Paladin Dad Chapter 578

Thunderstone hunters are rude, brutal, and brutal, with strong force. When they came to Hegu Town, they were like jackals breaking into sheepfolds. It was polite to buy and sell. Many townspeople were beaten and bullied.

Originally there were police in the town. As a result, the Thunderstone Hunter was shot black. The dead were injured and wounded, and all of them came alive. No one dared to run here to maintain the Order, leaving River Valley to be completely self-sustaining .

The appearance of the Thunderstone Hunter has also accelerated the decline of Hegu Town. No youngster is willing to be affected by this kind of anger. They can't afford to offend, so they can only hide away, so there are only some old, weak, and sick in the town.

"Sir, you are a good person."

The old bartender said to Zuo Yi: "Leave here tomorrow morning, don't go to Thassen, it's too dangerous."

In addition to omnipresent thunderstorms, Sassanth also has ferocious Thunderstone hunters.

Although Zuo Yi looks unusual, the Tigers are hard to beat the wolves, and he doesn't want to see Zuo Yi in trouble.

Zuo Yi smiled: "Thank you for your reminder."

He must go to see Thassan, as for the danger or something, it would definitely not fall on his head.

Outside, thunder and lightning increased the rain, and the sky became darker and darker, so Zuo Yi stayed in the tavern.

The second floor of the tavern is the guest room. Although there are no passengers now, the old bartender or more precisely the tavern boss, let his wife quickly sort out a clean room for Zuo Yi, and only accepted the symbolic Room rate.

Settled in the guest room, Zuo Yi released Tyke from his backpack and pulled out his phone.

He found that not only was there no signal from the mobile network, even satellite signals could not be received, and the mobile phone software prompts were disturbed, making it impossible to communicate and locate.

This is somewhat troublesome, but not too much of a problem for Zuo Yi.

despair! despair!

The door of the room was banged softly, and Zuo Yi put down his phone: "Please come in."

The door opened and the tavern Boss came in with the plate: "Sir, your dinner."

The pub's conditions are limited, so dinner is simple, with only egg sandwiches and hot milk, plus a grilled lamb chop.

Putting the plate on the table, the pub Boss not at all left immediately. He hesitated, and asked cautiously, "Sir, did you come for Thunderstone?"

"Do not."

Zuo Yi shook his head: "I still heard the name for the first time today, but …"

He smiled with a smile: "I'm a bit interested in this thunderstone."

Pub Boss gritted his teeth: "I have a thunderstone that I can sell to you at a low price!"


Zuo Yi was surprised: "Do you have a Thunderstone?"


Pub Boss explained: "I have never been able to find a suitable buyer for a pastoral debt paid to me."

In fact, he wanted to sell it long ago, so that he could leave River Valley Town to live in another city if he had the money.

But the right buyer is not easy to find. On the one hand, he has no sales channels. On the other hand, even if he can find a buyer, it may not be reliable. If it is known by those greedy Thunderstone hunters, the trouble is big!

Zuo Yi looks pretty reliable.

First of all, Zuo Yi is from China.

The reputation of Chinese people abroad has always been very good, and China's strength and wealth are widely known. Zuo Yi ten thousand li ran here, and it must be the owner of money.

Secondly, Zuo Yi's lesson from the Scarfaced Man impressed the tavern Boss. Such a capable person was kind to him and his character was no problem.

The combination of various reasons led the tavern Boss to decide to sell his own treasure to Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi was really interested: "Let's take a look."

Tavern Boss quickly brought Thunderstone over.

The thunderstone he treasured is placed in a wooden box, the size of a baby's fist, the surface looks like a piece of obsidian with blue, and the texture is quite pure.

But this thunderstone constantly emits hair-like current, which feels very strange.

"My thunderstone is so big …"

Tavern Boss proudly said, "The herder who picked it up told me that it had electrocuted a sheep and could not hold it by hand."

He did not dare to hold it directly by hand, so in addition to loading with a wooden box, it was also equipped with a non-metal special fixture.

Zuo Yi carefully observes the thunderstone in the box.

Zuo Yi was the first time I saw this thing, and I felt that the so-called thunderstone was actually similar to the magic crystal of Magic Beast of Thunder Department has several points of.

But it is obviously not a magic crystal. The Energy contained in it is very unstable and constantly overflows. This kind of situation continues, and it will definitely be completely depleted one day and become an ordinary stone.

Zuo Yi estimates that the reason why this thing didn't spread in the World is that no one knows how to use it.

Zuo Yi can't.

He is not a Wizard after all, and has no means of Wizard.

However, from a research perspective, Zuo Yi, a rune master craftsman, is still interested in buying it.

"You make a price."

The tavern Boss struggled for a long time before he offered his own price: "How about hundred thousand dollars?"

He was very embarrassed, for fear of driving up and scaring away Zuo Yi.


Zuo Yi quickly took out ten yuan and one hundred dollars from the space ring and bought Thunderstone from the other party.

The tavern Boss is not greedy. Hundred thousand dollar bills are very happy to start with: "Thank you, I can take my wife out of this damn place tomorrow!"

As long as the money is not wasted, it will be enough for the couple to spend the last life.

Take away the tavern Boss, Zuo Yi put Thunderstone into the space ring.

There are too many priceless and unique rare treasures that Zuo Yi has seen. Although this thunderstone is a bit wonderful, it is not worth his troubles now. It is not too late to study slowly after returning.

It rained all night.

The next morning, the heavy rain finally turned into drizzle, then it cleared up quickly.

Zuo Yi bids farewell to the tavern Boss.

He was the last guest in this pub, because Boss decided to close today and go to live in other cities.

The fate of the tavern Boss in the future is not something that Zuo Yi needs to care about. He is driving Daeche and moved towards Sarzanes.

After driving for ten minutes along a weedy overgrown road, Zuo Yi saw a camp built by the river, which was obviously the Thunderstone Hunter Camp.

He was too lazy to discuss with Thunderstone Hunters, bypassing the camp and preparing to go into the terrible land of lightning and thunder.

Find the truth that year traveled through!

As a result, the Grand Cherokee driven by Zuo Yi was less than ten kilometers away, and four or five pickup trucks roared and chased after him, aggressively malicious.