Paladin Dad Chapter 416

After ending the call with Qin Wuyang, Zuo Yi's expression was a bit weird.

The Alpha powerhouse actually invited him to Beijing next month to attend his golden wedding banquet!

Golden wedding anniversary …

Zuo Yi is a little drunk when you think about it.

However, Zuo Yi still agreed, because Qin Wuyang's attitude is very enthusiastic, and he estimates that the so-called golden wedding anniversary is mostly an excuse. It is estimated that the China Extraordinary Federation Chief has another purpose and needs to meet with him in Beijing.


Bao'er's call made Zuo Yi came back to his senses, and asked subconsciously, "What's the matter, Baby?"

The little girl fell into his arms, closed her eyes and murmured, "Well, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."


Zuo Yi picked her up and said softly, "Father hugs you up."

Looking down, the little girl closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Zuo Yi breathed a long breath and laughed suddenly.

The next day, after Bao'er carried his schoolbag to Tianqi School, Zuo Yi flew to Shennong Mountain again.

Arriving at the Mountain Road Fortress, which is the Trial Space Channel Management Department, Zuo Yi saw a hundred fully-armed testers ready to go, waiting in a neat line waiting for his arrival.

These testers are burly and young, with the atmosphere of elite warriors inside and out. They are uniformly equipped with the outer skeleton of the Strongthening defense, and carry large swords, javelins and crossbows.


A tester of extraordinarily large height stepped forward to give Zuo Yi a gift, said solemnly: "All the Special Operation Squadrons in Trial Space No. XNUMX report to you, I am Captain Qi Liantao!"

"Hello there."

Zuo Yi nodded, asking, "Did you remember the code of conduct?"

Before leaving yesterday, Zuo Yi formulated a number of screening conditions and codes of conduct for the new trial team to prevent troubles after entering the trial space and to ensure personnel safety as much as possible.

The testers who were selected overnight were in full compliance with Zuo Yi's requirements. Their task was to assist Zuo Yi to establish a stronghold in the test space and explore and clean up the environment around the space door.

At the same time explore the role of trial space.


Qi Liantao raised his chest and replied, "Please order."

Zuo Yi scooped Tyke out of his backpack and said, "As soon as you see it coming back, come in immediately."

Tyke, who was carried in his hand, widened his eyes and Qi Liantao had a big eyes staring at small eyes.

The corner of Qi Liantao's eyes was twitched and he said aloud, "As you bid!"

Zuo Yi smiled. He took the equipment item prepared by the headquarters for himself, and stepped into the aperture door at Shen Deping, Chen Qi and the others nodded standing next to him.

The next moment, Zuo Yi was teleported to the beach.

He threw Tyke to the ground, and then steered the giant Tyke to the area where the teleportation gate was located.

It took just under twenty minutes for Zuo Yi to come to the shore of the small lake.

At this time, the new goblin camp surrounding the aperture door has become a large meat processing factory.

Around dozens of humble smoke grills, hundreds of goblins were busy making smoked meat, and the surrounding grass was covered with peeled wild cowhide. With a pungent smell.

"grown ups!"

The old goblin priest came with several big goblins to welcome Zuo Yi.

The old goblin priest has good news to report to him: "My lord, our tribe has nine more goblin."

Thanks to the Demon Ox jerky given by Zuo Yi, in just a few days, the Geluo tribe has already had XNUMX extra goblins, enough to form three combat squads.

Big Goblin's physique is much more powerful. Their height can reach 1.6 m. Compared with ordinary Goblins, there is a huge difference between Fat Changjiang and Guo Xiaosi. Battle strength is not a level.

Just last night, the strong smell of bloody air in the camp attracted a lot of wild beasts. Without the efforts of the goblins, it would be impossible to rely solely on the strength of the old goblin priests.


Zuo Yi nodded said, "You are doing well."

For this trial space, he already has a preliminary plan, and in this plan, this conquered goblin tribe will play a very important role.

Their strength is as strong as possible.

"It's all a gift from an adult."

The old goblin priest bowed and said, "Sir, I have a suggestion."

Because the tribe's strength has greatly improved, and with the powerhouse Commander of Zuo Yi, the old fellow has also expanded, and it actually wants to annex another goblin tribe.

The reason for the old goblin priest is just and honorable, because the construction of a large walled city requires more labor for quarrying and logging, and relying only on the power of the Gelug tribe, this project does not know that time that will never come can be completed.

The goblins are not afraid of hard work, they are afraid of delaying Zuo Yi's plan.

The tribe has two or three thousand goblins. After annexation, Nature can greatly speed up the construction.

In the past, the old goblin priest had an idea that he would not dare to attack such a snake, but now he has great confidence.

"I know."

Zuo Yi thought for a while and said, "Your suggestion is very good, I will consider it, and keep busy with you now."

He was very satisfied with the performance of the goblins.

"As you bid."

Dismissed the goblins, Zuo Yi in the vicinity chose one of the tallest trees to climb up.

He took a signal transmitter out of the space ring and fixed it on the treetop.


Zuo Yi waved at Tyke squatting in front of the aperture door.


Tyke's body quickly shrank back to its original shape, and when he opened his short legs, he rushed into the aperture door and disappeared instantly.


It returned to the mountain fortress again.

After seeing Tyke teleporting back, Qi Liantao, who had been prepared, immediately waved and ordered: "Go."

Under his leadership, 99 armored soldiers rushed into the transmission channel.

At the same time, Zuo Yi turned on the signal transmitter, and the powerful pulse signal was suddenly moved towards all around.

All armored fighters entering the trial space all received the positioning signals sent by the transmitter.

Although these soldiers were randomly transferred to different locations, the communication devices they carried were quickly damaged, but relying on the coordinate direction just indicated by the positioning signal, everyone quickly moved towards the area where the aperture door was located.

Zuo Yi remained on the tree until he saw a red signal flare rising in the air.

He immediately jumped from the tree, buffered the landing with the help of branches, and rushed towards that way at the fastest speed.

This was a call for help from a trial fighter who encountered an unsolvable danger.
