Paladin Dad Chapter 423

Standing on the river embankment, bathed in the cold wind of the river, Zuo Yi overlooked the urban area of ​​Hangzhou across the river.

In the early hours of the morning, the neon lights were still there.

Millions of people who are still asleep do not know that they are passing by a huge danger, and tomorrow's news newspapers, TV media and the Internet will never show any relevant information.

In fact, ignorance is often a kind of happiness.

But Zuo Yi is doomed from such happiness. His happiness needs to be guarded by himself!

Born and raised in Sri Lanka, he has his relatives and friends, and everything he must guard.

Turning around, Zuo Yi looked at his home shrouded in the darkness.

At this moment, Bao'er must be holding Tyke in his sweet dreams.

He absolutely does not allow anyone to break this beauty!

The wings of light spread silently behind him, Zuo Yi rushed straight into the sky, flew over the treasure tree in an instant, and landed through the gap in the crown.

He landed in front of the treasure tree.

The branches swayed, the leaves fluttered, and trembling light shivered, illuminating a large space.

Baoshu seemed to feel the inner emotion of Zuo Yi at this moment, and passed him admiration and tenderness to calm his anger.

Zuo Yi reached out and pressed gently on the trunk, exhaling a long breath.

He made a decision.

Retracted the right hand and waved, five purple crystal bottles appeared in a moment.

Zuo Yi waved his hand again, and the caps of all crystal bottles flew up automatically, and the liquid stored in it floated into the air, condensing into five water clusters shining with different rays of light.

Spring of Life, Spring of Wisdom, Fountain of Youth, Fountain of Luck, and Fountain of Soul.

This is the water of all Five Sacred Springs owned by Zuo Yi, a treasure of inestimable value!

At that time, Zuo Yi paid a very high price. Several times of dying and surviving, plus luck, brought together the most mysterious Five Sacred Springs of Sadya World.

Without any hesitation, Zuo Yi's open five fingers closed together.

Five holy waters gathered and fused into a ball instantly!

There has always been a legendary in Sadya World, as long as the Five Sacred Springs water is brought together and they are fused together, a wish can be realized.

Zuo Yi has been getting Five Sacred Springs for a long time, but it is the first time he has mixed the Five Sacred Springs he owns.

He opened his palm again, and the holy water group shining bright rays of light flew to the treasure tree.

It's all for you!

A verdant green tree vine quietly waved down, and a piece of young leaves unfolded, just to embrace the flying holy water group.

It greedily sucked the holy water, like a hungrily baby sucking on the sweet and sweet sauce.

In the bedroom on the third floor of Zuo Family Old Residence, Bao'er, who slept soundly, pouts.

After a while, all the holy water was completely absorbed by the tree vines!

The next moment, the treasure tree began to shake, and hundreds of millions of leaves trembled and made the sound of hua hua, like the cry of life.


Zuo Yi passed it a clear idea.

He paid all the water of the holy spring, in order to make the treasure tree grow again and have more powerful guardability.

Only in this way can Bao'er be absolutely secure!

Zuo Yi has never worried about his comfort, because in this world, no one or anything can hurt him, even the nuclear weapons of the world-class level-the tower 's Wizard 's curse power is not at all Inferior to a nuclear bomb, don't even try to break his Sacred Domain aura.

But Bao'er, who was given the inheritance of the Destiny Witch, is still very weak. Zuo Yi must consider the dangers he can encounter when he is not with her.

It's obviously not enough to rely on just a few pieces of rune gear!

And Baoshu is the Guardian of Bao'er.

Ka! ka!

With a dense popping sound, the treasure tree with a height of more than 60 meters ushered in the third rapid growth. Its trunk has been expanding and becoming thicker, and the huge crown has been moved towards all around, covering more areas.

The growth process of the treasure tree lasted for ten minutes. By the end, its height exceeded 150 meters, and the area covered by the canopy was three times that of the original. Not only did Zuo Family Old Residence fit into it, it even extended to the river bank. !!

The original treasure tree was also shielded by the clouds and fog inspired by the array, but now it has become a spectacle, and it can no longer hide its posture.

Not only that, Zuo Yi felt that it had also devoured the array template, which was originally placed under the tree, and merged, resulting in some strange changes!

The canopy trembled, emitting hundreds of millions of glows, including two green balls the size of baby fists.

A cloud of green light flew on Zuo Yi's body and instantly integrated into his within the body.

Another green light flew towards Zuo Family Old Residence, and passed the barrier of the wall instantly, and fell on the sleeping Bao'er.

Also integrated into Bao'er's within the body.

Zuo Yi lost his mind and disappeared instantly.

The next second, he appeared in Bao'er's boudoir.


While sleeping, Tyke raised his head alertly and opened his eyes. When he saw Zuo Yi, his barking turned into a low hum.

Zuo Yi raised his index finger for a snoring gesture, and Tyke obediently lay down again and closed the dog's eyes.

Zuo Yi quietly stepped forward to the bedside, leaned over the little girl's forehead and kissed.

His body disappeared again.

Then appeared on the West Lake Broken Bridge!

Instantly move!

This is the special ability that Baoshu has just given to Zuo Yi for permanent blessing, allowing him to move freely within the power of Baoshu.

Bao'er was given the same ability.

Standing on the broken bridge, Zuo Yi looked up towards the sky.

The night sky is extremely clear tonight, but in his Spirit Vision, the Hangzhou area is shrouded by the crown of billions of transparent leaves.

This is the treasure of the second floor crown derived from Baoshu. It is a derivative and concrete of Baoshu's guardian power, but only Zuo Yi and Bao'er can see it.

Therefore, Zuo Yi and Bao'er were able to teleport at will in the entire Hangzhou area, without being restricted by the original Transmission Formation.

The most important thing is that a false and real double canopy has a strong defensive ability. As long as Bao'er does not leave the range covered by the canopy flower, then even if Alpha is in person, don't want to hurt her!

And if needed, it can also shelter millions of Hangzhou citizens.

This is what Zuo Yi has done with all his Five Sacred Springs water.


After a turn, Zuo Yi returned to the front of Baoshu, where he was.

He is satisfied, but not enough.


Gargoyle A'Guai flew across the canopy and landed steadily in front of Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi is satisfied that the power of guarding is sufficient, but guarding alone is not enough. If there is no strong deterrent, how can it deter the enemies who are deliberate?

So he wants to increase the power of attack and counterattack!
