Paladin Dad Chapter 467

After more than an hour of supersonic flight, Zuo Yi crossed the North American continent and reached the west coast of America.

Immediately afterwards, he flew over the Pacific Ocean and quickly disappeared into the radar of the North American Joint Air Defense System.

This made many Americans greatly sighed in relief, as if sending away a god of plague, and now they are finally relieved.

But there are also many people who feel indescribable shame and anger. When was the dignified America World superpower, when would a Chinese person be free to come and go like no one?

Although the American public in ordinary did not know anything about this, the Extraordinary Federation of Meriga-Steel Wing felt the unprecedented pressure!

As the original creator, after Zuo Yi had thrown a lot of troubles on the Americans, he did n't return to the country directly, but instead changed his direction on the Pacific Ocean and went north to Mina.

Mina is the leader of America and has a larger territory than America, but its population is only a quarter of the latter, and its military and economic strength is also much weaker than America.

But for two hundred years, Mina has been America 's hardest ally. The two sides have signed a military common defense treaty. Economic and military cooperation is extremely close. Therefore, America and Mina are often seen together in the world.

As it should be by rights, in such an alliance, Mina was always in a weak position, and the situation was even the same for World.

Mina does not have an alpha powerhouse. Most of Transnadent's Transcendent members are members of the Wings of Steel and have entered the Desolate World experience through World Stone in Washington.

Someone joked that if America wanted to annex Mina, there was no need to start a war. As long as the posture of the war was set, then Mina would inevitably fall without war and obediently obey the other party.

Although joking, it really makes sense.

Because Mina 's air defense system is part of the North American Joint Air Defense System, in order to avoid being discovered by Americans, they have entered the territory of Mina, so Zuo Yi chose an ultra-low altitude approach to sneak into Mina from a few meters above sea level.

Avoiding the easily discoverable area, he detoured to Domont, the second largest city of Mina.

Dormont is located in the southwest part of Mina. It is a beautiful coastal city. It is close to America and a modern international metropolis.

Due to Nature's excellent environment and excellent climatic conditions, Dormont has become the preferred immigration city for many people, with more than half of the population coming from overseas.

Most of these are China immigrants, and Dormont has the largest number of China immigrants.

Although most of these immigrants migrated dozens or even hundreds of years ago.

Zuo Yi landed on a secluded highway on the outskirts of Dormont. He took out his Harley motorcycle from the space ring, took off the license plate, and then put on sunglasses and headed for the city.

Under the guidance of mobile phone navigation, he spent nearly an hour to Chinatown in Fasheng District, Dormont.

Fasheng District is the main settlement of Chinese immigrants. The history of Chinatown can be traced back to more than a century ago. The architectural style, humane style, and shops and hostels here are completely China-oriented. land.

Zuo Yi found an unnoticed corner to put away the motorcycle and walked into Chinatown.

Following the house number, he found a pawnshop hidden in the alley.

The thirteenth pawnshop.

dīng líng líng ~

When Zuo Yi pushed open the old and heavy wooden door, the brass bell hanging behind it rang immediately.

An old man standing behind the counter heard his voice and raised his head.

The old man was wearing a dark blue Tang suit, thinly shaped like a bamboo pole, he wore a round hat and a pair of black-framed glasses, his cheekbones were sunken, his white beard dangled to the corner of his mouth, and curled His eyes were full of brilliance.

Zuo Yi went straight to the other side.

This pawnshop is very small. The counter is equipped with a protective fence. The shelves inside are filled with all kinds of objects, mainly antiques, and there are a lot of strange things.

Tangzhuang old man asked: "Sir, can I help you?"

He speaks Chinese and his accent is a bit special.

Zuo Yi put a bronze medal in the window and said, "I'm going to be something."

This palm-sized bronze medal is a proof of eligibility that proves Zuo Yi is qualified to be something here.

The so-called pawning is actually buying information.

Because the XNUMXth pawnshop is not a real pawnshop, but an external window of a secret intelligence organization, only those with certification can get the corresponding services.

This bronze medal of Zuo Yi was obtained from Pritch Manor, originally belonged to Wayne Leslie. He learned from the soul memory of the latter the existence of the World Intelligence Organization and the methods and methods of purchasing intelligence.

The old man in the Tang suit took the bronze medal and inspected it carefully. After confirming that there were no problems, he asked, "What do you want to be?"

Zuo Yi handed a note with a long name on it: "I want to know where this person is going."

The old man in the Tang suit put down the bronze medal, picked up the note, and squinted his eyes, then opened the drawer and took out a thick account book, and completed the search against the list above.

Very old and backward way.

He said, "One hundred."

Zuo Yi nodded, waved his hand forward, and a large pile of Huang Chengcheng's gold bricks immediately appeared on the counter.

A gold brick is a standard serving size of ten kg. Here are ten!

The transaction on the XNUMXth pawnshop is only paid for in gold. They don't recognize people, they only recognize gold and don't pay by any banknotes, checks or credit cards or mobile phones.

One hundred kilograms of gold buys a person's recent whereabouts, the price is staggering, but if this person is a rod holder who knows the council, it is not expensive for Zuo Yi.

With Wayne Leslie, Zuo Yi has unearthed a lot of useful information. Although there are still no clues for the crown wearer, the weight of the staff is also heavy enough.

I only know that there are only thirty-nine staff members on the board. Zuo Yi has killed two. He plans to continue to hunt down and continuously weaken the wings of the crown wearer, and finally force out this deeply hidden boss.

The elimination of each and everyone's staff is a heavy hit to the True Knowledge Council. Zuo Yi is not afraid of the True Knowledge Council's counterattack, because as long as the other party takes action, it will inevitably expose more horses.

His magical method made Tang Man old man obviously stunned.

After a while, the pawnshop shopkeeper put away the bricks and said slowly: "I will let you know if there is news."

He handed back a note to Zuo Yi with an email address and login password.

Zuo Yi put away and immediately left the XNUMXth pawnshop.
