Paladin Dad Chapter 425

Meng Meng sounds softly and softly, it sounds exactly like Bao'er at first glance, but after careful consideration, it is different.

It was wonderful to make Zuo Yi feel like he had another daughter.

He couldn't help asking: "Why is father broken?"

Baoshu was silent for a moment, and responded, "hmph, it's bad."

Really germinated wisdom!

This is undoubtedly the effect brought by the water of the holy spring, which not only helped the treasure tree grow to a higher level of life, but also gave her real wisdom.

Zuo Yi couldn't help but reach for the tree, comforted: "I'll make it up for you later."

Bao Shu: "Speaking counts, lying is puppy."

Zuo Yi hehehe: "I promise."

Baoshu: "That's forgive father."

Zuo Yi gently pats the trunk and asks, "Can you shrink?"

The current treasure tree has grown to a height of more than a hundred meters, and the fog of the array cannot be covered. The crown covers a huge area, which is too eye-catching. Once it reaches daylight, I don't know how much sensation will be caused!

In the current situation, Zuo Yi still hopes to reduce some trouble.

Baoshu didn't answer.

But the canopy began to tremble, and the whole tree sank. Although not at all shrank, its height dropped rapidly.

It did not end until it returned to its original height and was covered by the array mist again.

However, the crown of the tree has not changed, still covering the entire Hangzhou area, billions of transparent leaves spread out, absorbing the brightness of the moon.

Zuo Yi is very satisfied: "Very good."

Needless to say goodbye, his silhouette disappeared instantly in place.

Teleportation went home.

Still in Bao'er's room, the moment the Zuo Yi appeared, the little girl who was asleep suddenly opened her eyes and said stupidly, "Father."

Zuo Yi was going to return to her room at a glance. When she heard her voice, she immediately sat down beside the bed and leaned down and said, "Baby, father is here."


The little girl stretched her arms around his neck and murmured, "father, I just had a dream, um, dreamed that I became a treasure tree, and then talked to you."

Zuo Yi couldn't help kissing her and asked, "What did you say?"

little girl shy: "I won't tell you."

Zuo Yi hehe smiled: "Well then, let's go to sleep, it's not dawn yet."


The little girl let him go and closed her eyes obediently.

Zuo Yi didn't leave immediately. He stared quietly at his favorite Baby. It took a long time before he got up quietly.

Its daybreak.

Zuo Yi, who had not slept overnight, went to the riverside early and bought breakfast at Fang Sao's shop. When he returned home, Fang Yonghe was cooking porridge and eggs in the kitchen.


Zuo Yi put down the packed meal and took out a necklace to Fang Yonghe: "This is what you wear."

The chain is gold, and the pendant is an emerald-like green leaf, inlaid and fixed with gold edges, very delicate and beautiful.


Fang Yonghe took it in curiously and asked, "Why do you want to give me a necklace suddenly?"

"For defense."

Zuo Yi didn't explain much: "aunt, you must wear it and never take it off at any time."

Seeing Zuo Yi expression was serious, Fang Yonghe nodded said, "OK."

She knew that Zuo Yi wouldn't joke around with her casually, so solemnly, there must be a reason.

Fang Yonghe would not ask why, because Zuo Yi could not harm her.

"Father! Aunt!"

At this time, a crisp voice suddenly sounded beside.


Fang Yonghe was startled: "Bao'er, when did you get down?"

Bao'er hugged Tyke and appeared next to Zuo Yi, smiling hehe and said, "I just came down, that's it …"

Her voice didn't fall, and the silhouette disappeared instantly.


The little girl appeared in the outside yard, loudly shouted: "I'm here!"

Immediately afterwards, she went back to her original place again!

"Uh …" Fang Yonghe froze.

Fortunately, her ability to accept the Extraordinary phenomenon has already been exercised, otherwise it is necessary to have heart disease!


Bao'er said to Zuo Yi with a smile: "Am I very difficult to deal with?"

She just woke up in the morning and found that she had the ability to teleport, and then quickly enjoyed herself.

so fun!

"It was Baoshu who helped you …"

Zuo Yi rubbed the little girl's head and said, "It doesn't matter if you play by accident, don't play it often, otherwise Baoshu will be very tired."

This instantaneous movement is not without cost, it consumes the power of the treasure tree.

The power of the treasure tree is not created out of thin air.


Bao'er opened his mouth and said with guilt, "I know, I won't mess around anymore."

Zuo Yi smiled: "really clever."

After breakfast, Bao'er teleported to Tianqi School, and Zuo Yi received a call from Wu Yongjian.

Zuo Yi rushed to Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office immediately.

In Wu Yongjian's office, he got a confidential profile.

This information comes from those who were captured by Zuo Yi last night. The Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office and the Coast Guard have jointly interrogated them and obtained accurate statements with the help of Mental Transcender.

All of them are members of the True Knowledge Council!

They received orders from Galle Island to cross the entire Pacific Ocean through the Bama Grand Canal, traveled more than XNUMX kilometers, and finally entered China's territorial waters, diving into the Qian River at high tide, and using missiles to attack Zuo Yi.

The submarines these people fly are extremely advanced and have the ability to mimic invisibility, so the seabed Great Wall defense line that can pass through the coast defense forces has not been found.

The submarine carried a total of five short-range missiles and four torpedoes, of which five were loaded with ultra-high-energy explosive bombs that can be manufactured by only a few countries, second only to the power of nuclear bombs.

Their mission is to eliminate Zuo Yi at all costs!

Know the council!

The mystery was revealed, and Zuo Yi not at all was a little unexpected.

I really know that the council is hostile to him, but Zuo Yi did not expect that the other party actually used this method to retaliate, which was really unexpected.

This submarine came from the secret base of the true knowledge council on the island of Galle. It was manufactured at a great cost by the true knowledge council. After the completion of the test, it was used to deal with Zuo Yi.

In order to ensure the success of the mission, the submarine's chief designer and two core engineers also followed the submarine.

The three Science Type Transcendents are highly capable and have a high status within the True Knowledge Council. Under normal circumstances, they need to be protected. They actually take huge risks to participate in the operation. It is really incredible.

It can be inferred that the hatred of the True Knowledge Council towards Zuo Yi is not ordinary!
