Paladin Dad Chapter 411

Zuo Yi took a look at this super cannon and put it in the space ring.

The super artillery is a product of the cooperation between the Desolate World tower mage and the Earth Technology corporation. Its power is claimed to be able to threaten the Alpha powerhouse. Although Zuo Yi doesn't care about this, this portable weapon exists so long in the trial space. In time, no serious corrosion and damage occurred, it is worthwhile for him to study.

It's just that Zuo Yi has no time right now, so I'll talk about it later.

Of course, he won't take the things of the goblins for nothing, he will take out a few Meteor Iron Swords and handmade swords stored in the space ring, together with three dozen pounds of Demon Ox jerky, and distribute to the goblins.

Speaking of which, these goblins are also poor. In the tribe of hundreds of members, they couldn't find a decent metal weapon. Except for the wooden spear, which is a stone axe, and a few animal teeth daggers, it was too primitive.

Seeing the sharp long sword that Zuo Yi took out, all the goblins were dumbfounded and their saliva was about to flow out.

If it weren't for Zuo Yi's prestige, they must have been fighting by now.

More monks and less porridge!

Grew, the old goblin priest, was already grateful: "Thank you!"

It is a goblin who has seen the world and knows the role of a metal weapon on soldiers.

That's the battle strength multiplier!

"I brought these …"

Zuo Yi waved his hand and said, "Look back, I'll get you some more back."

Bringing goods from the main world is actually very simple. He has a space ring in his hand and can load thousands of tons of materials easily.

The problem is that Wulun is the majority of the items in the main world, which will be destroyed here. Like the handmade sword just given out, it can only be used as a consumable. It won't take long to inevitably break.

Meteor Iron Sword is expected to last longer, and that's it.

The real solution is to get the materials locally and mine iron forges, but it is obviously too difficult for this primitive goblin tribe-bring the Hang Family in the main world to help them.

take it easy.

Zuo Yi is not in a hurry. His priority is to solve his own problem first: "Gru, do you know any orcs or half-orcs in the surrounding area?"

Last time a mountain ape tribe was destroyed, Zuo Yi was able to unblock a trace of Battle Qi.

Now that this rule is available, he needs to spend more "experience" to restore his strength more.


Gru nodded like a mashed garlic, pointing in the direction of the left: "Go over the two mountains in front, there are the bison herd, the gray wolf herd, the lion herd and the half-orc tribe.

Its tribe first migrated from there, of course, understand the situation.

Zuo Yi remembers that there is a large grassland over it, which runs across the mountains, similar to the geographical structure of the Great Basin.


He nodded: "Then I will hunt there."

"grown ups."

Grew bowed and said, "Let the rocks, rough wood, sticks, vines … follow you to hunt!"

What rocks and sticks are all names of big goblin warriors.

In fact, in a goblin tribe, most goblins have no names. Because these goblins were promoted to big goblins and possessed relatively strong power, they got the names of priests.

The goblin who was clicked on the name all had his head raised, and he looked forward to it.

Zuo Yi glanced at the crooked dates and shook his head and said, "No need."

Taking these guys is simply a burden!

The goblin warriors suddenly froze.

Zuo Yi thought about it and continued: "I have other tasks for you."

Grew bowed again: "Will serve the Lord!"

Cultural goblin is different.

Zuo Yi grinned abruptly: "Not so serious."

He re-ridden on Tyke's back and asked Gru to lead a team of goblins to follow him through the dense forest, and finally to the edge of a small forest lake.

The aperture door returning to the main world is still hovering there quietly.

Thinking about it is also sighing. Two thousand elites came into the trial space, and none of them could find the teleporters to escape, and they disappeared completely without many waves.

The goblins didn't find their bones or relics, only a super cannon proved that they had actually been there.

Zuo Yi is not a Holy Mother who is compassionate, but just feels that these people die too much!

"You all moved here …"

Zuo Yi pointed at the aperture door and said, "From now on, build a new walled city around it. The bigger the area, the better!"

Grew revealed a difficult expression, but still bite clinching one's teeth said: "As you bid!"

Its tribe has less than a thousand members. After removing the young and old, the only thing that can really work is the 500-600 goblin.

However, the main work of these goblins is usually hunting, gathering and planting. If you build new city walls, the supply of food will be greatly reduced.

Will starve to many goblin!

But Glu was afraid to disobey Zuo Yi's orders.

Zuo Yi noticed the expression of the old goblin priest, and of course understood his idea, smiled with a smile: "You don't have to worry about food, I will bring you endless meat soon!"

"I went hunting!"

The old goblin priest quickly bowed and said, "May God Mother Earth always bless you!"

Mother Earth?

Zuo Yi smiled—when he recovered all his strength, he was the God of this world!

The so-called God is just a high-sequence life form. The Gods that Zuo Yi participated in killing have reached double digits!

He didn't have any respect for God.

"Tyke, go!"

Riding Tyke, Zuo Yi headed towards the grassland of the basin.

With this Abyss Cerberus, it's really convenient to move around. Tyke running is extremely fast, carrying Zuo Yi to climb mountains and mountains is nothing to worry about, so it only took more than an hour to reach the destination.

Rushing down the hillside and out of the mountains, there is an open basin in front of it. The grassy grassland is like a blanket paved on the ground. The scenery can be taken as the most beautiful wallpaper.

Large herds of bison were scattered on the grassland, and they carelessly ate fatty green grass, turning a blind eye to the wolves and lions roaming around.

Bisons despise lions and wolves for a reason. Their bodies are extraordinarily tall and sturdy, their bodies are covered with thick hair, and two sharp horns are powerful weapons.

The most important thing is that the number of bison is very large. They surround the calves in groups to resist the attack of wolves and lions.

So the most likely food for the gray wolves and lions is Old Ox and sick cows abandoned by the herd.

The ecological cycle here was self-contained, the weak are prey to the strong. The Zuo Yi's invasion immediately broke the balance of this nature.

He came for slaughter!

