Paladin Dad Chapter 477

"Kiki is my classmate now."

Bao'er said to Zuo Yi happily, "She's sitting next to me."


Zuo Yi touched little girl's head and was happy for her.

Bao'er has special innate talent and is not suitable for studying with ordinary people in ordinary schools. Tianqi School has become her only and best choice.

However, Tianqi School only recruits Transcendent students. Bao'er is the youngest in the class, so she has not made a few real friends, especially the closest friends.

This is undoubtedly a pity.

The appearance of Xia Yunqi just filled the gap in this regard. Zuo Yi would like to see two little girls can become good friends for a lifetime, supporting and relying on each other in the future journey of life.

After all, when she grows up, in many ways the role that a girlfriend can play is beyond what Father can do.

The most important thing is that with a playmate friend, her childhood life will undoubtedly be happier!

"Uncle is good."

When Zuo Yi's eyes fell on Xia Yunqi, the Little Princess timidly saluted him.

A very polite and educated little girl.

As the so-called Love House and Wuwu, Zuo Yi had a good impression on Xia Yunqi and asked with concern: "Qiqi, does your family know that you come to play with us at night?"

"I called Zhang Aunt …"

Xia Yunqi raised her wrist to show Zuo Yi the children's watch she was wearing, and said, "Zhang Aunt will come to pick me up."

Xia Yunqi came to Hangzhou to study at Tianqi School. Qin Wuyang not only provided her with escorts, but also arranged for her to live in a villa in a high-end community in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou.

This treatment is not much worse than the direct descendant of the Qin Family.


Zuo Yi nodded, took a leaf necklace from the space ring and handed it to her: "This is a gift from Uncle."

The leaves are from the treasure tree. He made twenty to thirty pieces of the same necklace back and forth. After wearing it, as long as he is within the urban area of ​​Hangzhou, he will have a life-saving opportunity to be stimulated to be transmitted to Zuo Family Old Residence. .

Last time, Fang Yonghe relied on the necklace of leaves to avoid the conspiracy of the Council of True Knowledge.

Zuo Yi has one person close to him.


Xia Yunqi did not immediately hold out hands to receive, because the education she received from an early age was that she couldn't take other people's things casually.

Including gifts.

But she didn't dare to reject Zuo Yi, so it seemed very difficult.

As a result, Bao'er reached out and took the necklace from Zuo Yi, and said to Xia Yunqi, "Qiqi, I have the same necklace, let me put it on for you."

This time Xia Yunqi didn't hesitate anymore, and thanked him, "Thank you Bao'er."

She added quickly: "Thank you Uncle!"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You're welcome."

There was a touch of compassion in his heart, and he didn't know exactly what this Little Brat had experienced to form such a character.

It is also the Bloodline of the Imperial Family.

Bao'er helped Xia Yunqi put on a leaf necklace. The necklace's loose buckle is easy to operate and she will use it herself.

After wearing the necklace, Bao'er said to Zuo Yi: "Father, Kiki wants to be a Transcendent so that she can have the ability like other classmates. Can you help her?"

Xia Yunqi suddenly became nervous, staring at Zuo Yi with her eyes widened, anxiously waiting for the fate's arrangement.

For a long time living under the fence, and among the gatekeepers such as Qin Family, Xia Yunqi is more mature and sensitive than children of the same age, and intuitively told her that her future life may be determined by Zuo Yi!

She couldn't help clinging to the corners of her skirt.

"this matter…"

Zuo Yi shook the head, said, "You don't use it to ask me, because you can help Kiki yourself."

Bao'er Moe: "Ah?"

When Xia Yunqi saw Zuo Yi shaking his head, a heart suddenly fell down, and then he heard Zuo Yi again that Bao'er could help himself.

She also stunned.

Facing the doubtful look of the little girl, Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Ask the treasure tree."

Zuo Yi certainly has the ability to help Xia Yunqi become Transcendent, but letting Bao'er fulfill Xia Yunqi's wishes will undoubtedly help the two to build a deeper and closer relationship.

Although as a new born destiny witch, Bao'er does not yet have such ability, but she possesses the big "plug-in" of the treasure tree, which can make a miracle.

"Then I ask Bao Shu."

Bao'er immediately closed his eyes with both hands and communicated with Baoshu.

Just a moment later, there was a sound of OO @@ from outside the courtyard. A verdant green tree rattan flexibly penetrated the gap of the window into the living room, and immediately reached Bao'er's face.

Bao'er opened his eyes and two shallow dimples appeared on his cheeks.

The top of the vine opened two green leaves, and a pink flower pierced out of it. It bloomed quickly, and a faint fragrance was scattered in the room.

In the blink of an eye, the flower blossomed, and as the withered petals fell, a longan-sized fruit emerged.

It is dark green throughout, as if carved from the top jadeite, and trembling with vines.

Bao'er cautiously picked this fruit and said, "Thank you, Baoshu."

The vine moved up and down like nodded, and then quickly retracted, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Bao'er handed the fruit in his hand to Xia Yunqi: "Qiqi, eat it fast, and then you will have the ability!"

"Thank you, Bao'er."

Xia Yunqi took the fruit very obediently, put it in her mouth and took a bite, and the flesh inside turned into sweet fruit juice and flowed into her mouth, then straight into her belly.

She froze.


Bao'er turned his head and looked towards Zuo Yi, worried about his small partner.


Zuo Yi comforted: "This is the process she needs to go through."

The fruit that Xia Yunqi just ate is the essence of Baoshu. Even Zuo Yi does not know what kind of efficacy and ability it has, but since it was born in response to Bao'er's request, it will definitely help Xia Yunqi achieve desire.

Awakening also takes time.

After several minutes, Xia Yunqi took a long breath and her eyes became extremely bright. She took Bao'er's hand and said, "Bao'er, I feel like I'm different now!"

What's different, she couldn't tell.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You will soon know what kind of capability you have."

This little girl is fortunate. She is in the process of awakening, and is as soft as the nature of spring rain to moisten the earth. It is only a matter of time before becoming a Transcendent.

As for what kind of ability she will awaken, it depends on her own innate talent and luck!

In fact, she is already super lucky!
