Paladin Dad Chapter 418

Riding Tyke, Zuo Yi stands on a high hill.

He glanced across the green grassland and landed on the river in the distance.

There is a camp for a half-orc tribe!

According to the old goblin priest, half-orcs are the most intelligent race on the earth. They widely live in forests, grasslands and mountain ranges. They form loose alliances in the form of tribes and are brave and bloody.

An adult orc can reach two meters in height and weigh more than two hundred kilograms. Their skin is dark green, the lion's broad nose is raised, the forehead has two sharp fangs, and he likes to tie his hair into small pigtails. .

The more powerful the orcs, the larger the number of pigtails, which is a symbol of their bravery!

Although living in primitive nomadic tribes, half-orcs have their own civilization, and they have their own languages, words, battle skills and divide technique inheritance.

Their tribal priests are called shamans, and they master a variety of divine techniques. They play a significant role in the tribe and are on an equal footing with the chief of the first warrior.

About the orcs, the Goblin priest told Zuo Yi.

For thousands of years, goblins have been ruled and enslaved by half-orcs. The Gelug tribe was originally unable to endure the oppression of the half-orcs before being forced to migrate to the present place.

But the old goblin priest probably did not expect that there was a half-orc tribe only a hundred or two hundred miles away, but their existence was not exposed because of the barrier of the mountains.

Zuo Yi met the Orcs two days ago, when he was hunting wolves on the prairie, and unexpectedly found a hunting team of Orcs.

Without any communication, the fierce orcs attacked Zuo Yi with bows, shuttles, tomahawks, and warhammers.

As a result, Nature had no suspense, they all fell under Zuo Yi's sword.

Considering the threat of the half-orcs to the lakeside city wall, Zuo Yi finally found their camp after two days of searching.

A dark-brown battle flag fluttered in the wind, the tribe's Totem pattern was painted with bright red paint, and underneath the battle flag was a sacrificial altar built of rock and soil, surrounded by tents.

The half-orcs were obviously very confident in their own safety. They did not build fences to protect the camp, but only used fences to raise cattle and horses.

Many half-orcs around the hide are busy in the camp, and some tall Da Qiang warriors are wearing leather armor and holding weapons to patrol back and forth, a scene of prosperity.

Zuo Yi noticed that there were still a few goblins in the camp, and they were working hard with half-orcs whipped with leather whip.

The sun is about to go down, and the hunting teams have returned, making the camp more lively.

The half-orcs lit the bonfire.

Seeing that it was going to be dark, Zuo Yi decided to attack.

He scratched with a flick of his hand, and clenched a scarlet-red long spear.

This standing-level Knight gun has accompanied Zuo Yi to battle in Sadya World for many years. He retired after he was promoted to Legendary and has been stored in the space ring.

Today is the first time.

it's been a long time since we last met, Old Partner!

As if I heard Zuo Yi's new life, the long spear shuddered slightly, and the gun head made of dragon teeth shone with stunning rays of light. It was responding to Zuo Yi, longing for battle and blood baptism!


Zuo Yi gave a light whisper, and His Majesty Tyke suddenly leaped from the hills and jumped away, moving his thick limbs towards the half-orc camp, speeding faster and faster.

In just ten seconds, Tyke accelerated to XNUMX kilometers per hour!

"Hu haha!"

The Orc warrior in charge of patrolling the outer area found Zuo Yi and Tyke galloping and screamed immediately.


Immediately, the bleak horn sounded in the camp.

Soon, a half-orc wolf cavalry rushed out of the camp aggressively. They were driving the gray wolves, wielding tomahawks and sledgehammers, and roaring and roaring one after another.

The half-orc Knight who rushed to the front was particularly tall Da Qiang. His head was covered with multi-colored pigtails, his big nose hung with a gold ring, and his eyes were violently spitting.

A few hundred meters away, Zuo Yi collided with this half-orc's gaze. Murderous intention!

Holding the long spear in his hand, a long-lost fighting intent ignited within the body of Zuo Yi, making his blood boil.

He didn't have a steel javelin or Remington to deal with the apparently orc-headed orc, but instead raised his Dragonfang Knight.


Tyke speeded up abruptly, the long spear ray of bleeding rays of light protruding straight ahead, the sharp tip of the gun rubbed against the air, setting off a fiery flame.

Under the confrontation between the two sides, the distance of three-four hundred meters came quickly.


The orc leader opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, uttered a thunderbolt-like growl, and suddenly strove to throw the tomahawk in his hand.


The heavy double-edged tomahawk roared towards Zuo Yi, and the speed was extremely fast.

However, Zuo Yi's eyes did not blink, and Longya speared forward with lightning, hitting the tomahawk that flew in.


With a crisp sound, the Tomahawk, which gathered the power of the Orc leader, was knocked open, and the Dragonfang Knight gun, which was burning the Battle Qi flames, continued to pierce the opponent along the original trajectory.

Pu chi !

The long spear penetrated the thick leather armor and body of the half-orc leader without any stasis, and instantly separated it from his seated wolf, and continued to pierce the second and third ones that followed. Orc.


Tyke fiercely bumped into a wolf. When he hit it with a broken bone, he also knocked it out together with the orc warrior on his back.

At this moment, Zuo Yi's dragon tooth long spear had struck three orcs. He held the gun with his left hand, grabbed Scarlet Dragon Sword by his right hand, swept out, and cut two staggered half-orc cavalry between his breathing. .

The dripping blood sprayed all the way and broke through the line of half-orc cavalry in just a few seconds!

He steered Tyke to turn to face the enemy again, and the long spear in his hand was raised high.


The half-orc warriors were all red eyes, screaming and roaring, their voices were filled with anger and unwillingness, and they turned around to attack and attack Zuo Yi from different directions.

However, without waiting for them to reorganize the array, Zuo Yi slammed into the middle of them, long spear stabbed long spear swept, and immediately set off a new foul wind and bloody rain.

No orc warrior can resist the blow of Zuo Yi. Although they occupy a number of advantages, they are slaughtered back and forth by Zuo Yi. The roar, screams, and wailing are intertwined and spread far away. .


When the horn sounded again in the Orc camp, there was no living opponent around Zuo Yi.

At this moment, Zuo Yi is feeling the blazing joy of surging forces returning!
