Paladin Dad Chapter 453

One A-Rank and two B-Rank.

Zuo Yi's gaze swept across the three men who fell to the ground, reaching for Pats Tyke's head.

Well done!

Tyke's soul smell is a magical skill. It should not be used very well to pursue the enemy. Otherwise, relying solely on Zuo Yi's own strength, it is not a problem to catch these Transcendents, but it will definitely cost a lot of time.

The praised Tyke "hahaha" twitched his tongue and looked proudly.

At this point, the Yin Man had woke up, and he pushed away his companion who was pressing on him, struggling to sit up against the big tree, his face was extremely bleak: "Lin, Dragon King of Linjiang Zuo Yi."

A few words were squeezed out of the teeth, with great despair and resentment.

"it's me."

Zuo Yi said lightly, "I'm curious, who gave you the courage to do things here?"

Is Liang Jingru just divorced?

The other party was an A-Rank Transcendent who recognized Zuo Yi at a glance, and knew his identity for sure.

Although Zuo Yi belongs to the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, as an alpha-level powerhouse, his deterrent power is enough to cover several surrounding provinces.

So the question is coming. Does the other party make such a big movement in Fujian Province, aren't they afraid that he will take Suppression?

Unless the A-Rank Extraordinary is itself a pawn!

"hehe …"

The overcast man laughed with a sorrow, and his mouth kept overflowing with blood, saying, "My task is to lead you here. I have completed the task now. If you want to kill, kill it, I will wait for you in hell . "

He knew that Zuo Yi was not a kind-hearted person. He would certainly not be immune to falling into Zuo Yi's hands, so he became very stiff and his eyes became crazy: "Someone will bury me!"

Zuo Yi sank his face: "Are you the one who knows the council?"


Yin man said with a big smile: "The Demon Lord will come, all those who are against the Demon Lord …"


Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Yi raised his hand and pressed it down, and the Yin Man and two unconscious companions were instantly crushed into meat sauce by an invisible force, and he couldn't die any more.

There is no law and no trial is required. As the enemy of Zuo Yi's camp, the other party vowed to eliminate the evil target, so no matter what punishment he imposes, he will not lose any Faith value.

Instead it will increase the Power of Faith.

But that's not the point.

Lured the tiger away from the mountain !

Zuo Yi understood the other's purpose, and he immediately thought of his family.

From the perspective of the Council of True Knowledge, unless it is their crown-wearer who takes the shot himself, the following sticks, adherers, stealth, or dagger holders cannot be Zuo Yi's opponents. Human head.

Under such circumstances, it is quite normal for the Council of True Knowledge to choose to deal with Zuo Yi's people, especially his relatives.

Now at this time, there are probably eight-nine of the people who know the council in Hangzhou.

What will their goal be?

There was a flash of cold glow in Zuo Yi's eyes, and his tentacle grabbed Tyke's neck and leaped to his height!

At the same time, Hangzhou Blessed Peace Building, Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

"Aunt, someone is looking for you!"

Fang Yonghe was checking his accounts in the office, and the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Her ringtone was recorded by herself, using Bao'er's voice. Every time she hears, she always feels warm.

Fang Yonghe smiled and picked up his phone. "Hi, hello."

A young voice came from the earpiece: "Hello, may I ask Ms. Fang Yonghe?"

Fang Yonghe replied, "Yes, what are you doing?"

Just listen to each other and say, "Hello, I'm a courier for Xiatong Express. You have a courier to sign for. I'm right in front of the door of Blessed Peace Building."

Fang Yonghe wondered, "Why don't you send it in?"

After joining Martial Arts Hall, she changed her online shopping address to Tianhong. Under normal circumstances, the courier will send the express mail to the company's front desk.

The courier replied: "Yes, this thing is so big that it can't go up the elevator, and it doesn't buy the moving service, so you need to come down to sign, please forgive me."

"All right, I'll get down right away."

Fang Yonghe hung up and hurriedly left the office to sign for express delivery.

She didn't think too much, she just couldn't think of the big item that she had bought recently. It was inferred that it might have been ordered by Shang Yulin, and then she used her name.

When he came downstairs to the Blessed Peace Building, Fang Yonghe saw the Xiatong Express truck parked on the side of the road at a glance. There was a courier wearing a uniform and holding a courier in his hand.

She walked straight forward, said with a faint smile: "Hello, I'm Fang Yonghe."

The courier raised his head when he heard the sound.

He looks very young, looks handsome, has obvious mixed blood characteristics, and the corners of his mouth have an indescribable evil spirit. Looking at Fang Yonghe's eyes is like seeing prey in a trap.

Fang Yonghe stopped subconsciously.

Instinctively feeling the danger, she couldn't help but want to step back: "Who are you?"

The courier smiled scornfully, and suddenly reached out to grab Fang Yonghe, while the truck door behind him was pushed open by the people inside.

He is confident that he can complete the task in three seconds, and it is too easy to deal with an ordinary person.

However, what made the fake courier absolutely did not expect that his hands had not touched Fang Yonghe, and the latter suddenly flashed a green glow, and instantly disappeared without disappear without a trace!

How can it be!

The courier caught a gap with one claw, and his eyes almost stared out of his eyes.

The scene just now is really incredible, completely subverting his common sense and making him feel incredible.

He even wondered if he had hallucinations and couldn't help shrinking his hands and rubbing his eyes.

But there was no one in front of him. Fang Yonghe seemed to evaporate, and there was no sign of it remaining.

The courier froze for a few seconds before he finally determined that his mission had failed, and an inexplicable fear came to his heart, feeling that a great disaster was imminent.

Without hesitation, he turned back into the car and shouted, "Go!"

The door was almost on, and this Xiatong Express truck drove away.

After Fang Yonghe turned around for a while, he suddenly found himself returning to Linjiang City's home.

what happened?

She raised her hand and held her chest, feeling her heartbeat terribly.

"Aunt, someone is looking for you!"

Fang Yonghe was taken aback by the ringtone of her cell phone again. When she saw that the caller ID was Zuo Yi's name, she quickly picked up: "Little Yi!"

"Aunt, where are you now?"

Zuo Yi's calm voice made her feel at ease: "Is it okay?"
