Paladin Dad Chapter 452

Eight mountains and one water point, this is the best portrayal of Fujian Province.

Although the mountains in Fujian Province are not very high, the mountainous hills occupy more than XNUMX% of the province's area, and the forest coverage rate is the highest in all provinces in China. The Nature environment is very good.

However, the rolling mountains and dense virgin forests have also brought great difficulties to the search. Multiple special operations teams of the Extraordinary Management Office in Fujian Province have been trapped in the mountains. As a result, they have not caught the real murderer, but have an elite. The team was completely out of touch.

This is why the Fujian Extraordinary Management Office urgently asked Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office for assistance.

The lost team has three C-Ranks and seven D-Rank Transcendents, and is equipped with advanced weapons and equipment. Under normal circumstances, even the B-Rank Transcendent can defeat it. Now it is silent. It was incredible to disappear into the mountains.

Even if they encounter a powerful enemy that can't compete, they should not be so silent, so the Extraordinary Management Office in Fujian Province suspects that this incident has a behind-the-scenes manipulator, which is by no means as simple as an Extraordinary beast attack.

After understanding the situation, Zuo Yi did not waste time, and immediately took Tyke into the endless mountains and forests.

Over the mountains in front, he inspired the wings of light to fly into the sky, and began a search above the treetops.

Zuo Yi suspects that the culprit responsible for the murder is likely to be a High Level Transcendent with royal beast ability. If the other party controls a large amount of Extraordinary Magic Beast, it is difficult to completely hide his existence.

Air reconnaissance is the best way.

And when Zuo Yi took off, three men wearing mountain camouflage were sitting beside a rock in the piece of mountain valley tens of kilometers away.

Hundreds of tigers, leopards, wild boars, wild wolves, etc. are standing or sitting or lying around them.

These wild beasts are much stronger and tougher than their peers. Their eyes are all reddish, bloody rays of light penetrate the bloodthirsty, and blood stains on the fur of the minions.


The watch worn on the wrist of a man with a dark face suddenly shook. He reached out and swiped on the dial. Said solemnly: "Zuo Yi is here."

The word "Zuo Yi" seemed to have a magic power, so that the other two changed their faces after hearing it.

Frightened expressions flowed from the eyes.

The muscles on the man's face jerked and said, "Our mission is complete, withdraw!"

He rose to his feet, with a sharp, whistling whistle in his mouth.

Those wild beasts around were like being beaten fiercely by whip, roaring and roaring moving towards different directions.

The three men evacuated to the north, and their silhouette quickly disappeared into the vast forest.

At this moment, Zuo Yi expression, who was searching in the air at the moment, changed his direction immediately, the speed of the flight suddenly accelerated, and it only took less than a minute to visit the sky over a mountain forest.

In the mountain forest, more than a dozen wild boars rushed like tanks, breaking a tree in front of them forcibly, and ran into a road!

Such a brutal and wild boar herd, even the best hunter encounters it will be scared to soul destruction.

Zuo Yi landed directly in front of them.

He just left Tyke.

Seeing Zuo Yi blocking in front, the wild boars became more excited as if they had beaten chicken blood. They accelerated the charge and showed sharp fangs and rushed towards Zuo Yi. The momentum was no less powerful than the magnificent army. with thousands of men and horses!

Zuo Yi coldly snorted and fisted forward.


The mountain earthquake shook the woods, and an invisible and powerful force surged forward with the Iron Fist blasted out by Zuo Yi, welcoming the rushing wild boar with the mighty mountains.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a thunderous sound, and a wild boar weighing hundreds of kilograms seemed to hit an iron wall that was advancing at a high speed.

When they fell on the woodland, they had turned into piles of mud, and could not die anymore.

With one punch, Zuo Yi withdrew his fist. His gaze looked towards the direction of the boars when he said, "Tyke."


Tyke growled, it instantly became giant, and stretched out his huge nose to sniff a wild boar carcass.

Then he opened his legs and rushed forward.

Zuo Yi followed.

Tyke has the innate talent of soul smell. If this group of alienated wild boars was originally controlled by people, then it must have the soul soul energy of the animal master.

Spirit soul energy is not the smell of ordinary, and it cannot be covered and eliminated by conventional means, so as long as the other party is in this area, it cannot escape Tyke's recourse.

A big tree was quickly left behind, and the full state of Tyke fast as lightning is still flat on the ground in a complicated mountain environment, and a low roar from time to time.

It is telling Zuo Yi that the distance tracking target is getting closer!

Two minutes later, three fleeing silhouettes appeared in Zuo Yi's sight.

ao ~

Tyke, who successfully overtook the target, exclaimed with excitement.

The three men turned back when they heard the roar, almost stunned!

Their escape route has just begun, and they didn't run far away at all. Why did they encounter chasers?

And a terrifying giant dog!

The shady man immediately stopped and turned to face Tyke chased by aggressive, raising his hand and beating his fingers.


A tiger and a mountain leopard immediately appeared to his side, and thundered at Tyke.

Pa! pa!

Tyke paused, waved his paw, and patted the tiger leopard like a fly.

The sharp claw sharply tore the latter's body, and Yin Hong's blood was thrown all the way.

The beasts with Extraordinary strength at both ends are basically disabled to withstand a single blow.

The sweat on the forehead man's forehead drew fine sweat. He stared at Tyke a dozen steps away. His eyes became red, his thin lips moved quickly, and he spit out a series of obscure notes.

Tyke froze, looking dull.

Seeing such a situation, the Yin Man suddenly rejoiced, trying his best to stimulate his ability, trying to control Tyke's consciousness.

His Extraordinary ability lies in conscious control, which is effective for both humans and animals. If he can control this powerful giant dog, it will be like a tiger that has grown wings for him.

However, the next moment, the Yin Man noticed a playful expression in Tyke's eyes.

and many more?

Before he could come back to his senses, a violent sound came on his face and fiercely blasted him out.


In the roar that broke the eardrum, the yin man slammed into a large tree, and the bones did not know how many were broken.

When he screamed and fell to the ground, the two companions "flyed" back and forth and fell on him!

