Paladin Dad Chapter 464

Crowne Plaza, Niue City, D31 Avenue.

The Crown District is the largest district in Nulai, and it is also the most backward and poorest in law and order. It is home to millions of immigrants and many gangs. Murder, shooting, robbery, theft, contraband trafficking, smuggling, and other crimes No severance.

So late at night, the streets and alleys in the Crown District were basically empty, and basically all the shops were closed. Only a few gang members were still wandering, and no other pedestrians could be seen.

Except for the sirens from a distance, it seemed very quiet here.

But this silence was soon broken by the deep roar of the engine, and one black armored car drove into D31 Avenue, as if it were a torrent of torrents.

Several criminals hiding at the corner of the street were frightened. They ran and ran away, disappearing in the alleys in the vicinity by night cover, like mice chased by wild cats.

Several armored vehicles parked in front of a bar on D31 Street, and the cars behind them followed closely.

The building in which this bar is located is 6-Layer tall. It looks like a building from a century ago. It is very old due to long-term lack of maintenance and repairs.

A crooked signboard hung on the exterior wall of 2-Layer. The neon sign of "OldMan" on and off was on and off, and it could collapse at any time.

The Old Man Bar is the only place on the street that is still open.

Orange yellow light is transmitted through the glass pane on the gate, casting mottled marks on the sidewalk.

A dozen armored vehicles lined up a dragon, and soon blocked the road in front of the bar.

With the sound of mechanical gears turning, the roof of the armored car was lifted, automatic gun turrets were raised, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the old man's bar, as if it were an enemy.

Immediately afterwards, a heavily armed SWAT team member jumped out of the armored car. They wore helmets, body armor, and assault rifles quickly broke into the building where the bar was.

The 2-Layer to 6-Layer in the building are all residential buildings, and most of them are immigrants. At XNUMX or XNUMX in the morning, when they slept the most, they were awakened by rough knocks come.

"NYPD, open the door!"

Nulite policemen knocked on the door of the room fiercely and let all the residents evacuate immediately with an unquestionable tone. They were like vicious cats breaking into the rat's den, and were destined to become a nightmare for many people.

boom! boom!

There was a sudden sound of gunfire in the building.

It was not the special police who were evacuating the residents, because their assault rifles were equipped with high-spec silencers, and the sound of the guns was not so loud at all.


The commander, Max Carter, standing next to an armored car, cursed fiercely, and various noises were coming from the headphones he was wearing.

There are several gang members in this building, most likely being wanted characters, so they misunderstood the police's evacuation operation and took out weapons to follow the special policeman at the door desperately.

The end of these idiots need not say more, they are facing the most elite special warriors in Newlay, including the powerful Transcendent.

Only in this way, the target in the bar must be startled. If the other party breaks out now …

Max Carter thought about his scalp, and yelled at the boss who had made the plan in his heart-he simply didn't take the life of his subordinates seriously!

He can only hope that the reinforcements of Steel Wing will arrive soon.

At this moment in the old man's bar, the atmosphere was still calm, like another World.

The guests are only a person, sitting in front of the bar and drinking.

The bartender was an old black man with grey hair, wiping his glass.

When the sound of gunshots from the building came, he could not help frowned and said to the alcoholic in front of him: "Sir, it's late, we are going to snooze, you should go home, and I need to call a taxi for you ?"

This is a kind reminder. Although the gunfire has long been a part of life for the old black man who has lived in the Crown District for decades, his gut tells him that danger exists.

For the safety of this seemingly pleasing guest, the old black man is willing to pay a favor to call a reliable driver.

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled, "But it's not needed for the time being, please give me another whisky."

After completing the "cleaning up" of Prich Manor, Zuo Yi returned to the city of Nulai. Because he is very sensitive, he did not check into the hotel, but instead found a lonely bar and tried to deal with it until dawn .

Wayne Lesley is dead. The Lesley family's Patriarch, who knew that the board holder died of suicide, blasted his head with a large caliber pistol in the study.

He obviously wanted to keep all the secrets by this, but Zuo Yi came in time, and sealed his soul with a gem of the soul before Styx River returned.

The subsequent search was also very rewarding. At the same time, Zuo Yi also killed hundreds of members of the Leslie family who were judged to be evil camps, basically destroying this well-known family.

In this process, St. George never appeared again.

I thought it was over. I didn't expect someone to come to you-of course, the outside movement couldn't hide Zuo Yi.

The black bartender gave him a deep look, took the bottle and poured him a glass of whiskey.

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi pulled out a stack of dollar bills and threw them on the bar. "This is the money tonight."

The old black man froze: "Too much."

The banknote is the largest denomination. This stack is worth XNUMX knives, which is almost his three-month income.

Zuo Yi drinks a maximum of two or three.

"More tipping."

Zuo Yi waved his hand: "Thank you for staying with me so late."

This is only a small part of the spoils of war he has seized tonight. In addition to a large number of US dollars, there are hundreds of gold bars and bricks.

This wealth Zuo Yi intends to donate it to help some people in need.

At Sadya World that year, he didn't do too much to rob evil and good, Faith was shua shua shua.

"You are such a generous guest."

The old black bartender accepted the generous gift with a smile, and he put the banknotes in a drawer, thinking about it, "I used to be a singer, let me sing a few songs for you."

Zuo Yi snapped his fingers: "Good!"

The old black bartender picked up an old guitar hanging on the wall. He sat on a stool, adjusted the pitch, and then plucked the strings.

He began to sing, "Leaving my beautiful hometown and coming to this black city, I thought I could find my dream. I didn't expect that the reality was so cruel. A passionate heart was crushed by a ruthless vehicle …"

In the vicissitudes and sad songs of this black old bartender, the door of the bar was quietly opened.
