Paladin Dad Chapter 412


Zuo Yi reached out and took a pat on Tyke's thick neck, and the latter immediately changed direction, letting go of the bison herd in front, and rushed towards the lion herd of several hundred meters away.

This group of lions and beasts is as many as forty or fifty. They lurk in the outer area of ​​the herd, staring at every move of the bison, looking for the most suitable opportunity for attack.

Hundreds of Jackal lingered near the lions. These cunning and ferocious guys waited for the lions to catch their prey, and then shared some stubborn coldness.

Several vigilant lions issued a warning roar at the speculative Jackal.

When Zuo Yi rode straight on Tyke, they were obviously frowned, and the expression of doubt appeared in the lion's eyes.

In this grassland, they are well-deserved overlords, and they have never seen anyone dare to take the initiative to challenge.

However, what Zuo Yi did before was not as simple as provocation!

Rushing to the nearest male lion at a distance of about four and a half meters away, Zuo Yi jumped up from Tyke's back.

When he was in the air, he seemed to be an eagle with wings spread out, and swept forward by the sprint inertia.

Knight's Heart, suppressed by the trial of Space Law, trembled, a blaze of pure and extreme flames Battle Qi surged out, swam quickly within the body of Zuo Yi, and penetrated all limbs in a blink of an eye!

Stimulated by Battle Qi, Zuo Yi's blood flow speed suddenly increased several times, the muscles of the veins dilated and the muscles swelled, and the physical strength climbed to the peak.

Zuo Yi's power is limited to the level below Tradeine Knight by Space Law. At present, he has only unblocked a little Battle Qi, but his century-old battle experience in Different World will not be obliterated, and the control ability of his own power is still in.

He put this little Battle Qi power to the limit!

When Zuo Yi's body reached its highest point and fell down, an extra bar of steel was added in his hand.

The steel bar is a 40 # specification, with a length of 2.2 meters, with a single-point sharpened, flashing the cold rays of light!

call out!

The next moment, the javelin, which was changed from a steel bar, was thrown out by Zuo Yi condescendingly, swiping over a distance of more than XNUMX meters with a thunderbolt, and hit the closest male lion.

Pu chi !

The lion that was caught off guard had no time to dodge, and was shot through the head by steel bars instantly, and was nailed to the grass.

Zuo Yi landed on the ground and rolled forward twice to remove the force of inertia. When he flexed again, he had another steel javelin in his hand, and moved lightningly towards the second lion. .


Although the lion locked by Zuo Yi made a dodging action, he escaped his head but not his body, penetrated his spine, and suddenly made a painful howl.

Dripping blood, screaming, and dead slaughter, the whole lion seems to be awake like a dream, an angry lion staring at the red eyes, growling towards Zuo Yi.

They will tear this culprit who dare to slaughter his partner into pieces, and then swallow the bones with the flesh!

Zuo Yi stood still without flickering, waving his arms in a chain, and using a reinforced javelin to meet the invading lion.

After returning to Hangzhou last time, he placed an order through a channel of the Extraordinary Management Office to a mechanical processing plant in Binjiang, and expeditedly ordered XNUMX of this steel javelin in his hand, which was used in the trial space for combat consumption. Product.

Zuo Yi split the two space rings from the finger cuffs, wearing the left and right ring fingers, so that his attack frequency can be greatly accelerated, and the efficiency of the slaughter is greatly improved!

Pu! pu! pu!

The strong and fierce lions rushed over and were shot to the ground by a steel javelin that seemed to have eyes. No lion could approach within the range of Zuo Yi ten meters.

The sound of javelin running through the flesh for a while was intertwined with the painful and desperate roar of the lions, playing the dance of death!

Zuo Yi waving baton.

In less than ten seconds, more than twenty adult lions fell into a pool of blood!

The rest of the lions were terrified. They were accustomed to the bloody slaughter, but they were not accustomed to the cruel death imposed on them.

The survivors mourned and fled, giving up their revenge completely.

Zuo Yi not at all started the hunt, although he had the ability to exterminate the lion.

Hunting is endless, although here is a trial space for combat and slaughter, there is no need to kill to the last one.

He held a steel javelin and took a long breath.


How long haven't you been fighting in a primitive way like now?

Zuo Yi can't remember much.

But it was precisely this kind of fighting that awakened his deepest fighting consciousness.

ao ~

However, Jackal's howls interrupted Zuo Yi's memories, and he frowned.

The Jackal who roamed in the vicinity have not disappeared because of the lion's flight. The dead bodies and blood on the ground have aroused their greed, surrounded from different directions, trying to organize a flesh-and-blood feast!

Most of Jackal ignored Zuo Yi's presence, while others turned his eyes on him.

Zuo Yi believes that as long as he turns away, these Jackal will definitely not pursue, because they already have enough food.

But he's upset!

call out! call out! call out!

More reinforced javelins were thrown out by Zuo Yi with stronger strength and faster speed, and Jackal who wanted to take advantage of them in a short time were like ghosts and howl like wolves.

They didn't have the courage to fight back at all, and some even scared pee on the spot, lamenting their tails and escaping deep into the grassland.

Zuo Yi fired more than 40 rebar javelins in one fell swoop, and shot more than XNUMX Jackal before closing.

However Zuo Yi found himself "upgraded".

Space Law's suppression of him weakened a little, allowing him to restore a little more Battle Qi power!

This not at all was unexpected by Zuo Yi.

Ordinary people come in to kill monsters, they can gradually accumulate power, and finally achieve extraordinary breakthrough.

An intruder like him, who is suppressed by the law, can recover his strength a little by fighting.

Verify it works again.

But Zuo Yi is not satisfied.

Zuo Yi's eyes turned to the bisons, the boundless bison herd!

That is countless experience points.

Most bisons are still weeding, like snails living in a fat house at home, holding mobile phones and computers and soaking in the Internet World. They don't hear things outside the window, even if the tragic slaughter happens to them, they are too lazy to look at At a glance-it's a matter of cattle hanging.

There are also some bison watching (O_o) (o_O).

Zuo Yi showed them a kind smile of sheep and beasts-a treatment for Internet addiction.

He took Scarlet Dragon Sword from the space ring.

Because there are too many cows, Zuo Yi needs a different way to continue harvesting experience.
