Paladin Dad Chapter 497

Like a drop of paint falling into the water, when Bao'er's fingertips touched a thousand paper cranes, the green glow blooming on her fingertips instantly and silently impregnated the entire paper crane, as if smearing the latter Layers of light green.

The next moment, the pale green paper crane suddenly flapped its wings twice and flew up. The movement became light and quick, and the breathing circled around the two little girls, which was significantly faster.

Xia Yunqi opened her eyes in surprise: "It, it seems to be alive."

This thousand paper crane is folded by herself and she is also in control, but unlike the previous situation, this paper crane touched by Bao'er seems to have life, it is easier to be controlled by her, and it feels extra special Wonderful.

Xia Yunqi's age is too young to be specific, so he can only use "it's alive" to describe it.

She said to Bao'er, "Bao'er, you are so good!"

Just now Bao'er said she was very difficult to deal with, and now she returns this admiration to Bao'er.

Bao'er frowned: "Then we will come again."

Seeing the two little girls having fun, Zuo Yi couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

Xia Yunqi awakened the master's ability, and Bao'er had the inheritance of the destiny witch. Although Zuo Yi had some knowledge of both, he was actually not qualified to act as the true teacher of the two.

The entire Earth didn't.

Under such circumstances, Zuo Yi can only guide them to tap their own ability based on their knowledge of the Master and Destiny Witch, so as not to take the wrong path.

He is happy to see the collaboration between the two Little Brat.

Ordinary people's lives are too short, and the road to a higher life sequence is often difficult or even lonely.

Zuo Yi, who once walked alone at Sadya World, has no idea how many times he has tasted loneliness.

Special professionals like Xia Yunqi and Bao'er often find it difficult to find like-minded partners. The encounter between the two is a rare fate and should be cherished.

This is the fundamental reason why Zuo Yi wanted to accept Xia Yunqi as a student. The years are long, and Bao'er needs a partner like Xia Yunqi to accompany her along the way.

After all, when she grows up, many things are not what Zuo Yi should do.

There was a faint sorrow in his heart.

weng! Om ~

At this moment, the phone in Zuo Yi's pocket suddenly vibrated twice, reminding him that a new short message had arrived.

Zuo Yi took out his mobile phone and glanced at expression slightly.

The content of the text message displayed on the screen is only six words: please check if it has been shipped.

Zuo Yi put away the phone and said to the two little girls, "You guys are playing here, father has something to go upstairs."

He left the living room and came to his study.

Zuo Yi turned on the computer and logged into an email.

An email is stored in the mailbox, and the sender's ID is the XNUMXth pawnshop!

Although he hasn't opened the email, Zuo Yi is very clear that the business he commissioned the other party has produced results.

The efficiency of the XNUMXth pawnshop was unexpectedly high.

Earlier, Zuo Yi used a hundred kilograms of gold to commission the thirteenth pawnshop to track the whereabouts of a rod holder, and the content in this email was the relevant information of the other party, very detailed.

The name of the staff is Peter Maxim, who is in his sixties this year. He is currently a member of the city of Rano, Ilya Republic.

But this is just an open identity. In fact, Peter Maxim is still the gang leader of the city of Rano. He firmly controls the underground forces of the third largest city in Ilya, and controls the city council to make the speaker himself. Hey!

In Rano, Peter Maxim was so powerful that he even had a private army equipped with heavy weapons in his hand, and the capital to start the civil war was there.

This situation is unimaginable in normal countries, but the situation in the Republic of Ilya is special.

This country with an area of ​​more than 30 square kilometers and a population of about XNUMX million was once a member of the Iranian nation. It has separated from the Iranian nation for more than three decades, and a fierce civil war broke out. It was only barely restored to peace ten years ago And Order.

The Republic of Ilya is located between the two superpowers of the Elo and Continental. It is too easy to become a victim of the conflict between the two great powers. Because of the civil war, the domestic situation is complex and complicated, such as Peter Maxim.

On the XNUMXth, the pawnshop's investigation of Peter Maxim showed that the match between Peter Maxim and the information provided by Zuo Yi was as high as XNUMX%, so the other party was basically judged to be a staff member of the True Knowledge Council.

The XNUMX kg of gold on the XNUMXth pawnshop was not collected in vain. The information in the email even contained detailed data on the security force of Peter Maxim, including the number of personnel, weaponry, and so on.

Zuo Yi doesn't care how the XNUMXth pawnshop digs out this information. He needs to constantly find the important goals of the true knowledge council and destroy them to hit the true knowledge council until the real knowledge council is uprooted!

He read the information three times, determined that everything was remembered, and completely deleted the email.

The next morning, Zuo Yi came to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

I saw Shang Yulin in the office, and the latter was teased: "Left Chief, really a rare customer."

Zuo Yi laughed suddenly.

Speaking of which Zuo Yi hasn't been to Martial Arts Hall for a long time. His chief Teacher is very incompetent. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to deduct Faith.

However, after the true knowledge council came on board, Zuo Yi's primary hostile target was this ancient and mysterious Extraordinary force organization. He also made an oath for this, so in the case of the true knowledge council, everything else has to be done. Give way.

During this time Zuo Yi has been a lot more busy than before, unless he really knows that the council is really overthrown, he has to keep busy.

The specific reason is that Zuo Yi will not tell Shang Yulin. He came to Shang Yulin mainly for two things. The first is to arrange for Shang Yulin to join the Extraordinary Management Office, and the second is to ask Shang Yulin to take care of his home.

Shang Yulin was invited by Wu Yongjian to join the Extraordinary Management Office. Shang Yulin also agreed, but for various reasons did not go through the formalities, and then dragged it down.

This time Zuo Yi personally took Shang Yulin to join the Extraordinary Management Office and made her serve as her liaison at the Extraordinary Management Office.

This is also very good for Shang Yulin.

Shang Yulin had originally agreed to join the Extraordinary Management Office, so there was no objection to this, but he was curious about Zuo Yi's second thing: "Are you going out?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "Yes."

He is going to leave for Europe tomorrow. It will take longer!
