Paladin Dad Chapter 499

In a cold and silent atmosphere, Zuo Yi finished his lunch.

He took the napkin and wiped his mouth, then got up and went back to his compartment.

The pretty woman on the opposite side also stood up, and when Zuo Yi walked by, she stepped in by accident, and hit Zuo Yi's body.

The pretty woman quickly said, "I'm sorry."

At the same time retracted.

Zuo Yi smiled: "It's all right."

He left the dining car straight, without notice that he was staring at his own eyes behind him.

Back in the business box, Zuo Yi closed the door and sat down. The detective felt a button in his jacket pocket.

Looking at the coin-sized button in his hand, he gave a playful smile.

This clasp is cleverly glued to the inside of the pocket, like the accessory that Zuo Yi already has, but in fact it was secretly stuffed by the pretty woman just now.

In fact, Zuo Yi knew when the opponent shot, but he did not at all pierced on the spot to see what the opponent wanted to do!

The surface of this button that was plugged in by the other party looks very ordinary, and it is not much different from the ordinary button. However, it does not have a buttonhole for threading. It is more like the plastic electronic ticket commonly used in subways, but the surface is not Text.

Zuo Yi tossed the plastic buckle with his hand, and suddenly squeezed it with his thumb and forefinger, his finger was slightly harder.


With a slight crack, the outer shell of the plastic buckle burst apart, revealing the objects hidden inside.

Amazingly a Gold Coin of Huang Chengcheng!


Zuo Yi peeled off the tissue-like plastic case with great interest, peeled off the entire Gold Coin, and found that in addition to the Gold Coin, there was actually a circular electronic chip attached to it.

Although Zuo Yi did not understand electronic technology, he guessed that the chip might be used for satellite positioning, or it might store important data, and felt that the former was more likely.

After thinking about it, Zuo Yi threw the chip aside and not at all received the space ring.

He is more interested in Gold Coin.

This Gold Coin is a little smaller than the one-dollar coin circulating in the market, and its thickness is basically the same. Its surface is engraved with countless patterns similar to rune, and its craftsmanship is very superb.

Although Zuo Yi is a rune master craftsman, he cannot distinguish the meaning of these rune patterns on Gold Coin.

This is actually normal, because in the large Multiverse, there are countless rune systems. The rune he masters mainly comes from the Sadya Plane and Fao planes, and there is no research on the rune of other planes.

Even if it is Sacred Domain Knight, life has a limit, and it is invaluable to master one or two sets of rune.

I ca n't understand it, but Zuo Yi feels that this rune Gold Coin is not simple, because it contains a trace of Power of Laws, much like Gold Coin of Law, but it is essentially different from Gold Coin of Law.

After playing with this Gold Coin, Zuo Yi tried to inject a trace of Battle Qi.

Gold Coin didn't react at all, and Battle Qi couldn't fit in, and it quickly dissipated.

This shows that it has very low affinity for the power of Battle Qi, and its material is not suitable for use as Knight's weapon or armor.

Zuo Yi then injected a hint of divine power.

This time, Gold Coin's capacity is much higher, and it emits bright rays of light.

But that's it.

The two tests obviously did not yield any results, but Zuo Yi was not discouraged and injected a hint of Power of Faith.

Power of Faith is his original power.


Gold Coin suddenly made a trembling sound, it became extremely hot, and the rune lines engraved on the surface lit up one after another, just like the birth of a thousand rays of light.

The next moment, a projection screen appeared in front of Zuo Yi's eyes, changing rapidly like a marquee, and finally settled in a huge valley.

In the middle of the valley, an ancient pyramid is covered by numerous plant vines, and only the top is shining.

This picture only existed for three seconds, and then disappeared like a bubble in the poking.

Gold Coin then recovered, and it no longer had fever.

Change to someone else, at this moment, either dazzled or to be wild with joy, this Gold Coin obviously contains a great secret, and the screen it displays is undoubtedly the most obvious hint, letting people find the final screen The place.

Treasure map?

Zuo Yi faintly smiled, leaving Gold Coin on the coffee table.

This Gold Coin is obviously a creation of Wizard or Mage, and it needs to inject the corresponding power to activate it.

And his blessed Power of Faith belongs to the law power of the High Level, like a master key, although it is not the standard original, it can still unlock the door.

According to the previous pictures, Zuo Yi can be sure that this pyramid located within the valley, the location of the treasure is not Earth, and the eight-nine is quite Desolate World!

Now that Gold Coin's secret has been revealed, he has also lost interest.

Zuo Yi will definitely go to Desolate World in the future, but not for treasure hunting. Even if there are countless treasures hidden in this pyramid, it is not worth his time and effort to find it.

This is the difference in vision, reaching the level of Zuo Yi. The treasures of a low-dimensional World have not really been taken into his eyes. Maybe all the contents in it can not be matched by the one he gave to Baoshu. Magic crystal.

In contrast, Zuo Yi was more interested in the purpose of the woman hiding this thing on her.

Stealing the Dragon to Phoenix? Darkness Chen Cang? Rescue Jiangdong?

He leaned on the sofa, too lazy to think about it.

In the afternoon, four high-speed trains powered by four ruby ​​gas turbines left China's borders and entered the territory of Yiluo.

Yiluo is China's largest and most powerful neighboring country surrounding China. There have been several wars in history, but the relationship between the two sides has been quite good in recent decades.

Eloy and Continental are rivals, and America is an enemy. Eurocontinent and America have always been allies. Ello Nature should stay close to China to compete against the alliance between Continental and America.

Iro also owns two Alpha powerhouses, so originally in World, Iro plus China, matched with Continental and America evenly, its biggest weakness is that the population is not large, so the overall number of Transcendent is relatively small.

A quarter of the mileage of Xiaouban is in the territory of Yiluo, most of which are uninhabited areas.

The night passed calmly and nothing happened.

The next morning, the train stopped at a small station in Yiluo for a simple inspection and resupply.

Zuo Yi wakes up and comes to the dining car.

This time Zuo Yi did not see the woman from yesterday, but when he sat down to prepare for breakfast, there was a sudden loud noise coming from behind.
