Paladin Dad Chapter 424

Gargoyle belongs to the Wizard creation spell , and in Sadya World, it is the best scout and sentry in the Wizards.

Gargoyle is equipped with Extraordinary perception. It can detect movements within a few kilometers in the dark, and has a low-end stealth and concealment technique that can penetrate the middle and low levels, allowing the enemy to hide.

Its battle strength is very strong, two sharp claws can easily tear the beast, plus the ability to fly, even against the heavily armed positive Knight will not fall behind.

A'Guai is a gift from a big Wizard. Its quality is far better than the Gargoyle of the ordinary. Its within the body is engraved with five runes, which can stimulate a variety of attacks Spell.

After returning from Sadya World, Zuo Yi asked A'Guai to reside on the Camphor Tree in the yard to guard the house day and night.

Now he wants to give A'Guai greater combatability.

Zuo Yi took out the super cannon from the space ring.

The Super Artillery is a super weapon developed by Hanhai Technology and Xia Chaolian in cooperation with the tower mage of Desolate World Seleth Kingdom. It uses Magic Beast's Extraordinary source as its energy source and has great power.

According to Hanhai Technology, the super artillery can cause a fatal threat to the Alpha-level Extraordinary powerhouse. Previously, in Shennong Mountain, Fan Haichao and Fan Shaoyu of the Fan Family brought two super artillery guns, so they dare to stand up with Zuo Yi.

As a result, the two thousand dragon guards brought a superpower gun into the trial space. Not only was the entire army annihilated, but even this portable superpower gun fell into Zuo Yi's hands.

However, this super artillery was also affected by the rules of the test space, and was damaged and unusable.

After Zuo Yi got the super artillery gun, he researched this weapon and basically mastered its principle.

From Zuo Yi's point of view, the idea of ​​a super cannon is still very interesting. It is equivalent to a mini version of the Energy Cannon. It uses Magic Beast nuclei, which is the source of Extraordinary, as a source of power, and integrates some of the structures of Modern modern weapons. Features.

Inside and outside the barrel, the complicated structure of the spell rune is engraved.

However, the rune knowledge mastered by the Desolate World mages is far from reaching the High Level of Law of Creation. It can be used in Earth, and it will be invalidated in the trial space.

Although the level of this super cannon is not high, Zuo Yi does not have the ability to repair it itself, unless it is taken to the Hanhai Technology which made it-the latter will certainly not help.

But this does not mean that Zuo Yi is completely helpless.

The super cannon was erected on the ground, and Zuo Yi took another scroll from the space ring.

This is a high level repair scroll, which can repair the following rules and equipment, including of course the ordinary item.

The High Level Scroll of Repair is an important material necessary for war on the plane. Zuo Yi brought back a total of ten pieces from Sadya World, and now it comes in handy.

He aimed at the super cannon and tore off the repair scroll, a golden rays of light enveloped the weapon instantly.

The flickering rays of light lasted for a few seconds before disappearing. The re-emerged super artillery had a new look, and the rune lines on the outer wall that had been corroded and blurred became clear and complete, as if it had just been made.

Zuo Yi reached out and grabbed the repaired superpower gun in his arms. He pressed a button in the tail section of the barrel, and only heard "ka-cha", a metal box bullet popped out.

The metal box was filled with a gray-white stone.

Zuo Yi knew that this stone was supposed to be a magic crystal, and it must be produced from the Desolate World. It must be usable in Earth, so the Fan Family thought it would be effective in the trial space, and the face was fiercely. .

Zuo Yi poured out the scrapped magic crystal and filled it with a new one.

A Legendary Rank magic crystal of fire attribute!

Zuo Yi originally had a large number of High Level magic crystals. It was the spoils of war he had spent many years in Sadya World, but most of them were used on the treasure tree, and only the last dozen pieces were retained.

This Legendary Rank Magic Crystal can greatly increase the power of the Super Cannon!

The only problem is that after using the Legendary Rank magic crystal, the life of this super cannon will be greatly shortened, so it can only be used as a killing move.

Zuo Yi handed the super cannon filled with the new magic crystal to A'Guai squatting aside.

A'Guai immediately lowered his head, and the spine on his spine opened left and right, hug the super cannon firmly.

As a Wizard's combat puppet, Gargoyle is able to plug in weapons and equipment, such as crossbow, warhammer, great sword, etc.

The ordinary Gargoyle certainly can't carry such a large object as a super cannon, but A'Guai has no problem.

Then Zuo Yi gave A'Guai the M460 revolver "Silver Wing" that he had transformed, along with the matching bullets.

"Silver Wing" is engraved with two high and medium-level runes of "Immortal" and "Fast Speed". It never wears out and has a very fast rate of fire. It can load and use special rune bullets, and its lethality is beyond doubt.

If the super artillery is a killing move, then "Silverwing" is a conventional weapon. After A'Guai is equipped with them, the battle strength can be said to rise straight, even if it encounters the Alpha-level powerhouse, it has a battle.

In fact, A'Guai, who has a super cannon on his back and a revolver on his waist, can be said to be armed to his teeth. As long as he does not leave the area of ​​influence of the treasure tree, it doesn't matter if he just hits several alphas.

After pulling out a spiritual seed into A'Guai's within the body, let it grasp the use of the two weapons instantly, Zuo Yi thought about it, beckons with the hand in front of the treasure tree.

The huge treasure tree shuddered, and a green light cluster slowly drifted down from the canopy, and silently merged into A'Guai's body.

In this way, A'Guai has the ability to freely teleport within the coverage of the treasure tree, just like Zuo Yi!

Treasure Tree does not give others unlimited blessings of this powerful ability. A blessing requires a lot of source power.

But in order to improve A'Guai's mobile battle strength, Zuo Yi still made Baoshu pay a little more sacrifice.

It's not over yet, and the thoughts he just passed to Baoshu don't stop there.

Immediately after, ten jade green leaves, like jadeite, fell into Zuo Yi's hands.

Each leaf is two fingers wide and three inches long, exactly the same shape, condensing the essence of a treasure tree.

These leaves Zuo Yi intends to share with relatives and friends such as Fang Yonghe, Shang Yulin, Liang Xuemei, Wang Jiaojiao, and so on.

A leaf is equivalent to a teleportation scroll. As long as they carry it with them, Baoshu can immediately transport them here if they are in danger of life, ensuring absolute security.

Of course, this teleportation is only effective within the power of the treasure tree.

Zuo Yi is also prepared to do this, in case some heartbroken generations will poison their relatives and friends.

"Working hard."

He said silently to Baoshu.

What Zuo Yi did not expect was that Bao Shu actually responded to his voice: "father is bad."

What sounded in Zuo Yi's heart was still the voice of little girl!
