings of this weapon were provided by the tower, using the source of Magic Beast's Extraordinary as the energy source. Has great power.

Due to the high level of confidentiality of this project, Shen Deping knew very little, but he heard that the super artillery can not only be used in Earth and pretty Desolate World, but also have a considerable lethality to Alpha powerhouse!

He did not expect that the super artillery was not only successfully researched, but also brought by Fan Haichao and Fan Shaoyu to conquer the new World.

Shen Deping suddenly thought of a possibility-Fan Haichao and Fan Shaoyu were instructed by Fan Hailiu.

Fan Family Fan valve, this new World is not generally valued!

"Of course it worked."

Fan Haichao said with a smile: "But this time we only brought two over because the current difficulty and cost of manufacturing the super cannon is very high, and it will take a long time to achieve mass production."

Then, he glanced at Zuo Yi.

Shen Deping noticed the other person's eyes, and he felt cold.

It's no wonder that Fan Family people don't respect Zuo Yi this Alpha very much. In addition to Fan Hailiu standing behind them, they also hold the ultimate weapon in their hands!

Zuo Yi didn't seem to see Fan Haichao's eyes, shook his head and said, "I still think we must be cautious."

"There is no time."

Fan Shaoyu stood up and said, "Third Uncle, I'm going to prepare."

Fan Haichao smiled nodded: "Okay."

As soon as the two sang, they took control over simply, and none of the others, including Chen Qi, raised objections.

The atmosphere in the headquarters suddenly became subtle.

"so be it."

Fan Haichao also stood up and said, "Director Chen, I want to go to the portal and have a look, and discuss with you again."

Chen Qi quickly nodded: "Okay."

So the two left the headquarters together, and the others couldn't help but look at each other in shock, and soon followed each other.

If they do not participate in this matter, they will be completely marginalized.

Only Zuo Yi and Shen Deping were left in the room.
