Paladin Dad Chapter 577

"In a few years, maybe the valley town will no longer exist."

The old bartender said to Zuo Yi with a sigh, "We old fellows can't stay long."

The river valley town is not only facing the problem of tourists disappearing and losing the most important economic source, but the abnormal climate of Sassanus has a huge impact on the surrounding environment. .

Many cattle and sheep supported by herders were stabbed to death by thunder and lightning. Everyone was forced to leave their homes and moved to a safer place. The people who are still in the town are basically old people who are hard to leave.

But they can't hold on for too long.

"Give me another glass of wine."

Zuo Yi handed the old bartender a hundred-dollar bill and asked, "When did this start?"

"Thank you."

The old bartender took the money and poured him a cup of Kashasa, thinking about it and answering: "It should be August four years ago."

"It's July!"

An Old Ox child sitting next to Righteous Path: "I remember very well that thunderstorms started to appear in July!"

Four years ago in July!

Suddenly in Zuo Yi's mind, he came to Paparo four years ago in July, and was then encountered by thunderstorms while hiking in Sasanas.

According to the old bartender and Old Ox Tsai, since then, thunderstorms have not stopped in Sathorns.

This is very interesting.

Zuo Yi couldn't help but fall into thought.


At this time, there was a thunderous sound of hong long long from outside, and the sky was still clear and cloudy.

Immediately after that, the thunder became louder and louder. Lightning crossed the sky from time to time, and the whole world seemed to collapse.

The old bartender was obviously accustomed to this, he turned on the lights in the tavern and continued to chat with Zuo Yi.

At this moment, heavy rain poured down, and heavy raindrops hit the roof and glass windows, making a crackling noise.


The door of the tavern was suddenly pushed open, and three big men rushed in foul-mouthed.

Wearing leather jackets, high boots, cowboy hats, and revolvers around their waists, they felt fierce and sturdy, instantly breaking the original atmosphere of the tavern.

"This damn weather!"

A big man with a scar on his face strode to the bar and said to the old bartender, "Get me two boxes of Kashasa, hurry up!"

The old bartender was quite nervous, shaking his head and saying, "No, I don't have that many Kashasa here."

Scarface's face turned gloomy instantly: "What? Afraid we couldn't afford money?"

He also turned to look at Zuo Yi, who was sitting next to him, with a bad look.

"There are really no two cases."

The old bartender said with a bitter smile: "If you don't believe it, you can watch it in the wine cellar myself. I haven't purchased it for a long time."

Tourists are long gone, and there are only some elderly people struggling on whilst at death's door in the town. It can be considered a miracle that this tavern can support it now. Where can I buy it?

"Forget it."

Scarface waved his hand impatiently: "Fetch me as much as I want. I want it all!"

The old bartender had no choice but to go to the wine cellar below and take all the remaining Kashasa to the other side.

Scarface asked the two companions to bring wine, and he found several crumpled banknotes from his pocket and threw them on the bar.

The old bartender's face showed that the money was obviously not enough, but in the face of three heavily armed big men, he swallowed saliva and said without any objection.

Scarface saw him meet, and sawered turned away from the tavern.

The old bartender was sighed, wiped the bar and wiped the bar with a helpless bitter expression on his face.

Zuo Yi frowned, asking, "Who are they?"

The three big men who just left were neither tourists nor local townspeople, but they were quite similar to the gang members of St. George's Slum, which made him wonder.

What do these people come here for?


The old bartender had not answered yet, and the door of the tavern was pushed open again. The scarfaced man just returned and returned!


He pointed at Zuo Yi aggressively and asked, "Is your Cherokee outside?"

Zuo Yi sips in the glass of wine: "It's mine. Any questions?"

"It's mine now."

Scarface grinned and showed his yellowish teeth: "Give me the car key."

While talking, his right hand held the pistol handle hanging around his waist.

The intimidation was revealed!


Zuo Yi's answer is simple.

Scarface's big man was furious, holding the revolver without thinking, ready to give Zuo Yi a little color.

But before he pulled out the pistol, an invisible force suddenly slammed on him, and the whole man flew out like a kite with a broken line.

Wherever he went back and forth, he flew straight out of the door.


The tavern door closed, blocking wind and rain and screams.

The old bartender and several townspeople were stunned: (⊙o⊙) (⊙o⊙) (⊙O⊙) (⊙o⊙) …

Just now they thought Zuo Yi was going to suffer a great deal. Absolutely did not expect that the fierce guy was punished.

And Zuo Yi's expression has not changed at all, as if just just driven away the flies, it is not worth mentioning at all.

He lowered the cup, extended the hand and tapped on the bar.

The old bartender woke up and quickly added a glass of wine to Zuo Yi, while looking worriedly towards the door.

The old bartender was worried that those people would return for revenge.

But his worries were obviously superfluous, and soon there was a roar of engine starting, which soon disappeared.

The other side ran.

"They are Thunderstone Hunters."

The old bartender secretly relaxed, saying, "It should be from the camp of Thassens."

The large-scale thunderstorm that occurred four years ago turned the former hiker Holy Land Sathorn into a forbidden area. After many travelers were killed, no one dared to enter it.

Later, a local herdsman found a very strange stone near Sassanth. When he encountered it, he felt a strong electric shock, and it was quite beautiful in black and blue.

This stone was named "Thunderstone" by the locals, which means that the gems produced in the thunderbolt were sold at high prices.

Then the treasure hunter, known as the "Thunderstone Hunter", heard the wind and built a camp in the fringe area of ​​Thassens, risking his life and entering Thassens to search for the Thunderstone.

The number of thunderstones is very small, and the danger of search and mining is extremely high, so the thunderstone hunters who can persist are all bold and desperate.

The Thunder Hunter's camp is not far from Hegu Town, and sometimes they will come to the town to purchase supplies.

The townspeople were disgusted with Thunderstone Hunters, but they were helpless.