Paladin Dad Chapter 417

As a member of Trial Space First Special Operations Squadron, Wang Sheng had very bad luck.

He had just teleported in, and before his body had adapted to the new environment, he found that he had fallen into the wolf's den.

Around him, at least a fifty-sixty wolf beast!

The wolves were resting in this place. They were startled by the sudden appearance of Wang Sheng, and the nearest wolf beasts fled and fled.

But soon, the wolves came around again, glare like a tiger watching his prey to the uninvited guest!

Wang Sheng's first response was to pull out a huge might pistol that he carried with him. However, when he pulled the trigger at the nearest wolf beast, the bullet stunned and did not start at all.

Like sophisticated electronic equipment, the firearms and weapons brought by the main world are the easiest to destroy.

At the critical moment, Wang Sheng remained calm. He immediately dropped the pistol and opened a special distress signal flare.

The signal flare did not fail, and the sound and rays of light produced during the launch even deterred the approaching wolf beast, but after the help force arrived, he could only rely on himself to resist the wolf pack.

"come on!"

Wang Sheng pulled out the big sword with his backhand, and he took two steps backwards, leaning against a large, thick tree in his arms, ready to fight.

His sword technique is professional.

ao wu ~

After several trials, the frightened and flustered wolf group finally couldn't bear it. A wolf beast leaped up suddenly, and opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng's eyes were swift, his hands holding sword slashed out to meet the wolf beast.

Pu chi !

The wolf beast was split in half by his great sword, and dripping blood mixed with broken internal organs splashed on the ground.


This time the wolves were completely enraged, more wolf beasts rushed over, biting Wang Sheng with their minions.

Wang Sheng struggled to wield a large sword to resist the attack of the wolves. The outer skeleton armor equipped on his body played a great role at this time, helping him to save a lot of damage.

But Wang Sheng knew very well that this suit did not protect him for a long time, which was also an important reason why he did not choose to break through in accordance with the code of action.

The tiger could not stand the pack of wolves. Seeing the wolf beasts that could not repel the swarms that rely on the big sword and armor, Wang Sheng decisively gave up the big sword weapon in his hand.

Ka! ka!

Three sharp claws popped out of his two-armor gloves at the same time, and he waved and kicked to shake off the entanglement of several wolf beasts. Then he turned to climb the tree quickly with the help of the claws.

Hey! Hey!

The furious wolf beasts flew up and tried to pull Wang Sheng from the tree. Unfortunately, although their jumping ability is very strong, they can't help Wang Sheng who has climbed to a dozen meters high tree.

Wang Sheng's crisis was temporarily lifted.

But it was only temporary, because dozens of wolf beasts would not leave the big tree, and a pair of scarlet and wolf eyes stared at Wang Sheng on the branch, posing an irreconcilable posture.

It's gonna!

Wang Sheng looked at the communication watch worn on his wrist and found that the equipment had failed.

Not only that, there was also evidence of damage to his outer skeleton, his joints became harder, his hoarse sound of friction, as if the parts had severely rusted, was out of service.

This valuable set of equipment can no longer protect him, but becomes a burden for him!

In desperation, Wang Sheng could only disassemble the outer skeleton of the skeleton, and smashed the wolf beast on the ground.

It's just that this venturing act, although one or two wolf beasts howl, they can't cause much damage to them.

Then Wang Sheng found out that the bow and crossbow he brought could not be used anymore—the bowstring was broken.

As a result, the only weapons he could use were only another big sword and three javelins.

Although Wang Sheng had made psychological preparations for such a situation, he felt the same great pressure.

What would happen if the signal for help he had just sent was not found?

Wang Sheng was unwilling to think.

All he can do now is wait, wait again!

I don't know how long it has been, as if it were a century long, and suddenly a javelin blasted out from the dense forest, and lightningly hit a wolf besieged by Wang Sheng, nailing it alive. On the ground.


The wolves suddenly fry.

call out! call out! call out!

Before they could fully respond, one after another javelin shot, killing a wolf beast to the ground.

Although the wolves were fierce, they could not withstand such terrible casualties.

They howled and fled, and soon disappeared into the dense woods.

Is it safe?

Wang Sheng squatting on the tree was a little can't believe his eyes.

"It's okay, come down."

The next moment, Zuo Yi appeared under the tree and said to Wang Sheng, "I'll take you there."


Seeing the sudden appearance of Zuo Yi, Wang Sheng was overjoyed.

He quickly climbed down from the tree and saluted, "Thank you for saving me!"

"No need to be polite." Zuo Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's go, maybe there are others to save."

Wang Sheng's heart was stunned, and he left with Zuo Yi.

When he followed Zuo Yi to the shore of the small lake, more than thirty members of the action team had already arrived here.

Tyke is back.

It turns out that as long as the rules of the trial space are not violated to provoke Nature's fury, most of those who just entered are safe, otherwise the earliest seven tourists who entered by mistake would not be rescued by Zuo Yi.

The most important thing is that although they are transmitted randomly, they are not far away from each other, and many people meet together on the way to the lake.

Wang Sheng had the worst luck and was the only player to use a signal flare.

Over time, more and more members of the action team arrived at the lakeside camp, including Captain Qi Liantao.

The atmosphere in the camp became more lively and festive.

The bacon goblins, watching them with curious eyes.

Zuo Yi introduced Qi Liantao to the old goblin priest. In the future, many things will require him to communicate and discuss with each other to build this base together.

Near noon, one hundred members of the special operations team arrived at XNUMX, and three others were missing.

Zuo Yi did not continue to wait, but let Qi Liantao count the personnel list, and then confirmed the identity of the three.

He identified the three nameplates.

These nameplates were prepared by Zuo Yi for the command. Each nameplate has the blood of the team member who is there a person painted on it.

Zuo Yi sniffed the three nameplates to Tyke, then let it out to search.

Because all team members have wounds on their hands, with a breath of blood, and with the sensitivity of Tyke's smell, it is only a matter of time before they are searched.

Regardless of Life and Death.
