Paladin Dad Chapter 502

The door closed quietly, and the whole room instantly returned to darkness.

Two phantoms sneaking into the room guarded the portal, one came to the hanger and reached into the coat pocket hanging on it for a moment.


Black Shadow cursed suddenly.

Her companion startedled and quickly lowered her voice and asked, "What's wrong?"

Heiying said dullly, "It's gone!"


Her tone barely fell, and the lights in the room suddenly lit.

The two phantoms suddenly disappeared!

Two people sneaking into Zuo Yi's room were wearing hotel uniforms. One was dressed as a cleaner, and the other was dressed as a waiter. The figure was beautiful, but the expression on his face was ugly.

"Are you okay?"

The "waiter" looked at Zuo Yi, who was sitting on the sofa at this moment, and couldn't believe his eyes.

The hypnotic gas she released into the room just now is so powerful that even an elephant can be fascinated, and the Transcendent of the ordinary can be used without any precaution.

Zuo Yi not only did not wear a gas mask, but also seemed to have known that they were coming, and remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs sitting there watching a show.

Make the "waiter" feel like Clown, a pretty face can't help the hot pain!

And her companion "cleaner" responded quickly and immediately pulled out a pistol hidden in the pocket of the cleaning suit and aimed at Zuo Yi, staring at Zuo Yi with very fierce eyes.

The barrel of the pistol is fitted with an elongated muffler.


The "waiter" stopped his companion, and then gave a charming smile to Zuo Yi and said, "Sir, we have no intention of offending, but I have something accidentally landed on you, could you please return it to me? "

"Of course, we are willing to pay for this."


Zuo Yi couldn't help laughing: "Is this the thing?"

When he flipped his wrist, the treasure Gold Coin suddenly appeared at the fingertips, and a "ding" popped into the air.

Huang Chengcheng's Gold Coin turned around in the air, shining charming rays of light under the light, immediately attracting the attention of "waiters" and "cleaners".


The next moment, this Gold Coin fell into the palm of Zuo Yi. He closed his five fingers and looked at the "waiter" with a faint smile.

This "waiter" is exactly the pretty woman that Zuo Yi met on the train yesterday. Although her makeup and face changed, her demeanor and voice revealed her true body.


"Waiter" said solemnly: "Give it back to me, I will give you five hundred thousand dollars and pay now!"

She didn't really want to pay for it. She originally planned to get back Gold Coin silently. In the plan, Zuo Yi would never know what was going on, and everyone would never see each other again.

Absolutely did not expect that this uncomplicated plan actually made a big mistake. The "waiter" realized that Zuo Yi was not a simple role, so he prevented his companion's reckless action and chose to negotiate with Zuo Yi.

"Five hundred thousand dollars …"

Zuo Yi indifferent expression smirked, right hand flicking through Gold Coin with five fingers.

He noticed when the two appeared outside the door just now, and didn't feel any accident.

The other party apparently regarded him as a "blind puppet", that is, an uninformed carrier, in order to escape the search by the Iro border army, so that even if he was caught unfortunately, the escorted item could be retrieved by his companions.

The woman was obviously lucky and came in person.

Unfortunately, she chose the wrong person!

The "waiter" knew this, she bit her lip and said, "2 million!"

Zuo Yi was too lazy to lift his eyelids-2 million is not even his root hair now.

"Waiter" brows tightly knit: "5 million dollars, I can only make so much."

And her companion's eyes spit fire, holding a pistol almost ready to move.

"Money makes no sense to me …"

Zuo Yi said lightly: "I am more curious about the origin of this Gold Coin. If you can answer my question truthfully, I can return it to you."

The "waiter" face changed and fell into a fierce inner struggle.

Don't pay 5 million dollars, as long as the answer to the question sounds very unreliable, but intuitively tell her that Zuo Yi is not deliberately telling her or playing with her.

This seems to be the only way to get back Gold Coin. Of course, she can choose to use violence, but the consequences …

The "waiter" winked and winked at his companion.

The latter reluctantly put away the pistol, but remained guarding the door in case Zuo Yi escaped.

The "waiter" came forward and sat down on the sofa opposite Zuo Yi. She reached out and took off the wig she was wearing.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she doesn't choose, she just expresses her cooperative attitude to reduce Zuo Yi's alertness.

"My name is Natasha …"

"The waiter" said to Zuo Yi: "If you have any questions, just ask them. I promise to answer them truthfully."

Zuo Yi slightly nodded, pinching Gold Coin with his thumb and forefinger and asking, "Is this thing from the wild Desolate World?"

There was a touch of astonished in Natasha's eyes, and nodded replied, "Yes, it does come from the wild Desolate World. It is said to contain a huge secret."

Zuo Yi wonders: "What's the secret?"

Natasha hesitated and replied, "The secret of eternal life and immortality!"

Immortality and immortality?

Zuo Yi froze for a while, then laughed heartily.

Natasha laughed at him, and after a while she was ashamed, "What are you laughing at? Do you know how many people want it?"

"I can tell you that it is a bomb that can smash people. Don't think how powerful you are. There are many people in this world you can never imagine!"

Zuo Yi hehehe, suddenly snapped his fingers.


Gold Coin was bounced out instantly, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, which just landed on the coffee table in front of Natasha.

"last question."

Zuo Yi raised his index finger and said, "Who is hunting you?"

Natasha stunned again.

On the surface, it seems that Zuo Yi was frightened by her words, so she returned Gold Coin to her, but she was very clear that Zuo Yi didn't care about her warning at all, and was very dismissive of the secret of Gold Coin.

Even contempt!

In fact, Zuo Yi does not believe in the immortal and immortal secrets in the Desolate World, because even in Sadya World, immortality and immortality are distant dreams. Numerous powerhouses pay an unimaginable price in pursuit of endless life. In return, it was nothing more than a vacancy.

It is said that even if it is the top existence in the Big Multiverse, it can not achieve true immortality.

Desolate World belongs to the low-latitude world, how can it be possible to grasp the secrets of eternal life and immortality?

Too nonsense!