Paladin Dad Chapter 410

Stepping into the aperture, Zuo Yi's body disappeared instantly without disappear without a trace.

The next moment, he appeared in the trial space and was teleported to the beach again in exactly the same position as before.

Zuo Yi looked up at the position of the sun, took off his backpack, unzipped it, and grabbed Tyke out of it.

Since the main world broke into the trial space, no matter how many people come in, they will be teleported to different positions, and even if they hold hands, they will be forcibly separated by the power of space.

But Zuo Yi would not have the same situation with Tyke, and Tyke's power was not suppressed.

d (ROQ) 〃ao ~

Foodie Ty, who had flew nearly a thousand kilometers into her backpack, returned to her freedom, and howled suddenly.

After rolling twice in the sand, it jumped up again, shaking the contaminated sand particles, and its body swelled up like a balloon.

Instantly turned into a ferocious beast!

Zuo Yi unhurriedly took off his clothes and put on a full set of rock dragon armor.

He was also suppressed by Space Law in this special World. At present, he can only a little bit of Battle Qi power, not even one ten thousandth of his strength under normal conditions.

However, relying on the outstanding and legendary equipment such as Rock Dragon Armor, Scarlet Dragon Sword, etc., Zuo Yi still has the battle strength to sweep the army here.

After the dressup was complete, he leapt to Tyke's back: "Go!"

The tyrannical Tyke growled and immediately spread his legs away towards the forest ahead.

Rushing all the way, it found Zuo Yi familiar to goblin village.

"Oh oh oh!"

Tyke's sudden appearance made the goblin sentry guarding the village make a terrifying cry, and the entire tribe was alarmed.

Zuo Yi pats Tyke's head didn't let this excited guy break into it directly.

Avoid stepping on or scaring a few goblins.

Soon, the old goblin priest hurried over with a group of goblin warriors armed with weapons.


Seeing Zuo Yi riding on Tyke, the old goblin priest was shocked and happy, and he saluted to him very quickly and respectfully.

"No need to be polite."

Zuo Yi jumped down and extended the hand to the other side: "Konjac gives me one."

A konjac can only maintain the effect of three days, the time of the trial space is synchronized with the main world, and the effectiveness has long passed.

Lack of language is trouble.

The old goblin priest froze and immediately came to his senses, and quickly took out a cleaned konjac from his pocket.

Zuo Yi took it, swallowed it, and resumed communication with the other party.

"grown ups."

The old goblin priest put on another animal skin pocket: "There are ten konjac in it, no one has touched it."

Konjac is a demonic essence plant that is widely grown in this world. Its effect is quite amazing. As long as it is held in the hand and given to others, then the other person can master the mother tongue of the presenter after eating it.

Its language replication ability is only effective for the first intelligent creature that touches it, so if you want to get pure konjac, you can't get started directly, you must use tools and vehicles to dig storage.


Zuo Yi took the animal skin pocket and stored it in the space ring. He was very satisfied with the knowledge and interest of the old goblin priest.

The Goblin Priest bowed and said, "It is Gruul's honor to serve you."

Zuo Yi nodded, asking, "Gru, has anything happened since I left?"

This problem of Zuo Yi suddenly changed the face of the old goblin priest.

His lips pursed a few times and he spat out a few words: "Nature's Wrath."

In the description of the old goblin priest, shortly after Zuo Yi's last departure, sudden changes occurred, the forest land shook endlessly, countless vines and bones were drilled out of the ground, and hawksbill birds covered the sky.

This situation lasted for several days, terrifying all the goblins, they shivered in the lair, and desperately prayed for God's protection.

Maybe the prayers had an effect. In such terrifying upheaval, the goblin village was not destroyed, and all the goblin hiding in it were safe and sound, and they dared not come out until the outside world returned to normal.

If the same situation continues, many goblins will starve to death!

It was probably scared. The story of the old goblin priest was a little upside-down, and there was always fear and fear in his eyes, and finally the worship of the Mother Earth.

But Zuo Yi knew that the reason for the dramatic change in the trial space was the invasion of the main world. The so-called Nature's Wrath is Space Law's backlash, and it has nothing to do with the Mother Earth.

Or Mother Earth is the embodiment of the original World Consciousness.


The old goblin priest suddenly thought of something, instructed the goblin warrior standing behind him: "Bring that thing over."

Several goblin warriors immediately took their orders.

Zuo Yi found that these goblin warriors are taller than the ordinary goblins. Da Qiang is strong and looks like a man with a stone axe wearing a lance and wearing animal skin.

The old goblin priest noticed Zuo Yi's eyes and explained, "They are all eating the animal meat you gave …"

Earlier, Zuo Yi asked the goblins to help search for tourists. Because they completed the task well, Zuo Yi gave out a few Demon Ox jerky as a reward.

Demon Ox meat still retains a strong potency in this world. A goblin swallowed a piece of meat and caused it to explode.

After a few dead guys died, they learned to be good, cut a few slices of soup to share, and then a lot of goblins became strong and powerful, and they were promoted from ordinary goblins to big goblins.

The battle strength of one big goblin is enough to rival the four or five ordinary goblins. In the current village of Gelu, there are already XNUMX goblins, which greatly increases the strength of the tribe.

And it is foreseeable that the number of goblins will continue to increase!

This is one of the reasons why the goblin priest, Guru, respects Zuo Yi.

While speaking, the three goblins "" "" carried a large metal tube back.

"This is what my children found in the forest yesterday …"

Grew explained: "They brought it back."


Zuo Yi reached for it and found that the weight of the metal pipe was quite heavy, and the weight was two to three hundred pounds.

Then he noticed that the tail section of the metal tube was engraved with several lines of text. The top line was the four words "Hanhai Technology" plus Logo. Below is a string of encoded serial numbers!

Super Cannon!

A word emerged from Zuo Yi's mind.

That day, Fan Haichao claimed to have brought two so-called Hanhai Technology's most advanced weapons. They were brought into the trial space, apparently used as ultimate weapons.

The result is now being picked up by the goblins as waste, it is ironic!
