Paladin Dad Chapter 498

Woo! Woo ~

On the endless prairie, a blue-white high-speed train rang the whistle, and was suddenly shocked by the few hares that ate grasses near the railway line and fled.

And if the herds farther away, if they are robbed, stolen, sloppy, and dirty, they will be profaned ÷ ∈

In the VIP business compartment, Zuo Yi leaned in front of the window and admired the view through the thick glass.

The train he was riding on was the Xiaou Train of Wenming World.

This railway runs from the Shanghai Sea of ​​China in the east, to the blue gull port in Cises in the west, and spans the entire Asia-Europe continent. It has a length of more than 15000 kilometers and passes through hundreds of cities in 17 countries. It is the longest high-speed railway in the world.

Xiaoubanlie is a century project, which was established in the early XNUMXs. It was only opened to traffic three years ago.

Zuo Yi was very interested in this Asia-Europe continent bridge before crossing Sadya World, because in order to attract tourists, Xiaoubanlie did not take the most economical route, but chose to go through the country as much as possible. Famous tourist cities set up sites to make it the longest scenic line.

As a veteran donkey friend, Zuo Yi was planning to book the first train of the summer-Europe train after the return of South America for a long journey of Asia and Europe.

As a result, this desire has not been realized until now.

But fulfilling the wish of that year was just one purpose of Zuo Yi's European tour. He would get off in Illarano and solve Peter Maxim.

Ilya is located in the middle of the continent of Asia and Europe. It is the bridgehead of Charya and Eloy to Europe. The geographical location is very important. Charoban has two stops in Ilya. Apart from the capital, it is the city of Rano.

The city of Rano is a historical city in Ilya, with a pretty good nature and cultural scenery. It was also the most famous tourist city in Ilya before the outbreak of the civil war.

Zuo Yi did not fly directly to Rano because, according to information provided by the pawnshop on the XNUMXth, Peter Maximus usually stayed in mysterious places, and even representatives of important meetings of the city council were assigned to participate.

The closest person to the board of directors who knew the board did not know his specific itinerary, so without the accurate information, Zuo Yi could not act blindly to avoid beating the grass to scare the snake.

But Peter Maxim will hold a regular meeting every month, the location is in the former Iro military base in Rano, he will definitely appear in person.

This is the best chance for Zuo Yi to make a shot!

The regular meeting attended by Peter Maxim will be held five days later, so he has enough time to reach the destination by boarding the Xiaou train.

Another point is that Gu Yunxi originally left China on the summer train that was just opened to traffic.

Zuo Yi felt that there was a line in the bottom, connecting himself with Gu Yunxi.

After solving Peter Maxim, he will look for Gu Yunxi's whereabouts in the European continent, and determine whether the latter lived in hiding or went to Desolate World somewhere in the European continent.

Then bring Bao'er's mother back!

The soft sound of music in the carriage made Zuo Yi regain his thoughts.

It's lunch time.

He got up and left the business compartment, and came to the dining car connected behind.

Xiaou's trains are divided into seats, sleepers and business boxes. Business boxes are the most expensive. They are equipped with special dining cars and the service is of course the best.

Zuo Yi got on the bus at Huhai Departure Station. It took two days and two nights to arrive in Rano. Today's lunch is a buffet. He picked some food at random while holding a plate, and found a place to sit down.

There are not many tourists who come to the business dining car, but they are all rich people, because the business box price of Xiaoubanlie is more expensive than the first class of the plane, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

Most of these travelers are Chinese, and they are basically in groups. It is rare to be alone like Zuo Yi.

"Hello sir."

Zuo Yi had just prepared to eat, and a pleasant sound came suddenly.

He looked up and saw a young woman smiling and asked, "Is there anyone here?"

This woman, in her twenties, looks beautiful and stylish, and smiles full of charm, especially the charming big eyes with a touch of crafty, which makes people feel unconscious.

Someone next to her was watching her secretly, and she forgot the girl companion beside her.

Zuo Yi quietly shook the head: "No."

The young woman asked, "Can I sit here?"

Zuo Yi smiled: "Of course."

"Thank you."

The pretty woman sat down opposite Zuo Yi, while setting down her dinner plate.

Her lunch was simple, with only a few green salads and fruits, and a thin slice of bread.

The young woman seemed a little embarrassed, explaining, "I lost a few pounds some time ago and recently lost weight."

She has a nice voice and a kind nature, as if talking to a friend and not a stranger.

Ordinary men must feel flattered and have to talk to her.

But Zuo Yi just politely nodded and then focused on the food in front of him.

Although he didn't feel any bad intentions, he didn't think that this young and beautiful woman was in love with himself at first sight, so he took the initiative to find a way out.

On this European trip, Zuo Yi not only changed his identity, but also wore a thousand faces.

"Thousand Faces" is a Law of Creation from Sadya World. After wearing it, you can change your appearance and sound at will, and it is almost unrecognizable. It is a legendary treasure.

This mask is Zuo Yi's spoils of war, but he rarely uses it.

The main purpose of this trip to Europe was to find the whereabouts of Gu Yunxi. To avoid unnecessary trouble, I used this equipment.

Now Zuo Yi is the third Alpha powerhouse in China, and he has also played against two Alphas in America. His identity information must have been held by the Extraordinary forces. If he came directly to the European continent without concealment, The impact will be very large, it is even less likely to look for Gu Yunxi openly.

Zuo Yi's ordinary expression of "pinching" looks belonged to the kind that could not be found in the crowd, so the purpose of this beautiful woman who approached was intriguing.

Zuo Yi did not intend to investigate the details of the other party, so she took a cold attitude and hoped that she would quit.

The pretty woman's smile was a little stiff.

Because she clearly felt the rejection from Zuo Yi, indifferent and firm.

As if telling her: No matter what you want to do, please don't bother me, thank you!
