Paladin Dad Chapter 468

The sun is shining outside.

Zuo Yi separated from Newlay in the early hours of the morning, from the Eastern Sea shore of America to the west coast, across the North American continent, and then north to Mina. It is now just over nine local time in Dormont.

During this trip to North America, he can be said to have basically achieved his goal, and now it is time to relax.

Zuo Yi plans to fly back to Hangzhou in the evening, and at this moment what he wants to do is to fill his stomach.

As a Sacred Domain Knight, Zuo Yi can insist on not eating or drinking for several months under extreme conditions, and still maintains a strong life, but usually, he lives like an ordinary person, eats and eats three times a day, and does more from time to time. Supper.

Many lives that have been promoted to high sequences will actively suppress or even cut off their own emotional desires, which makes it easier to break through to higher levels of life sequences.

But Zuo Yi has never thought of going this way. He likes the joy and sorrow of human beings, likes adventure and calm and happiness, likes delicious food, and likes to appreciate the beauty of the world.

Now he wants to eat well.

Well, scold yourself.

Zuo Yi is not cold about western food, and Mina is not a food country, but fortunately he is now in Chinatown of Dormont, which has the highest density of Chinese restaurants in Mina.

Zuo Yi in the vicinity chose a Hong Kong and Guangdong restaurant, sat down to take the menu, and ordered more than a dozen Cantonese dishes and dim sum in one breath.

After eating and drinking, Zuo Yi greeted his buddies to pay the bill and asked, "Is there any shopping mall nearby?"

After a hard trip to North America, he hasn't bought a gift for Bao'er yet.

Can't you go back empty-handed?

"Big malls are all in the city …"

The restaurant buddy replied with a smile: "You can take the subway and there are only five stations. Right, have you ever been to our outdoor fair in Fasheng?"

"open-air market?"

Seeing Zuo Yi knew nothing, the restaurant buddies introduced him enthusiastically.

It turned out to be in the vicinity, separated by two streets. It is the largest open-air market in Dormont and even Mina. The citizens and foreign tourists in Dormont like to go to this market Taobao because the things there are cheap and beautiful, and The variety is extremely rich.

The Fasheng Open-Air Market was originally established by immigrants. It was originally a small trading place where barter was changed. After decades of development, it has become the scale it is today.

The prosperity of Mina Chinatown is largely due to this outdoor market, where many stall owners are Chinese immigrants, so the restaurant buddy speaking of which is still very proud.

There are many old and antiques in the open-air market. Someone once spent ten dollars to find a porcelain bottle used as a lamp holder, and it was found to be a rare official kiln treasure. It was sold at Sotheby's for tens of millions Sky-high price.

"You can try your luck."

The restaurant budger encouraged, "Maybe I'll pick up the fortune."

Zuo Yi couldn't help laughing, and shoved a hundred-dollar bill as a tip: "It's yours."

Saying goodbye to the restaurant buddy with a smile, Zuo Yi followed the instructions of the other party and quickly found the Fasheng Outdoor Market.

The restaurant buddies did not exaggerate. The area of ​​this outdoor market is really very large. All kinds of stalls can be seen at a glance. Countless pedestrians and pedestrians shuttle among them.

Zuo Yi walked along with interest, looking for the right target.

Buying gifts for little girl does not necessarily have to go to the boutique counter in a big mall. The stalls here are numerous, there are some unique items, and it is also a good choice to choose a few to go back.

Soon, he stopped in front of a stall.

Pointing at an ornament on the stand, Zuo Yi asked in English, "How does this thing sell?"

This is one cast-iron sculpture, about thirty centimeters in height. The main body is a roaring female bear. There are two cubs under the feet.

The female bear's shape is very rough, similar to the style of the original statue, while the two bears are very fine and lifelike.

Zuo Yi fancy this sculpture because it has a "soul".

The master's work must have a soul. This "soul" is a condensed of emotion and inspiration, and is the essence that the master gives to the work.

A work without soul, no matter how beautiful it is, it is just a masterpiece.

Zuo Yi is a part-time rune master craftsman, and his eyesight is far beyond that of ordinary people. This thing is inconspicuous in a pile of miscellaneous gadgets, but it can't escape his sharp eyes.

The stall owner is an old Mexican, an immigrant from the older brother of Mexico, the third largest country in North America. He wears an iconic style hat, and his eyes are savvy.

For Zuo Yi's inquiry, he smiled and raised an index finger.

"one dollar?"

Zuo Yi raised an eyebrow. "I want it."


The old ink stall owner was in a hurry, and shouted in poor English: "One hundred, one hundred dollars!"

People in China are rich, and tourists in China are richer. At first glance, Zuo Yi is the kind of wealthy Chinese tourists.


Zuo Yi immediately dropped a big bill and took the female bear sculpture.

The owner of the old ink stall grabbed the US dollar bill, and immediately realized that he was likely to be tricked by Zuo Yi.

This sculpture was bought when he was picking up used goods. It cost only five dollars, and a hundred dollars shot was nearly twenty times the profit. But when Zuo Yi was sold so fast, he felt a big loss. .

Only when he wanted to repent, Zuo Yi had got up and left.

The owner of the old Mo Tan more and more reluctant, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, staring at the back of Zuo Yi, Gu Lu said a lot of words.

Zuo Yi didn't know the little actions of the owner of the old Mo Tan, he continued to sweep the stalls in the outdoor market.

Suddenly a cowboy man holding a wooden box in his hand crossed the crowd obliquely, just colliding with a woman wearing a goose yellow dress in front of Zuo Yi.


The woman in the long skirt exclaimed, and a coward almost fell.


At the same time, the sound of a wooden box falling to the ground and a bottle cracking sounded.

This wooden box contained a blue and white porcelain bottle, which broke into pieces together with the box, and the tragic appearance that could not be returned with instant noodles!


The cowboy man screamed in despair with his arms in his hands. He stared dullly at the debris on the ground, crying without tears.

The woman in the long skirt apologized subconsciously: "I'm sorry."

"I am sorry?"

The cowboy man was severely stimulated. He waved his arms and roared loudly, his face grimace: "Do you know how much this blue vase is? You have to pay, pay!

The woman in the long skirt turned red: "No, I didn't hit it."

"Not who you are!"

The cowboy shouted, "You have to pay!"

There were many people around to see the excitement, and many people knew what was happening at a glance.

But no one was bothersome, or stood up and helped the woman in the long skirt to say something.
