Paladin Dad Chapter 478

After dinner, Bao'er took Xia Yunqi and ran upstairs.


Tyke eagerly followed the two Little Brat to Bao'er's boudoir.


Xia Yunqi opened her eyes in surprise: "A lot of dolls."

In Bao'er's room, at least a quarter of the area is filled with various toys. Among them, the number of dolls is the largest. There are cute Q cute dolls with different shapes everywhere on the corners, in the bookshelves, and on the cabinets.

Except for these dolls bought by Zuo Yi, most of them are gifts from others. The most expensive one is undoubtedly given to her by Qin Wuyang, a forest fairy made by the Master of the Desolate World Elf family.

Xia Yunqi also has her own toy, but compared to these dolls owned by Bao'er, the number is really much worse.

Very envious.

"These are father, aunt, Grandma Liang, elder sister Yulin, Sister Jiaojiao …"

Bao'er is like several treasures: "Give it to me."

She was generous: "Which one do you like, just play it."


Xia Yunqi moved: "Bao'er, you are really good."

Since she is sensible, no one has treated her so well, treated her as a good friend, cared for her, cared for her, protected her …

At this moment in Xia Yunqi's mind, Bao'er was the guardian Angel sent by heaven.

She didn't know how she could repay Bao'er's help and friendship.


Bao'er pulled her to sit down beside the bed, and took a ragdoll in her hand and tucked it into her hand: "This is Angela, Sister Jiaojiao gave it to me."

despair! despair! despair!

Bao'er's tone barely fell, and the sound of knocking came from the bedroom window.

Xia Yunqi was startled, and she subconsciously clasped the Angela doll in her hand.

"It's Pippi."

Bao'er rubbed Tyke's head lying on the bed: "A'Ty, go and open a window for Pippi."


Tyke barked, jumped up and jumped to the bay window, then extended his paw to open the glass window.

"Bao'er, here I come!"

Under the stare of Xia Yunqi's surprise, a beautiful Budgetrigar flew in, screaming and landed on Bao'er's shoulder.

It's Pippi.

Although Pippi had already placed his birdhouse on the treasure tree and did not usually live here, it came across to get together with Bao'er, tell stories to the little girl, and tell jokes while eating peanuts.

"Kiki …"

Bao'er introduced: "This is my good friend Pippi, Pippi, this is Kiki."

Pippi tilted his head and looked at Xia Yunqi: "Hello Qiqi, I'm Pippi, I'm glad to meet you."

"Hello there."

Where did Xia Yunqi meet such a smart little parrot who was talking and was surprised and happy: "Hello Pippi."

"Pippi is smart."

Bao'er said: "It tells a lot of stories, do you want to listen to it?"

Xia Yunqi was nodded again and again.

So at Bao'er's request, Pippi told a fairy tale vividly.

Pā pā pā !

After it was finished, Bao'er and Xia Yunqi applauded together.

"So tired, so hungry."

Pippi showed a pitiful expression, and his acting skills were quite superb.

"Give it to you."

Bao'er was too familiar with it, opened the bedside table drawer and took out a small bag of nut kernels from it: "For you."

"Thank you Bao'er!"

Pippi suddenly resurrected with blood: "Love you!"

When he finished speaking, he picked up the nut bag and spread his wings and flew out of the open window.

No way, the bird that opened the harem had to work so hard. If he couldn't deliver the rations, he would have to have his hair and his head green.

Xia Yunqi envy: "Pippi is so interesting, um, and A'Ty."

Bao'er is so happy, there are partners like Tyke and Pippi.

"And Meimei …"

Bao'er said, "But it's not here now, Kiki, you can also have a kitten or puppy."

Xia Yunqi was nodded, and shook the head again.

She wouldn't tell Bao'er that she once had a kitten, but was killed by someone.

That person is the grandson of Qin Wuyang, the Little Overlord who often comes to Qin Mansion!

Thinking of that cute kitten, Xia Yunqi couldn't help turning her eyes down and felt a kind of unspeakable sadness.


Suddenly she felt something strange, and couldn't help whispering, holding the doll's hand open.

The slap-sized Angela dropped immediately.

Surprisingly, this puppet doll actually stood firmly on the floor. It raised its head with glasses and stared at Xia Yunqi quietly.

Xia Yunqi suddenly froze.

She looked at her hands in disbelief and looked at Angela on the ground.

Angela's eyes were opposite hers, and the eyes inlaid with crystals flashed inexplicable rays of light.

Xia Yunqi was unconsciously attracted, and even developed a feeling of being connected with the other person's flesh and blood, as if the latter's every move was entirely in his grasp.

As soon as she was thinking, Angela doll on the floor immediately bent her knees, leaped forward, and fell onto the bed.


Tyke was startled and roared at Angela, who suddenly appeared on her side.

what's the situation!


Bao'er quickly reached out to soothe him, while looking curiously at Angela, who was "live" in front of her.

what's up?

"It, it …"

Xia Yunqi said stammering, "It seems to be able to listen to me."

Bao'er opened his eyes in surprise: "Really?"


Xia Yunqi vigorously nodded.

To prove her words, she instructed Angela to run around the bed, as if she could control her fingers.


Bao'er is fascinated: "Qiki, you are so good!"

Xia Yunqi was distressed: "I don't know what happened."

Bao'er's eyes gu lu turned: "Ask Father to know, A'Ty!"

In her eyes, omnipotent father Zuo Yi, who knew everything, was soon summoned.

Looking at Angela's doll running across the bed, Zuo Yi couldn't help touching his chin.


There is no doubt that this is the ability that Xia Yunqi's children have just awakened, and it is also an extremely rare Extraordinary occupation.


In Sadya World, the teacher belongs to a branch of the Wizard system, very very cold Sect branch.

This is not to say that the Master is very weak, so no one wants it, but that if you want to become a Master, you must have the corresponding innate talent. Without the innate talent, even if you are working hard for XNUMX years, you do n't want to get started.

The division can grant special capabilities to them. Their strength is mainly reflected in the division. A powerful division can control a heavily armed army to siege the city. It is not a legend to destroy a country by one person.

legendary The most powerful puppet master can also give puppets real life and wisdom!

But the division was too rare. Zuo Yi had been in Sadya World for thirty years and had fought for a century. Only a dozen divisions had been encountered.

And Xia Yunqi is different from the martial arts he has seen!
