Paladin Dad Chapter 463

Facing another raid by St. George, Zuo Yi still did not dodge.

He punched forward, and the raging Battle Qi instantly turned into a flame shield, blocking all the incoming Holy Light bombs.

The strength condensed by a holy light bomb is equivalent to the full blow of the A-Rank Energy Type Extraordinary powerhouse. Any Transcendent below A-Rank and A-Rank should never want to resist, even if they carry something like Escaping Death Golden Medal. The protective gear will be bombed and killed in a short time.

Because St. George fired at least dozens and hundreds of holy light bombs at one time, he used this Extraordinary skill to bombard a powerful wild beast of the same level in the wild Desolate World.

Even if it is Alpha powerhouse, you must retreat from the crit of holy light.

But I hit Zuo Yi's Battle Qi shield, and all the holy light bombs became invisible as before, without shaking him.

Zuo Yi drew his shield with his left hand, and the Scarlet Dragon Sword held by the right hand swept out, welcoming the cross long sword that was chopped by St. George.


The two long swords collided instantly, and St. George's cross sword suddenly became two.

He suddenly startedled!

This cross long sword is incorporated into the Desolate World's Mithril. It is forged by the Grand Master Craftsman of the Rich Kingdom. No sharphold one cannot be overcome, and the texture exceeds all the alloy materials of the main world. Real iron cutting Like mud.

Not only is the texture extremely good, Mithril Cross Sword can also carry St. George's Extraordinary ability to the greatest extent, greatly improving his battle strength, which can be called his best combat partner.

The usual long sword of Mithril Cross is hidden in the robe of the priest he wears, and it is only taken out when it is time to fight.

St. George cherishes this sword very much.

But the Mithril Cross long sword is now broken into two pieces, so fast that he can't believe it!

how is this possible! !

The horror in St. George's mind was difficult to describe in words, and it was completely driven back by the instinct of battle.

Because Scaro Dragon Sword of Zuo Yi, after cutting the Mithril Cross Sword, swept unstoppably towards his chest. If he didn't dodge immediately, the result would be cut into two sections!


St. George's response was extremely fast, and the speed of retreat was also extremely fast, but his chest was still swept by the fiery sword glow, the black robe was cut open instantly, and the flesh rolled leaving a black scar.

St. George was groaned and landed more than ten meters away from Zuo Yi. He almost fell over!

He raised his hand to hold the wound on his chest, the white light in his palm shone, and looked towards Zuo Yi's eyes startled: "Divine Weapon!"

Divine Weapon is the strongest weapon in the Desolate World. Legendary is made by God and has incredible power.

Among the Desolate World legendary about Divine Weapon, there are a total of XNUMX of these ultimate weapons, corresponding to XNUMX different stars, of which the Orcs hold five, the Elf hold seven, and Human Race three The other six are missing.

St. George has not seen Divine Weapon, but he can't imagine any other weapon besides Divine Weapon that can easily cut off this one in his hand and infused the full strength of the Mithril Cross Sword!

Zuo Yi did not chase while winning, and asked with a sword in his hand, "Are you still fighting?"

In fact, with the sword just now, he can kill St. George on the spot with only a little more effort.

But St. George is not an evil person. In fact, the bishop of the Major Sect Church in Nulai had a lot of good deeds. He once sold all the spoils of war obtained in the Desolate World, and formed a charitable Foundation. Used to help the poor.

There are many, many people who got his help and got rid of their miserable fate.

St. George's holy name comes from this.

Although St. George was unjust in his position against the Leslie family, Zuo Yi was willing to give him a chance to choose based on his past good deeds.

Zuo Yi has fulfilled his promise not to kill, but if St. George continues to struggle with it, Zuo Yi will not show mercy!

"cough cough !"

St. George leaned over his chest and coughed hard, spitting blood.

Although Zuo Yi's Scarlet Dragon Sword only scratched his flesh, there was still a flame Battle Qi invaded his within the body, causing him far less damage than it seemed.

"you win."

He straightened up again, said with a bitter smile: "But I hope your long sword will not be waved to innocent people, and not all members of the Leslie family are involved in the true knowledge council."

Intuition told the priest that if he continued to stop Zuo Yi, he would die.

As an Alpha powerhouse, St. George has no fear of sacrifice, but if it was sacrificed for Wayne Leslie, it would not be worth it at all.

He is not so noble, and at this step, he is fully able to pay back the debts he once owed.

Zuo Yi replied, "I can distinguish between good and evil."

Tone barely fell, his shape swept forward like lightning, and he rushed into the Pritzcher Manor in his breath.

Saint George watched Zuo Yi's silhouette disappear, and expression was bleak.

This is the biggest frustration he has encountered since he was promoted to Alpha powerhouse, so he believes that his loss is largely due to Zuo Yi's holding of Divine Weapon, but he cannot deny the strength of Zuo Yi.

More powerful than him!

What worries St. George is that China has such a new alpha, which is undoubtedly a huge test for America, and the world's pattern will have unpredictable changes.

But at the same time, St. George was lucky, because Zuo Yi was not a killer of cruelty, otherwise he would fall here today.

As for the Leslie family, they can only ask for blessing.

In fact, the Patriarch Wayne Leslie of the Leslie family is already asking for God's help.

When Zuo Yi confronted St. George just now, Wayne Leslie was at the highest level of the manor castle, watching the battle with high-power night vision Telescope.

He absolutely did not expect that in less than a minute, the two sides had a victory and defeat, and St. George, who was regarded as "the Lord's substitute in the world," completely lost to his opponent.

The most wise thing about Wayne Leslie is that he hired St. George as a rescuer, but now the result is that his response is a joke!

Now Zuo Yi is here.

This discovery made this Leslie Patriarch fall into an ice cave, and Telescope dropped from his hand to the ground.

The next moment, he turned pale and rushed towards the desk in the room, pressing hard on a red button under the table.


The alarm sounded suddenly in the Pritzcher Manor and immediately alarmed everyone.

The alarmed Wayne Lesley sat down in his chair desperately, and he reached out his drawer and took out a pistol stored in it.

He shoved the muzzle into his mouth, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

