Paladin Dad Chapter 503

Who is hunting you?

Zuo Yi's question can be said to be very simple, but Natasha, who knew everything just now, suddenly got stuck.

She looked at the Gold Coin close at hand, her face full of hesitation and struggle.

At this moment, Natasha had a urge to run after catching Gold Coin, but Zuo Yi, who seemed to be without any threat, gave her unspeakable terror and made her dare not to act blindly without thinking.

Natasha trusts her instincts very much, and it is this kind of superior perception ability that makes her live to this day.

Unfortunately, this ability is not omnipotent, otherwise she would not put Gold Coin on Zuo Yi.

Now think about it, it was almost faint.

Regrets are certainly too late, but Gold Coin must be taken back.

Natasha gritted her teeth and asked, "Do you know the mystery?"


Zuo Yi dashing eyebrows picks: "What's that?"

He never heard that name.

Natasha breathed a long sigh of relief, and the name apparently brought tremendous pressure to her, only to be released now.

The so-called Mysticism is a pan-continent upper secret organization whose members are all from the elites of different countries, and are basically non-Transcendent ordinary people.

In fact, the mystery society has been established for a short time and the number of members is not large, but the power it possesses is extremely powerful, because many members of the mystery society have the power of a country and can deploy thousands of troops!

The mysterious degree of the mystic ecclesias surpasses even the tarot and true knowledge council, both of which are transcendent forces, but in some respects they are not comparable to mystic guilds.

Natasha's knowledge of the Secret Order was very limited. Her organization received a hiring task and she was responsible for escorting this Gold Coin from the wild Desolate World with a huge secret to the Holy See, and handing it over to Pope Philip S.

From the moment she received the mission, Natasha was continuously chased by unknown people. She was forced to turn a distance of XNUMX kilometers, ran from Honolulu to Dongyu, then entered China, and then took the Xiaoubanlie to Europe, On the way, they also escaped the search of the Yiluo Army and finally met with their counterparts in Rano.

Natasha suspects that the pursuer may be from other forces in the Mystic Orb, or leaked by insiders of the Mystic Orthodox, otherwise it would not be possible for her to be found repeatedly by her ability and means.

It was purely helpless to put Gold Coin on Zuo Yi on the train yesterday.

"Really, very sorry."

Natasha bowed her head and apologized to Zuo Yi: "Dear Sir, I am willing to pay any price to compensate you for the trouble I have caused, please forgive me!"

She put her posture very low, a look of letting Zuo Yi slaughter.

"so be it…"

Zuo Yi said lightly, "Let's go."


Natasha looked up in disbelief, she couldn't believe her ears.

Realizing the strength of Zuo Yi, she was ready to pay any price including herself. Whether Zuo Yi wanted money or someone, she could accept it.

The one who is most afraid of seeing her in this line is the one who is fortunate enough to survive.

Nothing is more important than being alive.

As a result, Natasha absolutely did not expect that Zuo Yi asked her some questions and let her go.

Although she confided some secrets about the Mystic Order, to be honest, how valuable these secrets are not at all, after all, her understanding of the Mystic Order is extremely limited, all on the surface.

Natasha is afraid Zuo Yi is not happy with this.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "What? You still want to stay?"

Natasha shook the head subconsciously. She finally woke up and pointed at the Gold Coin on the coffee table and asked incredulously, "So, can I take it back?"

Zuo Yi waved his hand, too lazy to talk nonsense to her.

During his European tour, he had his own goals and missions, and he did not intend to infiltrate into other things. This Natasha's apology was fairly sincere, and he was not an evil person, so he let him go.

Taking Gold Coin back to her with a thunderbolt, Natasha had a heartbeat, and she couldn't help asking: "Sir, you don't want to get immortal and immortal secrets?"

Zuo Yi looked at her with the look of an idiot-are you mentally retarded!

The girl at the gate covered her face.

Natasha also realized that her problem was too stupid, and her face turned red instantly. She hurriedly stood up and bowed to Zuo Yi, and then quickly left the room with her companions.

Hurrying as if to escape from dragon's pool and tiger's den!

Zuo Yi stroked his chin thoughtfully.

In fact, after that gold coin was activated by Zuo Yi's Power of Faith, all the pictures displayed by him were memorized. It can be said that the secret inside Gold Coin has been mastered by him, and it does not matter whether it is in his hands.

Zuo Yi didn't care about the so-called immortal and immortal secrets. He was interested in that mystic cult.

Because of the existence of this organization, he has solved many doubts.

Zuo Yi has the highest authority of the Extraordinary Management Office and can browse through many confidential files. He has inadvertently seen a lot of information that was deliberately covered in some documents.

Now thinking about it, these materials are likely to be related to the secret law, and people will block it.

Although it has begun to enter the Extraordinary era, the people who truly master the World are still mainly ordinary people. Natasha did not lie. The power and strength of the Secret Society is not generally strong.

But at the moment Zuo Yi has no intention of exploring the secrets of the Secret Faculty, he left this matter behind his head.

For the next two days, Zuo Yi was like an ordinary Chinese traveller. He took a SLR camera and played around several famous scenic spots in Rano, and took a lot of scenery photos.

This is not Zuo Yi's deliberate disguise, it's just a return to the fun of the year.

During the day, I went to sit in a local bar at night, and I heard a lot of news by doing a little trick.

What surprised Zuo Yi was that Peter Maxim's reputation in the local area was actually very good. Although he was the big boss of the underground forces in Rano, but under his management, Rano's law and order situation was far away. Above the average of Ilya.

More than a decade ago, because of the civil war, many people fled to the relatively peaceful city of Rano, resulting in soaring prices in the city of Rano, and it was chaotic security. It was Peter Maxim who stepped out to control the situation and did not let the situation out of control .

It is said that in those years, there were hundreds of criminals who died in his hands!

Therefore, Peter Maxim's status as a parliamentarian is very formal and legal, without any problems. In fact, as long as he is willing, it is easy to serve as speaker.

But Peter Maxim chose a low-key and usually lived a life of absent-mindedness and indecision.

It is not easy to catch him, so Zuo Yi is patiently waiting for the day of the Maxim gang meeting!